Tea with cinnamon to fight excess weight - lose weight aromatic!

Do you know how effective cinnamon tea is for weight loss? How can a well-known spice, familiar to us from the smell of my mother’s buns or the aroma of a bakery around the corner, fight overweight? And how to make a miracle drink right to get the most out of it? We answer all questions about the famous cinnamon!
Cinnamon Tea

This spice gained fame in ancient times, when it was valued above gold and presented as a gift exclusively to monarchs and rulers. Initially, it grew only on the island of Sri Lanka, which is why in the Middle Ages it was considered an “exclusive delicacy”.

In the mid-twentieth century, the island lost its monopoly on the cultivation of cinnamon, since China, India, Brazil and even Egypt were actively engaged in its cultivation. And the plant took root almost everywhere where the tropical climate dominates, as it turned out to be absolutely undemanding to environmental conditions. However, still the standard of spice is the one that is grown in Sri Lanka. Although the taste and healing properties of its analogues are no worse.

Cinnamon Features

Cinnamon bark, a small tree from the Lavrov family, is used to produce spices. The bush grows quickly: in two years it grows to the desired size, after which it is cut to the root. At the place of the cut, many processes grow, which become the raw material for the spice. The upper coarse bark is removed from them, and the lower one is dried, cut into pieces 5-10 cm long (they are twisted into tubes) or ground into powder.

Spice has a pronounced aroma attached to the essential oils. Once in the human body, it creates truly incredible things.

  • Speeds up metabolism - so the speed of sugar metabolism increases by 20 times!
  • Lowers blood sugar - It does not have time to convert to glucose and is excreted from the body.
  • Strengthens the immune system - Cinnamon inhibits the pathogenic flora of the intestine and provides its powerful cleansing.
  • Helps in Weight Loss - achieved by removing toxins and accelerating metabolism.
  • Provides antiparasitic and antitoxic effects. - the body gets rid of "pollution", provides general recovery.

How much to add cinnamon to tea and how to dissolve it? The best way to consume spices is slimming tea at home. Here, the effect of cinnamon is similar to the influence of oolong tea or the famous puer. However, you do not need to think that drinking cinnamon gulls in the bite with a fragrant bun, you will suddenly become slimmer. Reviews of cinnamon tea for weight loss give him the role of a powerful natural stimulant of harmony. But you will need to help your body fight fat deposits: increase physical activity, add vegetables and fruits to the diet instead of fatty meat and muffin, and refuse sugary drinks.

How to make cinnamon tea

There are many recipes for cinnamon slimming tea. The easiest way is to immerse a sprig of spice in a cup with a freshly brewed drink for a few seconds and enjoy its amazing aroma. You can add about 5 grams of cinnamon powder to the teapot and let it brew for a couple of minutes.

But, according to nutritionists, the effect of spices on the body will increase if you prepare even more delicious and healthy drinks.

Tea with Cinnamon and Milk

The drink improves metabolism and perfectly quenches thirst.

  1. Brew your favorite tea, fill the cup to 2/3 of the volume.
  2. Add skim milk and half a teaspoon of cinnamon.
  3. The drink is ready!

Tea with Cinnamon and Lemon

Tea with Cinnamon and Honey

And such gulls not only stimulate weight loss, but also discourage cravings for sweets!

  1. Put tea and half a teaspoon of spice in a cup or teapot. Pour boiling water.
  2. Insist for a few minutes, then mix.
  3. When the drink becomes warm, put a teaspoon of honey in it (in warm water, honey retains its healing properties, and in boiling water it quickly loses).
  4. Drink the drink warm.

Tea with Cinnamon and Lemon

A great way to fight colds: spice has an antimicrobial effect, enhances the body's defenses. A lemon saturates with vitamin C.

  1. Brew your favorite tea, let it brew for a couple of minutes.
  2. Add half a teaspoon of cinnamon and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice.
  3. Drink it warm. Drink at least 1 liter of drink throughout the day.

Tea with Cinnamon and Ginger

Ginger drink is a real “explosive” cocktail for the body. Tea with cinnamon and ginger for weight loss activates the metabolism much more than a drink with one spice.

  1. Brew tea, add 1 teaspoon of cinnamon, a sliver of black pepper and 1 teaspoon of ground ginger.
  2. Insist a couple of minutes, mix, let cool slightly.
  3. Put a teaspoon of honey in the drink.
  4. Drink it on an empty stomach in the morning to recharge your body and speed up your metabolism. And consume a couple of times a day.

How to drink cinnamon tea

  • Brew the tea that you prefer in everyday life. Both black and green will do.
  • Be sure to drink the drink in the morning before eating, if you want to part with extra pounds.
  • Since the miracle remedy invigorates well, in the morning you can enjoy black tea, and in the evening give preference to green.
  • Watch your body react to a new drink and adjust its composition if necessary. So reviews of green tea with cinnamon for weight loss indicate that it has a mild effect. And black is not always suitable for people prone to migraines, increased pressure.

Include a popular spice in your diet and help your body become more slim and healthy!

Video: Cinnamon Slimming Tea

Article updated: 04/02/2019

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