Zinc ointment for acne: how to use, so as not to aggravate the problem

Zinc regulates enzymatic reactions and endocrine glands, is involved in the synthesis of hormones. Almost 20% of all stocks of an element in the human body are used by the epidermis. Zn is important for providing elasticity and protective properties of the skin, so it is added to cosmetic and medicinal products. However, the use of zinc acne ointment for acne, despite the versatility of the active substance, is not always appropriate.
Zinc Ointment Packaging

Various forms of zinc salts are added to cosmetic cleansers and peels. Based on Zn, medicinal talkers in pharmacies. The element is introduced into the composition of care products for problem skin, as well as tonal creams. The effectiveness of the substance is scientifically proven, but this does not mean that it can be used to treat any inflammation on the skin.

Indications for use

Will an ointment help against acne? Zinc ointment is an affordable and safe treatment for skin problems. However, its main purpose is not at all a fight against inflamed tubercles. The tool is indicated for:

  • diaper rash;
  • diaper dermatitis;
  • minor skin lesions;
  • minor burns;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • exacerbation of eczema, psoriasis;
  • in the complex treatment of herpes simplex and streptoderma.

The medicine is recommended for accelerated wound healing, after operations for hemorrhoids, with balanoposthitis of a traumatic nature. Also prescribed for the prevention of diaper dermatitis in infants. Used for excessive sweating, for the treatment of wrinkles in overweight people. Smear rash with chickenpox after application of local antiseptics (brilliant green, "Fukortsina", tinctures calendula).

The drug has anti-inflammatory, antiexudative and astringent effects. Antimicrobial and regenerative properties - moderate. Ointment is often prescribed for the prevention of infectious lesions of injuries than for the treatment of such pathologies.


The medicine consists of zinc oxide and ointment base. The active substance is able to prevent microbial contamination of the mass and with good packaging it copes well with the role of preservative. The manufacturers take white medical paraffin or petroleum jelly as the basis. Both products form a kind of film on the surface of the skin, therefore, accelerate the elimination of minor injuries. Due to the dense texture of the drug, it is applied pointwise, trying not to touch healthy areas.

The main pharmacological action belongs to Zn itself. The element belongs to dermatoprotectors. His actions:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • decongestant;
  • weak whitening;
  • antiexudative;
  • astringent;
  • drying;
  • antimicrobial;
  • regenerative;
  • regulatory.

The latter is based on the ability of zinc to optimize the functioning of the sebaceous and sweat glands. Often this is already enough to effectively treat problem skin.

In medicine, the ability of an element to activate local skin immunity, to prevent malignant lesions of the epidermis is appreciated. Cosmetologists note that the substance acts as an ultraviolet filter. Due to this, it protects the skin from premature aging, age spots.

The pharmacological properties of Zn are moderate. The most noticeable drying effect. Zinc oxide eliminates the excessive secretion of exudate during injuries, and heals wet wounds and rashes.

Acne on the forehead of a girl

Contraindications and adverse reactions

Zinc can be prescribed to children from the first days of life, as well as to pregnant women. The active substance does not have a resorptive effect, the skin integument penetrates poorly.It does not have a systemic effect on the patient's body. The ointment is used exclusively externally. Overdose is not possible.

However, even such a safe and common tool can give side effects. Their manifestations:

  • excessive dryness of the skin;
  • peeling;
  • itching
  • cracks;
  • redness in the area of ​​application.

With individual sensitivity to the active or excipients, an allergic reaction with the following symptoms is possible:

  • redness;
  • small rash;
  • itching
  • hives;
  • burning sensation.

Before use, you should check the sensitivity in a small area on the wrist. If there is no reaction, the drug can be used for treatment. In case of allergy symptoms, you need to choose another medicine and take an antihistamine.


  • individual sensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • purulent-inflammatory skin lesions at the site of application.

It is important to exclude the product from entering the mucous membrane of the eyes and into the body.

The drug begins to act after the first application, however, noticeable results become on the second or third day of therapy. If within a week the problem persists, there are no obvious improvements, you should cancel the ointment and consult a doctor.

Acne Efficiency

The effectiveness of the ointment depends on what forms of rash they plan to treat. Dermatologists and cosmetologists prescribe the drug for acne, parasitic (demodicosis, scabies), in the presence of closed comedones. If we are talking about papular-pustular formations on the skin, then it is impractical to use the drug for three reasons.

  1. This is not an antibiotic. The active substance does not have antibacterial properties, so it can not eliminate the microorganisms that provoke suppuration.
  2. It does not penetrate into the deeper layers. Zinc salts act superficially, and therefore can not stop the spread of purulent-necrotic process.
  3. It breaks the breath of the skin. Zn itself does not clog the pores, but the basis of the drug is quite capable of limiting the access of oxygen to the cells of the epidermis.

Moreover, with infectious and inflammatory lesions, the ointment is contraindicated in the instructions. Its use can lead to the spread of infection to surrounding tissues, accelerate the formation of pus, make an abscess even more. As a result, when the abscess nevertheless opens, the risk of scar formation is high.

Only those purulent formations whose contents have come out can be treated with the agent. For example, after using Vishnevsky ointment. A cleaned and disinfected wound after treatment with a zinc preparation will stop oozing and will heal faster.

The drug can smear tubercles that are about to become inflamed. Red spots around the comedone or eel speak of the beginning of the inflammatory process. The tool will not only stop inflammation, but will also help eliminate duct contamination.

In the absence of pus, the agent acts as follows:

  • eliminates hyperkeratosis;
  • regulates the amount of sebum;
  • promotes gradual cleansing;
  • prevents the transition of acne to an inflamed form;
  • softens the surface layer of the skin;
  • normalizes the function of the skin, gradually healing acne.

Patients note the effectiveness of the medicine forsubcutaneous acnebut only if there is no pus inside the focus (for example, with inflammation of the hair follicle). In such a situation, the drug relieves edema, normalizes the trophism of the epidermis and the production of inflammatory mediators, and softens the skin. If purulent contents are visible inside the formation, it is not advisable to apply a zinc agent. It is better to use "pulling" analogues - ichthyol ointment, Vishnevsky liniment.

The ability of the drug to fight spots after acne is a myth. The tool does not eliminate post-acne fully, does not accelerate the resorption of scars and does not lighten pigmentation. Some positive effect of the drug on acne marks is explained by activation of skin regeneration. After an intensive renewal (under the influence of cosmetics and drugs), traces of a rash become simply less noticeable.

Do not self-medicate and consult a doctor - with improper use, zinc ointment can aggravate inflammatory lesions on the skin.

Application rules

How much to apply ointment to the affected area? The drug should be applied strictly after high-quality skin cleansing - with the help of soft washing gels and sponges for the face. You can also use a moisturizing tonic. Makeup on top of the ointment is not done, so the tool should not be used during working hours.

The drug is applied pointwise with a cotton swab - to places of possible inflammation, to closed comedones, which can worsen at any time. Repeat treatment three to six times a day. The product has a dense structure, white color, so it is noticeable on the skin. It is better to withstand it for an hour, after which the residues should be removed with a napkin.

Doctors prescribe a medicine with zinc after demodicosis, with acne, dermatitis. As a rule, such lesions occupy large areas of the epidermis. In this case, the medicine should be used as follows.

  • Cleansing. The face is cleaned with the help of special therapeutic agents - based on antiseptics, plant extracts, mild detergent components.
  • Toning. The skin is wiped with an antiseptic, a special tonic or therapeutic talker.
  • Treatment. Then apply a tool with Zn on the entire affected area with a thin layer. Processed twice a day or once - at night.
  • Additional activities. Moisturizers treat healthy areas. Use soft exfoliating cosmetics. This accelerates the softening of the epidermis and plugs, their full elimination.

If tubercles without signs of inflammation are located on the back, pope or other invisible parts of the body, then zinc ointment is applied twice a day with a thin layer. In order not to stain clothes, the place of application is covered with a napkin. To heal wounds from acne and boils, the medicine is applied to a sterile swab, which is glued to the injured area.

With purulent formations, it is possible to use analogues with a complex composition. Such drugs have antiseptics and anti-inflammatory components. For example, salicylic-zinc paste, "Zenerit", "Tsindol."

Practice shows that the drug is most effective in the treatment of acne, the price of the ointment is not high. In the case of subcutaneous tubercles and comedones, one should be patient - there will be no lightning effect. The first results are noticeable no earlier than after a few days of regular treatments.

Girl smears face cream


I also use zinc paste locally. The effect is not wow, but there is. But on the whole face it is very rare - my skin is normal, but thin, light and prone to rosacea - once it got a strong redness for 2 days, although it smeared a little. And do not forget, all the ointments on the petroleum jelly, and he is the master of clogging pores. Do not get carried away very much. All the same, once a month or two professional cleaning is necessary.
Natalie, http://prishistop.ru/cinkovaya-maz-ot-pryshhej-pravilnoe-primenenie-vozdejstvie-na-pryshhi-protivopokazaniya.html

There is zinc ointment, and there is salicylo-zinc. The latter just dries pimples well, it is prescribed for problematic skin, and zinc ointment is oily, it is really good for her to lubricate dry skin areas, weathered lips, hands, and heal wounds on the lips. I speak with full responsibility, because I myself use this ointment from time to time.

Vlada, http://www.woman.ru/beauty/face/thread/3922129/

In childhood, she suffered from diathesis, I was smeared with zinc ointment from head to toe, only thanks to her everything went away and there were no scars. Now there are a lot of new advertised products, but I still treat acne with this ointment, you can still buy masks with zinc, but who has dry skin, they should be careful!


Article updated: 06/27/2019

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