Sad Love Poems: 50 Beautiful Poems with Meaning ✍

After reading a verse about love to tears to a guy, you can give your beloved pleasure. Touching and sad works can cause the most pleasant emotions. Choose the appropriate poem and read it to your man.

Popular love poems short beautiful to tears

The best way, I understand, parting -
No need to continue the bad play.
And the love of the past extinguished shine
It is hardly worth reviving again.
Only the heart is not capable by order
Feelings bright forget completely without a trace.
Be patient a little, and soon, but not immediately,
I can finally stop loving.

* * *

If people break up -
This is very sad
These are days without positive
Painful nights
These are tears no doubt
This is the collapse of hope
Maybe everything will be easier
But not like before!
Loneliness will come
And sorrow will come
Those who were once together
It will be very sorry ...
And remain on the heart
From the trace of separation
Someone will forget their pain
Well, someone - no!

* * *

What is love? It is unlikely that anyone knows the answer for sure.
And, perhaps, not everyone is given this fate.
This is a thin thread, which is sometimes fragile,
This is a very sweet, but tart wine.
This is the flame of a fire that gives rise to hot sparks,
But able to fade from too salty tears,
This is the secret of the soul, immaculate in a childish and pure way,
This is a rainbow in the sky, born after a thunderstorm.
Do not rejoice if she found the door to your house,
After all, love and sadness go hand in hand together ...

* * *

Sometimes love is not only joy
Not only happiness and dream
Sometimes she brings tears
Sometimes there is emptiness behind it!
Sometimes she is misunderstanding
Resentment, bitterness, pain of loss,
And sometimes she insistently
Knocks on the window and climbs on the door!
Sometimes I’m ready to lose her,
So that the next long wait
And waiting to languish
And walk alone!

* * *

How my heart hurts again
Like tearing pieces apart
I don't know who just said
Is love true happiness?
It's flour, terrible pain
It is a dark spiritual fog
This is the poor heart of bondage
This is a vile deceit of the mind.
In thoughts there is no that former purity
I just burn from these feelings
I do not see earthly beauty
How to get away from love, I do not know.

* * *

Why does it happen
What love ends
And then quite soon
Meets on the way.
Why are we breaking up
With the one we love
And then we can’t
Believe loved ones?
Love doesn't always happen
Faithful and passionate
Sometimes she is ready
Slam the back of the head!
Author: Kolesnik Olga
How cruel, it happens, insidious love
How much pain brings sadness ...
Did we know about this with you
When just met her!
There are no forgotten holes for love
If a crack means forever,
And she will remind herself of those two
That pain was forgotten carelessly.

* * *

The night will softly cover me with my veil
Only in her blackness is it unlikely to be warm:
Before, I always dreamed about you before going to bed,
It can be seen that now this time has gone somewhere.
Seen, the soul is already letting go a little
The feeling that previously prevented me from thinking and sleeping.
It’s calmer at heart - it forgets
Only there is no one else to warm it ...

* * *

Love - how much you contain!
You are the sadness of loss, you are joy to the soul.
You easily decide the fate of people
But do not rush to be cruel to them!
You’re very often not reciprocal,
You don’t even give a drop of hope ...
But a sincere feeling is so naive -
And people are waiting for you to come again.

* * *

You will be alive, I know it
I will help, I promise
And every moment I save
After all, I love you very much.
You did a lot of it plus
But you couldn’t protect the feelings
And only I could
After all, I believe strongly in you.
And remember every moment
God unfortunately didn’t give me
But I won’t forget the time
When you kissed me.
Nobody needs you now
And only I'm near you.
Accident, hospital, injury,
So fate told you so.
You can never run
And you will hate life
But I'm with you, we will be together
We will win and be able to live.
You will be alive, I know it
I will help, I promise
And every moment I save
After all, I love you very much.

* * *

They say that time heals ...
Who invented this nonsense?
No, it cripples me
Leaving a trace in the heart!
Crippled my soul
Crippled my memory
I haven’t heard you for a long time
Time to turn back to make?
Is time a doctor? What nonsense?
I never agree!
Do you remember autumn, a neighboring park?
Remember, remember! I am laughing…
I remember in spite of oblivion ...
Doctor Time do not be silent!
There is no cure time
Where to get the keys from pain?
Where are the magic pills
To see you again
So that we fall asleep
In a bright fairy tale about love.
What nonsense, what time heals?
If I'm sick of you ...
Not! It cripples me!
Sending a glitch in the heart!

* * *

It was raining,
She is sitting and crying.
It was raining,
She thought she would put a ring on her finger.
It was raining,
She believed him.
It was raining,
And he deceived her.
It was raining,
She ran in tears and drops whipped her face.
It was raining,
But she didn’t care.
It was raining,
She fell.
It was raining,
And she screamed.
It was raining,
She sobbed chokingly.
It was raining,
But she lost consciousness.
What where When?,
Her first thoughts.
Fell, sobbed, and darkness
The last thing that everyone remembers.
A mounth later,
In the mental hospital lying
She considered everything
And then….
Decided to forget, let go and forgive
But thoughts are stronger than hers.
She began to drink to bring thoughts down
But it didn’t help.
She ended up at 3 a.m.
Came to the cliff
Where did they walk
Remembering the words
What did she say then
"I will always love you,"
Down jumped, and froze forever!
And then the hospital, the morgue, the funeral,
And he cries bitterly every day.
He came on a cliff
And having said those words,
“I really will always love you”
Jumped after her ....

* * *

I would like to give my love
To the drop, to the last breath
But you don't want to take her
And you are constantly looking for excuses.
And I would carry you like a bird on wings
And I would soar boldly in heaven
If only I could enjoy with you
That fettered my soul and body.

* * *

Any pain can be dealt with ...
But you don’t just like you!
After all, every day and every moment
I am always with you mentally.
You are my air and my spring
You are the angel that arose in the darkness
But my fear became reality
The cold ice in your eyes
I live sliding over the abyss
It’s a pity that feelings cannot be undone!

* * *

I love, but you ... do not love.
I burn to the ground.
And from the ashes you will not awaken
You won’t get warm.
I love and quietly smolder
And you stomp the sparks again
I don’t know how otherwise!
You kill love ...
I like. Loved maybe?
I better forget you.
Only feeling it gnaws
How to finish me loving?

* * *

Without love, they say that the white light is not nice.
Well, what about then unrequited ?!
“I love you too!” - they will not answer
And your soul will become colorless.
They say that without love our heart is paler
Life is dull, almost primitive.
But sometimes it’s more difficult to live with love
If your feeling is not mutual.
Author: Tanya Larina
Unrequited love,
Do not roam the world!
Spare the hearts of lovers!
Get lost somewhere!
If you love someone
And love is mutual
If side by side
Half hearts, -
Not afraid of you then
Neither in winter nor in summer,
That love that others have
It is called without an answer!
Well, if suddenly love
True, not mutual,
Do not be sad, you will find
Also half!

* * *

I love ... But love does not matter.
I love, understanding that my feelings
Alas, unrequited. And crash
Dreams and hopes. We have a peace for two
No need to share.And I just dream
How to gently touch the hair of gold.
Sorry, the morning will come and the dream will dissolve.
And only a pillow in my arms ...

* * *

I love you without a chance of reciprocity
And knowing that the answer does not wait ...
How often, while maintaining anonymity,
I'm watching you, afraid to admit ...
To admit that you have been in my heart for a long time,
Your only “love” is the ultimate dream!
But do not find a door to your soul,
I have to live in the midst of torment ...

The best poems for a girl short beautiful to tears

What a pity that nothing happened
How sad that now we are not alone ...
It didn’t work out, could not stand it, didn’t fall in love -
Separate roads we go ...
Fate is not given us to be together
It’s time for us to part with you.
They’ll not shout to us “tili - dough”,
Love is gone. But, nevertheless, there was ...

* * *

I love you, but I won’t say
I will not hint or confess.
I don't want to be mistaken
About the same rake stumbling.
I'm too lazy to pray to God
About happiness and mutual feelings.
And I will not say
Though you filled your thoughts thickly.
I'm too lazy to hope, to dream
Pray, remember or believe.
I know that in return I have to wait
And I don’t know what to answer ...

* * *

And again night and again tears
There are only threats in your letter
Why did you love him?
Why did love extinguish them?
After all, she knew that he loved her.
But you stole his heart
And then, she herself grieved.
But what are you roaring now?
Whom have you been waiting at the door all evening?
You know, he betrayed you too,
Tell me, is it like happiness?

* * *

I miss him. Very very.
I am looking for a familiar blue look in the crowd.
Shorter days became longer than night.
And I understand, there is no turning back.
I miss him. Very very.
Favorite voice is heard through a dream.
But the mobile will not answer the call.
The old telephone is silent for three years.
I'm howling at him. When they don’t see.
And waiting for the melancholy to end.
My choice in this life is obvious:
In his hand lies my hand.
I'm on it ... (I don’t know how to confess!)
Get crazy. And dreaming in reality.
I was with him all the time eighteen.
And without him ... But do I live ?.

* * *

Sometimes the heart and tears to pieces ...
It becomes a shame for myself,
When you cannot live without someone ...
And he ... lives and can ... without you ...

* * *

I’m not that I loved you ...
It just hurt to let go ...
Just - not a damn thing I forgot ...
Just - I don’t know how to sleep ...
I'm not flying with you ...
It was just very good!
It was just everything I dreamed about!
... I just loved ... That's all ...

* * *

I'm alone in this abandoned world
Hiding again from a fierce winter.
I'm alone in an empty apartment
I say - "I do not need feelings"
She hid her pain behind a smile.
And it doesn’t “burn” anymore in the chest.
You know, I just forgot you.
All that was now behind.
But I won’t hide, it happens, at night,
I dream of you - and together we,
Pave the way in the darkness with candles
In the midst of this fierce winter.
Something remembers you, in me it is visible.
Only I forbade love.
It’s sad and even insulting,
Continue to live only in dreams with you.
No answer. All confused thoughts.
Only the patterns again on the window.
I removed you from life
But, I meet, more often - in a dream.

* * *

She sat crouched on the floor
and she still held the door handle:
“That's it! .. let it go, I can’t take it anymore!”
I do not want to repeat all over again.
How long has he returned? .. for a week,
for a month, maybe three! .. and wait again?
And again learning to get used to the loss,
and remember long nights ?! ”
She hugged her knees tighter
a cold, trembling hand.
There is no doubt left even a shadow
that the one whom she drove away ... became a stranger.
And there ... behind the door ... that "stranger" stood,
everyone was waiting: now he will come to his senses, open.
That loves him very much! .. firmly knew.
And now she is arguing with herself.
He stood until morning.
Knocked ... rang her at the door many times.
But !!! .. The heart that they managed to burn to the ground,
no longer flare up for you!

* * *

I put to your bed
Half-withered flowers,
And they died with the petals
My tired dreams.
I whispered to my leftists
About fading love
And you to the mourned chambers
Don't call me anymore.
We do not live, but we yearn.
For us, instant beauty
But do not light you with a kiss
My cold mouth.
And let me read everything in my dreams:
"You did not love, you are not sorry"
But I better understand
Your love sorrow.

* * *

The bridges burned by you
But you are looking for another transition
I and you are to blame
we both know that life is not honey.
Thousands of stars shine in the sky
You go, I’ll go to a meeting
No opportunity across the bridge
So go on crystal ice
If still not destined
To the other side, you get there
Muddy bottom pulls
It will probably be better to leave.
Something breaks in the soul
At sunset, the bridge burns down
Do not collect it for us already
He collapsed and life fades away
You should have known about this,
Stepping on thin ice again
After all, when the bridges are burned,
That sea ford.

* * *

As if the world suddenly lost its color
And even the sun somehow dimmed at once ...
Love is gone - and my pulse stopped beating,
And there is no soul in me, only the body remains ...
A broken heart broke into pieces
My unhappy love, and you are cruel!
What was gold - now only coppers,
Sorry, soul, but feelings have become a lesson to me ...

* * *

Here the door is closed, steps can be heard.
Words: "We part forever."
You only do not lie to yourself
Years do not make us callier.
I want to bring back a moment
When he stepped so boldly over the threshold.
And your lonely heart cry
Hear only emptiness and God.

* * *

You leave, leaving me alone
Feelings in my heart spread with pain
And at night you feel like howling at the moon
In futile attempts to say goodbye to love
But she lives on, eating right through
Climbing through wounds under thin skin ...
And you don’t care whether we are together or apart,
But my heart is unlikely to forget you

* * *

The last hope is gone
Which lived in the soul.
Everything will not be the same as before,
And I was so naive.
I gave you a drop
All my life and all my love
Now left in the void
And do not know me happiness again ...
Not noticing my trouble
Life is full of fun
I raise my eyes to the sky -
May my heart heal.

* * *

Love that only recently inspired
Suffering in the heart reflected.
But my feeling hasn’t cooled, not gone
And through the prism of meanness and pain distorted.
But I remember your promises!
Your view, the interweaving of souls and hands ...
The worse and worse the separation
More often bouts of my heartaches ...

* * *

Hearts knock. And silence.
The world was divided in half.
He is alone. And I'm alone.
I dreamed of a world in a fog.
How can I alleviate this pain
How to forget to make him? ..
All now. There is salt in the heart.
Nothing can be fixed.
Hush, heart, don't knock.
You know how I loved.
Though moth, but at least scream ...
Together with him, power also left.

* * *

Love is not always mutual
Not always gives us light
Sometimes you love
And they don’t love you, no!
You feel sad and even cry
Life is ready to give my
Just to be quiet
Whispered: "I love ..."
You knock and it's closed there
You cry again bitterly
'Cause your love is broken
And hopes and dreams!

Interesting poems about love to tears for a guy

Today I decided to die
and went to the bridge at night.
Ready to always have a funeral,
I became on it in full growth.
And there was nothing to ask before death,
ready to commit suicide.
I decided before you die to call
To be with you before this.
I call, repeat, dial,
but she doesn’t pick up the phone.
I remember her native
and death calls me to the bottom.
I call, repeat, dial,
but she doesn’t pick up the phone.
I don’t forget about her, dear
calling, I hope it will save.
Called, one, two, two, one
but she did not answer me
And I'm on the bridge like that
I decide to die by the moon.
I decided to climb over the railing,
while climbing, remembered in moments
How did you give me one day
simple hope in words.
I climbed and stand looking down
remembering your beloved face.
For love, what is my prize?
except a broken heart?
Desperate to take the jump,
this fool took a call.
But why? you called me back ...
I climbed back over the railing.
I take the call, say hi to her
she says the same thing to me in response.
He asked: - what are you doing? How's it going?
She said: - that they say she’d come from a date ...
- Well, how, did not offend? all is well?
- Yes, there is nothing .. everything seems fine.
and she tells me one thing:
- and something is cold outside ...
- Yes, I know, the wind is blowing right now, it's cool,
Well, yes it doesn’t matter, forget it all right?
- what? I don’t understand, where are you?
- to which I replied, yes ... I'm on the bridge.
She considered him the best friend
Yes, and she knew that
That he loves her very much
But she sought happiness in another.
“What are you doing there?” late one
- Yes, so I decided and called you.
“I get it, but you didn't tell me the reasons!”
He was silent for a minute ... did not speak ...
- Yes, I came to the bridge,
looked down, stood upright ...
- Wait, you fool didn’t decide to die ??? !!!
- And you thought why I called you ...
-Wait, wait, don't you dare!
she said in tears.
- Do not die, be brave !!
“I love you, my Aquarius ...”
Of course he didn’t believe her,
taking a step, jumped from the bridge.
But she did not understand that he did not believe her ....
And silence abruptly came ...
She shouted into the phone: - beloved ay !!!
But I am lying, dying
“Where are you dear, dear, dear ...”
Before death, the voice came to her beloved.
She scored nights until three
but in an hour, at four o’clock,
An unknown number called her
said .. that person whom you called, he died ...
Her hands lost her mobile,
She said: -Well, what are you sweet ....
where are you mine .. the most beloved ...
where are you my dear ...
Then she realized that him,
I realized that as much as there was once nobody ....
That she was not friends with him ...
She realized that she loved a lot ....
Silence, evening .... she went to the bridge,
Climbed over the railing, and taking, but simply.
Having said that, forgive me my Aquarius ....
I am coming to you ... counting from the bridge to the ground
fractions of a second
They buried them nearby, in the area of ​​one.
I always ask you to remember that
And in the history of this and in general in the whirl ...
That love happens to death ...

* * *

I still have not forgotten you ...
And still ... madly in love ...
Just before ... I howled in pain ...
And now I suffer this pain ...
It just got ... stronger over the years ...
I try not to wait ... but to live ...
Sometimes ... I do not sleep at night ...
It’s just ... I didn’t shed tears ...
Until now ... at heart ... anxious ...
On my soul ... cats scratch ...
It's hard for me to live without you ...
But you're out there ... and I'm here ...

* * *

Wax candles were burning ...
The coffin is covered with black velvet ..
And all her relatives cry ..
And in that coffin .. the girl is sleeping ..
And in front of the coffin on my knees ..
The young man is standing ..
And whispers with pale lips
Oh, what have I done to you!
After all, I didn’t know what you loved ..
After all, I did not know what you were waiting for ..
Forgive me, my dear ..
Forgive me, my soul!
When the coffin was lowered into the grave ...
The sun was going down behind the mountain ..
And in a dark park, on a rope ...
The young guy was swinging ... ..

* * *

He threw me a couple of times
And then he picked it up again ...
He said a hundred scratchy phrases
But then he came to hug ...
He drove me away forever
Like a mongrel away from home ...
My only man
Without which day is like night ...
Where was my pride?
Dragged after him like a dog ...
From love I bloomed with my soul
Despite the floods of tears ...
And no one happy me
He couldn’t do it like he did ...
Grateful to him for
That most of all I took care of ...
He was air, he was everything.
But he was tired of being ...
He is tired of my problems
And, probably, tired of loving ...
I wish him not to know
How much pain from these tears ...
It can be seen that it’s fate - to lose
Those who have grown through the heart ...

* * *

Now we're just friends
And so it will be better.
Yes, feelings cannot be resurrected,
But so easy to destroy!
With you flew up to heaven
And soared above the ground.
Love worked miracles
And we lived in love.
But our hot fervor cooled
The earth suddenly became closer.
Who was right and who was guilty?
We can’t start over ...

* * *

I'm sad, because it did not work out as I wanted,
And a difficult gap awaited us ...
And how I dreamed, and how I sang in my soul!
Now only a strain remained in my heart ...
I hope you become happy without me
Let fate be successful.
But you won’t stop remembering me -
This is only now my prayer ...

* * *

You left, hugging goodbye.
He smiled like a blade in his heart
And I didn’t understand, already having lost,
And slammed the door in my soul.
You left without looking into my eyes
Afraid to see tears there.
I don’t believe in miracles now
I'll drive my dreams out of sleep.
You left, I stayed sick.
I’ll get better soon,
But already no one can
Raise the love of my bar.

* * *

Yes, you and I were fine
A separation, apparently, is inevitable.
But will the tears dissolve the powder -
The sediment from my boundless love?
But can they wash away all the longing
Which strangles me mercilessly
And the bullet gets to the temple?
It doesn’t matter, because our souls are not together ...

* * *

I don’t want to love you anymore.
Hoping to live, what are you about to write.
Why in vain do you have to worry about your soul?
You will never hear her.
You yourself said that I’m nobody to you
What is the other, which is the most expensive,
And for you, I'm just an episode ....
Found in me, only that we are alike.
How disgusting and disgusting to understand
That he kissed me, dreaming of her ...
And these caresses, gentle words
Not for me, but for her, I know!
How stupid, I believed you
You seemed sincere and honest to me.
But your correspondence in social networks
Returned to this world a sinful sinful ....

* * *

I forgive you ... for all my nights sleepless
And for the pain that the glory on the heart lies ...
And for my nerves ... bare wires ...
And for the cry of the phone that is silent ...
I forgive you ... to know, fate was not promised to us
Being in love and separation does not recognize at all ...
I forgive myself ... not yours I, probably, a woman ...
Heaven decided so ... only I don’t understand them at all.
I forgive you ... for the cold days of solitude ...
For someone else's love that managed to shine with a tear ...
Do not turn back the clock, just how I want
For a brief moment, even for a moment ... we are deceiving Fate ...

* * *

We will never meet with you
there will be no long-awaited meetings,
and not dream under the full moon
alas, we could not save love.
And why did that happen? I dont know!
Maybe it’s not destiny for us to be together,
I wish you good happiness
God forbid, to love someone.
In my heart, of course, somehow it’s not calm,
and heart pierces every day and hour,
at first it will be very, very painful
because forever the love of fire went out.
Everything goes on a sunny planet
separation, meeting, joy and love,
but, only to us, in this white light
not to meet, as before, again and again.
We will never meet with you
there will be no more tender encounters
let's put up with our fate
the fire of love cannot be re-ignited.

* * *

I loved you more than life
You trampled my love in the mud
Your betrayals, lies, scandals, booze,
Forgive my beloved, there is no more strength.
You left, I returned, and cried,
asking you forgive me!
But it's not my fault, you know
Forgiveness should you ask us!
And again night and again tears
Wet the whole pillow from insults,
It hurts me and scream hunting
But the son in bed is sleeping sweetly.
I will quietly get the letters that you wrote,
Where you said that you love, do not betray,
You promised me a beautiful life
In fact, it turned out just FARS.

* * *

It's me ... - it wasn’t locked there ...
I don’t know why I came in ...
Maybe I forgot nothing
And the soul wanted to heat? ..
Maybe it reminded me again
What I was trying to forget ...
That there’s no way to fix it,
Do not return ... unless let go.
I would love to ... but it doesn’t work out ...
It’s evident that it’s stronger than me,
Memory in the past wanders and wanders ...
Our meetings are stubbornly kept.
And the soul - to break ... and I toil ...
And I don’t know what to do, what to do?
I’m not trying to forget everything ...
And can this be forgotten?
Here she came ... You were waiting for me too ...
And do not need extra words now ...
But it’s still very possible ...
If there is love in my heart ...

* * *

We loved and appreciated
But in response we got
Only a lot of pain and suffering.
A bunch of unnecessary memories
Which cause tears.
And thunder storms are sown in the soul.
In our heart - cold, sadness.
All this is inside us, well let.
We will forget all the pain
What did they take with them.
We will forget and forgive
All those days that gave them.

* * *

I left you forever ...
I left you forever ...
You are no longer by my side.
I will not leave a trace in my soul
And I will cover love with a gloomy sky.
In my world again emptiness
There are no bright stars.
I say: Is it really one?
And it’s too late to call out love!
And now forever forgotten
All the feelings that were
And dreams are hatefully broken
Lost in the darkness of black dust.
I left you forever
But the most offensive to me in the world
That I left this time myself
And I myself am responsible for this.

* * *

Explain to me faster
Why it happens?
It seems we are all happy
Only sadness finds
I looked out the window then
And he saw the sky.
It seems to be blue
It seems pale
And my soul then.
Moaned for a long time.
I could not forget you-
Bitterness depressed.
My heart was bleeding
Overwhelmed by sad fear
Immediately the blood froze in my veins
Tears filled my eyes.
Fear for rejecting you
Fear for losing
Fear for being guilty
Fear took over hope.
I hate the distance
Separates us with you.
I have such a state-
Go alone by the river
Constantly i always
I see before you your portrait
May I forget you?
I can only answer “NO!”

All these sad poems excite people to tears. After reading these long lines to a girl or a guy, you can also excite past feelings. Choose the right verse and act.
Article updated: 06/19/2019
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