Friendship Poems: 50 Beautiful Poems with Meaning ✍

Friendship needs to be valued more than personal life. Each poem about friendship cited here by domestic and foreign poets is dedicated to this high feeling. Friendship is real, selfless and indestructible. Here you can find quatrains or a verse about friendship for children and adults for any mood.

Popular verses about friendship of famous poets

What is friendship? Light ardor of a hangover
Resentment free conversation,
Exchange of vanity, idleness
Ile patronage is a shame.

*  *  *

I do not drink for the health of many
Not many, but true friends,
Friends relentlessly strict
In the temptations of changing days.

I drink for the health of those far away
Far but sweet friends
Friends, like me, lonely
Among the stranger to the hearts of their people.

Tears are pouring into my wine goblet
But their flow is sweet and pure;
So, with scarlet - black roses
Woven into my feast wreath.

My cup for the health of not many,
Not many, but loyal friends,
Friends relentlessly strict
In the temptations of changing days;

For health and those faraway
Distant, but to the heart of relatives,
And in memory of lonely friends
Died in the graves of the dumb.

*  *  *

Friends are dying, dying ...
From your open palms
As the last piece is taken away
What was there yesterday - for two.

Everything is empty ahead, everything is freer
Everything is heard as mines are torn there,
That people are the will of the Lord,
That called cancer launched ...

*  *  *

My friend, there is joy and love,
There is everything that will be again and again,
Although in other hearts, not in ours.
But dear brother, both you and I
We are only the dreams of Beauty
We are only drops in eternal cups
Non-fading flowers,
Immovable gardens.

*  *  *

No friends are not at the table
Toasts proclaim one another.
Friendship where they block the shoulder
Where is the last divided ruble
And in any adversity help out.

*  *  *

Love and friendship distinguish
But how do they want to distinguish?
Equally willing to acquire them,
They only tell us to hide one.
Empty thought! Cheating in vain!
Friendship is tender, passionate,
Constrains the heart, moves the blood,
And though its dangerous fire is hidden,
But with the girl she is beautiful
Always like love.

*  *  *

I have debts to friends, -
But they have - in front of me,
But their strange deeds
And they are weird, and I'm wonderful.

Write me letters guys
Give me a couple of minutes -
Otherwise my life will be crumpled
And fewer songs will be sung about you.

You don’t burn bridges after you,
You do not tear down card houses, -
God be with them at all, who is eager for battle
Just because of women and debts!

*  *  *

There are fatal days
The worst bodily ailment
And terrible moral anxieties;
And life weighs on us
And strangles us like a nightmare.
Happy to whom on such days
A merciful god will send
Invaluable, best gift -
The sympathetic hand of a friend
Whose alive, warm hand
It touches us, though slightly,
The numbness will dissipate
And move us a terrible nightmare
And turn away the fate of the blow -
Life will rise, blood will build up again
And the heart believes in truth and love.

*  *  *

Friends! Listen to me!
Hear my familiar voice to you.
Devote a moment of attention!
So that the good serves you
And would not leave you forever
Listen watch!
Should you help then
When your friends, having lost everything,
With longing for the soul come to you
And they ask for help, ashamed
Myself and you, having come to you!
Do not refuse at this hour
Do not upset them with your word.
Already not finding happiness in you,
They will not find it in the new,
They woke up, happiness.
Do not refuse at this hour
To those who seek happiness in you!

*  *  *

Friendship of peoples is not just words,
The friendship of peoples is alive forever
Friendship of peoples - happy children,
An ear of corn in the field and strength in its prime.
Friendship of peoples is endless space
Peace and harmony, girl's choir
The sonorous song of him young
The grape garden near the home of his native.
The friendship of peoples is a star above the world,
Unquenchable light of labor,
Waves of green free sea
Bold books and bright dawns.
Friendship of Peoples is a jubilant feast,
Where did the whole working world gather
People working wills of a consonant,
Warriors of truth and clear joy.
Friendship of peoples - from ancestors call us,
Sun shine over the distant ages
Life-giving raindrops,
Kremlin towers, night chimes.

*  *  *

We were friends with you, as the boys are friends,
They fought and argued without respite.
It used to be, just get together with you
And immediately the battle begins.
Again in hand-to-hand il chess battle
We hasten to put each other on the shoulder blades.
Where the sword flashed, the ball will roll there.
Rejoice, winner! Downed, cry!
We are not tired of these battles,
At least every hundred times he died in a duel.
But we have kept our friendship.
Still would! She hardened in battle!

*  *  *

Everyone spoke of friendship
But only myself I suddenly understand
What is only responsible for you now,
After all, you are my real, faithful friend!
And that in our life did not happen
You be sure - I will always come!
I want only to get equally
We are joy, happiness, grief and misfortune!

Best Friends Poems

Friends will come to the rescue
The shoulder, as always, is substituted.
For excuses words will not be found
And they will save you from problems.

*  *  *

There are not many friends -
It has been known for a long time to everyone.
When difficulties are on the doorstep,
When suddenly a lot of problems -

A friend will be inseparable with you
And he will never betray.
All the clouds he is over his head
Will divorce yours at a time!

I’m never bored with him
And fun time flies.
I want this friendship so much
Save me a long time!

There are not many friends
Count them on the fingers ...
Therefore friendship with you
I always honor it.

*  *  *

How sometimes you need to know
What people are in this world
Which for us though not in the answer,
But we are always ready to support.
As sometimes you need to know
And how sometimes you need to believe
That all these people can be trusted,
And you can just shut up together.
They will understand and not condemn at all ...
They’ll put tea in the kitchen,
And suddenly the soul fills with warmth.
How good it is to have such people
How sometimes you need to know
That like us, tormented by days
There are some people who have become friends
Which is impossible to lose!

*  *  *

A true friend is always there
He always substitutes the shoulder,
Giving you a good look
Will be around when it's hot.

A friend, like a brother, will understand you perfectly
Won't hurt and betray
Keeps every word
Will delight every time.

Kohl trouble knock on the door
She’s not afraid of you now,
Together it will be easier to overcome
And get away from heavy losses.

And no matter what gender he is,
How old is and where does he live
A friend to you, dearest and closest
He will never let you down!

Treasure every moment with your friend
There are many losses in life,
Take care, appreciate, love
And give warmth every day!

*  *  *

I won’t tell you what friendship means
It seems to me that the words are superfluous here.
You just say what you need
And I will come when others do not come.

*  *  *

We don’t need to explain to you
After all, we know for a long time,
What is true friendship?
And how we are destined to be friends!
We are for each other, if necessary
Into fire and into water without fear!
And will be a true reward
Having fun with each other!
And all the obstacles are not a burden to us,
And life together is easy to go through!
We will share the joy for two
And all the bad weather on the way!

*  *  *

Friends are not chosen by hairstyle
Neither clothing nor eye color
Do not choose those who are outwardly catchy
And in whose soul the fire went out.

And they choose those with a good heart,
Which side by side through the years
Those to whom the soul has opened its doors
Whom I’ll never take out of my heart ...

*  *  *

In life, we meet a lot of people,
All walk past and only one
Fits you like a sip of oxygen
With which it is not terrible to live up to wrinkles.
Without friendship in the world, it’s much more dangerous
No one will tell, no one will understand.
Only the blind hope of God
Which is unlikely to come to the rescue.
They all seem to be different in appearance,
By type of character and by mind.
But a true friend would not have offended
In any situation, you are nobody.

*  *  *

And now I understood, at the crossroads:
There is no human essence in man.
There is no good in the world, no compassion
Looking for friends is a vain effort.

One who was considered equal, kind, close,
It turned out to be insidious, angry and low.
The more I loved anyone
The more pain he brought me.

*  *  *

There are such people. It’s easy with them.
As if you were left with yourself.
You’ll come to him as if to visit,
And it turns out met with fate.
There are such human eyes ...
In them, plunge the soul of a tired
And again, it’s easy to straighten your shoulders,
And again you will see the distance and the heights,
It’s cleaner and better.
And the summer rains are more transparent
As if the clouds became lighter
Like happiness is ahead
As if for what I dreamed
There are many more days in life ...
You can start all over again,
To grow younger and become stronger ...

*  *  *

Everyone has his own path in life.
Cross the line of selfishness
And open your heart for friendship
Infect a spark of optimism.
Let the fire of this friendship burn
The darkness around you burns
And like the strongest magnet
Bright world, beautiful will attract.

*  *  *

True friend everywhere
Faithful, in happiness and trouble;
Your sadness bothers him
You are not sleeping - he cannot sleep,
And in everything, without further words,
He is ready to help you.
Yes, the actions are dissimilar
A faithful friend and a flatterer unsuitable.

*  *  *

If you have a good friend
You cannot leave it for others.
You will live - live only for him.
And you will not allow yourself to die.
It will be difficult, but it’s more difficult for him,
If he can’t leave you.
If next to you it becomes kinder.
In the coming later you will lie graves.
But he lives for you too,
Changes very much the subconscious.
In response, and you live for it,
And all this will change the universe.

Beautiful friendship poems for children

The breeze is friends with the sun
And dew - with grass.
Friendship with a butterfly flower,
We are friends with you.
All with friends in half
We are happy to share!
Only quarrel friends
Never do it!

*  *  *

I now have a friend,
Faithful and faithful.
Without him I’m like without hands
To be honest.
We walk in the yard
We have fun
Coming soon to school in September
We walk together.
Friend i'm any secret
I’ll tell you without fear.
I bring him cutlets
Hiding under the shirt.
Eat my little Buddy
What else are you up to?
You're still a puppy
You know how to make friends.

*  *  *

We quarreled with a girlfriend
And sat in the corners.
Very boring friend without a friend!
We need to make peace.
I didn’t offend her -
I just held the bear,
Only with the bear ran away
And she said: "I will not give it back!"

I'll go and make peace
I'll give her a bear, I'm sorry
I'll give her a ball, give a tram
And I’ll say: “Come on, play!”

*  *  *

We are friends - two Yashki,
The twins called us.
“What a dissimilar!” -
Passers-by say.
And I must explain
That we are not brothers at all
We are friends - two of Jacob,
They call us the same.

*  *  *

But should a friend be called,
When it's dark in transit
When the roads do not know
And there is no strength to go?
When trouble is on all sides,
When the sun is night
Don’t he see
Do not rush to help?
After all, he will not be able to eat and sleep,
When is it suddenly!

But ... if you need to call a friend -
That is hardly a friend ...

*  *  *

How to start eating sweets,
I can’t count friends.
And the sweets are over
And there are no friends at all.
Every candy for candy
So it tears it out of hand.
Why do I need this friendship?
I myself love sweets.

*  *  *

Tears were dripping down the child’s face.
Children's insult was hiding inside
The evening with a thin brush painted pictures:
fragile and vulnerable, a small soul.

Who offended you dear face?
Why are you crying, biting your lips?
Look, daisies bloomed beautifully in the garden!
Above the houses, in the rings - smoke floats.

We will go to the river, we'll look at the sunset
The water is calm, silently stand
I understand baby, I understand the sun ...
adults, we also feel sad sometimes.

Mom scolded, or dad strict?
Something lurking, fumbling handles
Children's palms - a weightless whirlpool,
sweets melt in them often without a trace.

Are you still crying baby?
Your eyes will turn red, your nose ...
Tomorrow we read poems from books -
I’m very kind, you have an uncle.

How to get back home, I’ll figure it out in full.
They will know how to offend my fish
Only tears are not necessary, the sun is enough ...
I love you madly, dear.

*  *  *

I have many friends:
Lena, Tanechka, Sergey.
We sing songs with Lena,
We’ll go for a walk with Tanya,
And Seryozha all day
We are not lazy to tease!

We live in school together:
Learning together, growing,
We learn about everything in the world,
About other same children
How do they live and how
Engage in it is not too lazy.

Everyone needs to be friends -
Ane, Vite, Nastya, Dima,
We are all best friends
We cannot be without each other.
We grow smarter and grow
We live in school fun.

Let the teacher believe
We won’t let her down!

*  *  *

Friendship is a warm wind
Friendship is a bright world
Friendship is the sun at dawn
For the soul, a fun feast.

Friendship is only happiness
Friendship - people have one.
With friendship
bad weather is not terrible
With friendship -
life in spring is full.

A friend will share pain and joy
A friend will support and save.
With a friend - even evil weakness
Instantly melts and leaves.

Believe, save, value friendship,
This is the highest ideal.
She will serve you.
After all, friendship is a valuable gift!

*  *  *

It's good to be alone
If you are not alone
It’s good when near by
There is both north and east,
There is a cautious west,
There is a warm, quiet south,
When there's a reliable one nearby
Selfless, faithful friend.

*  *  *

Create in the name of light and love
To help friendship, call loyalty.
And if you are weak in your way?
Know that - the high spirit of winged.
Only one is capable of true friendship
Who gives the light of the soul to people.

*  *  *

With Dima we are sitting at a desk,
He will look - I will understand
And Australia on the map
I show him in a hurry.

In gym class
A class plays volleyball -
He will see my gloomy forehead,
And soon gives me a pass.

Friends have their secrets
Their bonds without words are strong.
Only the lips of Light blow:
“You are silent, silent!”

Interesting poems about friends and friendship

Our path through life is not short
And many meetings, fate promises,
How many we know, acquaintances
But friends, one or two.

After all, meet a friend on the way
The thorny life road
What soul mate to find
It just might not be possible.

And only when you are pure in soul
And true to his principles,
Fate will give this meeting
And it’s important not to miss a moment.

*  *  *

I have many friends
But only one of them is friendly!
Never quit in trouble
Sadness does not allow me.

We have been friends with him for not a year, not two.
Water will not spill us with him.
And in the rain, and in the city, and in the wind
Do not get bored together!

We can discuss the book,
Difficult tasks to solve
We can stick dumplings
And catch fish in the river.

I was lucky: such a friend
Would not replace a girlfriend.
I have many friends
But only one of them is friendly!

*  *  *

Friends! Thank you for being!
What are you with me!
You are alien, I know envy, flattery,
Words that hurt badly.

Always ready to listen
Advice, guidance.
And if trouble comes -
Support, consolation.

Your smiles are like flowers
They give me joy, ease.
You are full of love.
How nice to me with you!

Thank you for your kindness
Responsiveness, participation.
My friends! I love you!
I wish you all happiness!

*  *  *

I ask the Lord, give loyal friends,
Who will tell me and help me in trouble,
Those who are far from base passions
And the envy of the black one in the soul does not gnaw.
Let them be a little ... do not work ...
Enough for me ... only you be with us ...
But do not rush to send enemies ...
I’m sure ... They will be found by themselves ...

*  *  *

Friendship is a gift to us from above,
Friendship is light in a window;
A friend will always hear you
He will not give up and in trouble.

But not everyone is given
To know that there is friendship in the world,
It's easy to live with friends
More fun with them.

Who walked without a friend
On the way of this life
He did not live - existed.
Friendship is the world of the planet.

*  *  *

From heart to heart, a thread twists -
It is stronger only over the years,
Neither burn it, nor chop it,
Nor to weigh with accurate weights.

We keep it safe
Sometimes embellish slightly
With my imagination
But we hold and do not let go.

And it’s worth only a name
She will respond immediately
To immediately support again,
After all, that thread is called Friendship.

*  *  *

You only see
What they give you to see:
Swear on love -
They hate the soul!
In wealth - close to you
The poor - they won’t feed you,
A little trouble - in the corners
Be quiet and nimble ...
And someone will keep silent
About feelings, waiting in sorrow
He will come and protect
Though you didn’t notice.
Not for nothing they say
What remains nearby
Not the one who is full and happy, -
Who is in trouble - does not laugh!
Who will give you a hand
And pull out of the pit ...
And with whom is the soul to be friends -
Understand wisely yourself.

*  *  *

Friendship is a warm wind
Friendship is a bright world
Friendship is the sun at dawn
For the soul, a fun feast.
Friendship is only happiness
Friendship - people have one.
With friendship, bad weather is not terrible,
With friendship - life is full in spring.
A friend will share pain and joy
A friend will support and save.
With a friend - even evil weakness
Instantly melts and leaves.
Believe, save, value friendship,
This is the highest ideal.
She will serve you.
After all, friendship is a valuable gift

*  *  *

You do not strive for friendship with everyone you meet
And don’t believe secrets to anyone
Drive the liar, rogue shun
Otherwise, you hurt yourself a lot.
And do not submit to the scoundrel’s will,
Do not exceed the allowed measure,
And stain the honor no matter how you blame
And do not pour tears, tears will not be faith.

*  *  *

The evening burns out, giving way to a place
Dusk of the night, the sorrow of the moon
My friend, today I don’t even know
How I would live without this silence.
Proud hearts, simple feelings
You and I were friends year after year,
They forgot a lot, forgave a lot.
Only friendship has not disappeared.
Only now I remember all your care
Good support, strong shoulder,
I remember how I looked for the first job
It was very hot in places.
You are my support in difficult moments
I can't dream of a best friend
May we have laid different routes
Only this fidelity in the heart cannot be taken away.

*  *  *

Everyone has his own path in life.
Cross the line of selfishness
And open your heart for friendship
Infect a spark of optimism.
Let the fire of this friendship burn
The darkness around you burns
And like the strongest magnet
Bright world, beautiful will attract.

*  *  *

A friend, like love, arises spontaneously,
Like a cold in July, like a thunder in January.
And more often he is, oddly enough,
Not in our youth, but in a wise season.

Yesterday he’s also an unfamiliar passerby,
Neither "hello" at the meeting, nor after - "bye."
And suddenly, you seemed to be nothing like
Merged together, like a river!

When everything is wrong and the soul is languishing
And a sunny day is like a dark night
A friend sincerely compasses our misfortune,
In word and deed, she seeks to help.

Like the rainbow light from the evening lightning
Your friend, no matter how far from you,
To the cries of despair, everything will drop, it will rush
And you, inspired, will breathe easy.

*  *  *

In life, we meet a lot of people,
All walk past and only one
Fits you like a sip of oxygen
With which it is not terrible to live up to wrinkles.
Without friendship in the world, it’s much more dangerous
No one will tell, no one will understand.
Only the blind hope of God
Which is unlikely to come to the rescue.
They all seem to be different in appearance,
By type of character and by mind.
But a true friend would not have offended
In any situation, you are nobody.

Article updated: 06/19/2019
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