From the sub-twister tongue twister 50 of the best tongue twisters in Russian

Any tongue twister is very good for training and development of diction and pronunciation. However, sometimes you want to fool around, especially in a drunken company. Funny funny tongue twisters for a drunken company can serve as a hilarious test for the degree of adequacy of perception of the surrounding world. A drunk man, determined by his comrades to check, will amuse others well, even if this is not a very complicated tongue twister about a hill with coolers.
  1. Cyclopentaneperhydrophenanthrene.
  2. There is a hill with coolers near the pit; I’ll go out onto the hill and fix the cul.
  3. Highly qualified unpromising from St. Petersburg.
  4. Non-proliferation.
  5. Parallelogram.
  6. Pothole on the pavement.
  7. I’m driving through a pothole, but I won’t leave.
  8. For denationalization!
  9. Gibraltar.
  10. Deoxyribonucleic acid.
  11. Kamprikochikosekanets.
  12. Unpromising.
  13. Reverberated, reverberated, but not reverberated.
  14. Liberals liberalized liberalized, but pro-liberalized.
  15. Humpbacked Carpathians.
  16. Ingeborga Dapkunaite.
  17. Ole Einar Bjoerndalen.
  18. Trinitrosynchrophasatron.
  19. Relocate to Sharikopodshipnikovskaya.
  20. Nicotinaminadenine dinucleotide phosphate.
  21. States deliberate, deliberate but not pre-deliberate.
  22. Lilac.
  23. The spoon is grooved.
  24. Lilac ocellus pickup with half-broken legs.
  25. A collar without a collar from a lilac jacket from under the underside.
  26. Reversible cap.
  27. Double jump with triple podsverpodverskim.
  28. Flexural life with a lilac hyper – extra – mega – ultra – super – super – duper – re-sub-reversal.
  29. Out of the sub-sub.
  30. The fluorographer, the fluorographer, then fluorographed, then did not neufluorografiruyu, yes, after re-fluorography, not underrefluorography.
  31. Having rampant.
  32. With a sub-subscript.
  33. Impudent.
  34. The hillock to quiet down to adapt.
  35. Be kind, get the cobra.
  36. Lilac-eyed eye-clapper with half-broken legs.
  37. From under the hillock, from under the sub-sub-sub-door, the bunny with the re-sub-sub-door has re-turned.
  38. Barbara made jam, grumbled and sentenced.
  39. Rakes - to row, brooms - to revenge, oars - to carry, runners - to crawl.
  40. Beavers wander into the cheese burs. Beavers are brave, and beavers are good.
  41. It is worth pop on the cap a cap on the priest of the cop under the priest pop under the cap.
  42. Half a quarter to four peas without a wormhole.
  43. Four-fold yarn should not be re-read.
  44. Snout pig snout dug half-digged or pig stupidly dug the whole yard; digged dug half-snouted.
  45. Any hole does not dig hole to become.
  46. Al lal white diamond green emerald.
  47. In our courtyard courtyard the weather got wet.
  48. A worm creeps along the sixth line of a worm sand.
  49. Somehow we will face the Antichrist.
  50. Oversized about the bar, a lot of fun.
Article updated: 08/01/2019
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