Mysteries in rhyme 40 of the best puzzles in Russian

This article contains children's puzzles with answers 5 years short. Read them all and choose a few to memorize. Also here you will find puzzles for kids 2 3 years old with guesses. It can be funny poems with a trick, consisting of different letters. Such a poem is suitable for children from 1 year.
This article contains children's puzzles with answers 5 years short. Read them all and choose a few to memorize. Also here you will find puzzles for kids 2 3 years old with guesses. It can be funny poems with a trick, consisting of different letters. Such a poem is suitable for children from 1 year.
  1. Swims quickly in the sky
    Overtaking the flight of birds.
    Man controls it.
    What is it? ... (Airplane).
  2. In the woods under twitter, a ringing whistle
    The forest telegraph knocks: ““ Great, thrush buddy! ””
    And puts a signature ... (Woodpecker).
  3. In the sky the clouds will disturb
    Rain will drive heavy
    A sailing boat will help,
    Whistle in the chimney.
    Traveled everywhere
    Naughty, funny ... (Wind).
  4. In sheep knows a lot
    Fierce, greedy ... (Wolf).
  5. There is a big fight in the river:
    Two quarreled ... (Cancer).
  6. The grass is thick, green
    he looks smart
    But with arable land, like a weed,
    he is driven out mercilessly.
    The head is blue and has a long stalk.
    Well, who does not know him! This is ... (Cornflower).
  7. Instead of wool, the needles are completely
    The enemy of mice is a thorny ... (Hedgehog).
  8. Here is salt for you, here is bread and a spoon
    Cooked for dinner ... (Potato).
  9. Mom knits a long scarf,
    Because son ... (Giraffe)
  10. My birthday is
    They gave me a horse.
    Wonderful one!
    You need to drive carefully
    You can hold on to the horns
    It’s a pity, only there is no mane.
    What kind of horse? ... (Bicycle).
  11. Hedgehog has grown ten times,
    It turned out ... (Porcupine).
  12. He lives calmly, not in a hurry,
    Just in case, wears a shield.
    Under him, knows no fear
    Walking ... (Turtle).
  13. Both green and thick
    A bush has grown in the garden.
    Dig a little bit:
    Under the bush ... (Potato).
  14. Who without notes and without flute
    Best of all draws trills,
    Vocal, tender?
    Who is this? ... (Nightingale).
  15. Where she runs, she doesn’t know.
    It’s even in the steppe
    Wandering in the forest
    Stumbles at the threshold.
    What is it? …(Road).
  16. In summer ‒ in the garden,
    Fresh green
    And in winter in a barrel,
    Yellow, salty.
    Guess, well done,
    What is our name? ... (Cucumbers).
  17. The bear found honey in the forest,
    A little honey, a lot ... (Bees).
  18. Many dresses
    A lot of crunch
    And her name is ... (Cabbage).
  19. In the hot sun dried up
    And breaks from the pods ... (Peas).
  20. In the hot sun dried up
    And breaks from the pods ... (Peas).
  21. Not a fire
    In the hands is not given.
    Grown under willow
    Call her ... (Nettle).
  22. I walk in the sky at night
    I dimly lighten the earth.
    Boring, boring me alone
    And my name is ... (Moon).
  23. Well, dresses ‒ completely needles -
    They wear it all the time ... (Christmas trees).
  24. He hollowed a tree for a long time
    And he destroyed all the insects.
    He didn’t waste time
    The long-billed motley ... (Woodpecker).
  25. Autumn leaves first, like tears
    Quietly drop to the ground ... (Birches).
  26. Sad, beautiful
    Weeping ... (Willow).
  27. A log floats along the river -
    Oh and furious it!
    Those who got into the river
    The nose will bite off ... (Crocodile).
  28. Stripes and fatbags,
    Sweeter than sugar ... (Watermelon).
  29. Bee, cute bee,
    Would you honey me ... (Gave).
  30. Dressed with fresh herbs
    Parks, streets, fields ...
    In a sea of ​​sunlight
    Immersed ... (Earth).
  31. Today everything is rejoicing!
    In the hands of the children
    They dance for joy
    Don't you know me?
    I live at the bottom of the sea.
    Head and eight legs
    That's all I am ... (Octopus).
  32. I want to become a strongman.
    I come to a strong man:
    ‒ Tell me something about -
    How did you become a strong man?
    He smiled here
    -Very simple. Many years
    Every year, getting out of bed,
    I raise ... (Dumbbells).
  33. He tastes sweet friends
    And his name is ... (Watermelon).
  34. Like a whirlwind, flying, escaping
    From the enemy, fearful ... (Hare).
  35. Icicles like the noses of herons
    And melt like caramel.
    I hear the April drops ringing
    Spring sings ... (Drops).
  36. Has become a grandmother Night
    Grain stars crush.
    I baked a cake for the kids.
    Come, grandchildren, to the window!
    Why is she appetizing:
    Golden cake - ... (Moon).
  37. The one who has been on the field
    He probably noticed
    How a pink flower curls.
    It is called ... (Bindweed).
  38. This beast has huge growth,
    Beast ‒ small tail,
    In front of the beast, the tail is large.
    Who is this? Who is this? Who it?
    Well of course it's him!
    Well, of course, this is ... (Elephant).
  39. Tricky cheat
    Red head
    Tail fluffy а color!
    And her name is ... (Fox).
  40. Chick — tweet!
    To the seeds ‒ jumping!
    Peck, do not be shy!
    And this is ... (Sparrow).
You have read all the riddles for children of 5 years who like to solve a scanword. Read riddle riddle will serve as the name of the rhyme poem. Now think about the rhyme in verse for the word tears.
Article updated: 08/01/2019
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