Mysteries about the family 40 of the best puzzles in Russian

It is very important for any child to always see his whole family, his relatives: mom, dad, brothers, sisters, grandparents. So that the family is big and friendly, so that everyone takes care of each other. A riddle about a family with answers and describes this topic, each of all these wonderful people. There are short riddles about mom for children with answers and riddles about dad, riddles about grandparents, about all relatives and friendship in the family.

Without which in this world
Adults do not live and children?
Who will support you, friends?
Your friendly ...

* * *

That’s what’s the matter ...
There are not seven of us, but three:
Dad, Mommy and I,
But all together we are ...

* * *

Who is the cutest in the world?
Whom do the children love?
I will answer the question directly:
“Everyone is prettier than ours ...”

* * *

We bake a cake ourselves
And on it we will write: "..."

* * *

New scarves
Mom gives ...

* * *

I put on a big hat
To look like ...

* * *

Who is the hard work
Can do on Saturdays? -
With ax, saw, shovel
Builds, works our ...

* * *

Who loves me and brother
But loves to dress up more? -
Very fashionable girl -
My oldest ...

* * *

Who loves never gets tired
Bakes pies for us,
Tasty pancakes?
This is ours ...

* * *

He did not work out of boredom,
His hands are in calluses
And now he's old and gray -
My dear, beloved ...

* * *

This word everyone knows
Will not trade for anything!
I’ll add “I” to the number “seven” -
What will happen?

* * *

I am glad to him and he is glad to me
We go to kindergarten alone
Our parents are alone
One favorite circle of relatives
Some toys, a scooter.
All because he is mine ...

* * *

Bake a cake for us
Cooking cottage cheese for breakfast,
And read your magazine,
As always, everything is in time.
We asked about whom
Have you said good words?
(About Grandma)

* * *

It seemed he was very young,
And now quite grown up.
I went to my grandmother for the summer,
In pies, he stained his nose.

* * *

Who worked all his life
Surrounded by care
Grandchildren, grandmother, children,
Respected ordinary people?
Retired for many years
Our ageless ...

* * *

And mom has,
And dad has it,
And I have
And you have it.
To get to know you
It must be called out loud.

* * *

Who will guess the riddles
He will recognize his relatives:
Someone mom, some dad
Who is the sister or brother
And to tell you the grandfather with the woman -
It’s not necessary to think at all!
All the relatives you live with
Even uncle or aunt,
You are sure to be friends
Together you are one ...

* * *

She works during the day,
In the evening she is the wife
If it’s a holiday, she’s a lady,
Who is this?

* * *

Who came to me in the morning?
Who said: "It's time to get up"?
Who managed to cook porridge?
Tea - pour into the bowl?
Who braided me braids?
The whole house alone swept?
Who picked flowers in the garden?
Who kissed me?
Who childish loves laughter?
Who is the best in the world?

* * *

How caring and gentle you are
What a disinterested, kind you!
I know you will always support me
Amid deception, evil and fuss.
When my family needs support
You always turn your shoulder
You will turn any mountains for me
You do not care about any winds!
Everywhere your caring hands
And a loving heart, finally.
Friends envy kindly,
Upon learning that I have such a ...

* * *

He is strong and brave
And the biggest
Scolds - on business,
And praises - with a soul!
He is the best friend
Always protect
Where necessary - teach
Forgiveness prank.
I walk along
Hold on to the hand!
Imitate him
And very proud.

* * *

Who is in the kitchen with a cook
At the stove always stands
Who darn our clothes
Who is buzzing with a vacuum cleaner?
Who on earth tastes better
Pies always bake,
Even dads who are more important
And who is honored in the family?

* * *

Who puts the patch on the heel?
Who irones and cleans clothes?
Who tidies the house in the morning,
And in the evening he puts a samovar on the table
Who plays with the younger sister
And takes her to the boulevard?
Whose snow hair is whiter
Are your hands yellow and dry?
Whom do I love and regret?
Who have I read poetry about?
(About Grandma)

* * *

Who is the most affectionate in the world?
Who is cooking us dinner?
And whom do children love so much?
And who is not more beautiful?
Who reads books at night?
Raking mountains of trash
He does not scold us with my brother.
Who is this? Our…

* * *

Who is not a joke, but seriously
Will a nail teach us to hammer?
Who will teach to be bold?
Having fallen great, do not whine,
And scratching my knee
Do not cry? Of course …

* * *

Who loves never gets tired
Bakes pies for us,
Tasty pancakes?
This is ours ...

* * *

I’m not alone with mom
She still has a son,
I’m small by his side
For me he is the eldest ...

* * *

He did not work out of boredom,
His hands are in calluses
And now he's old and gray -
My dear, beloved ...

* * *

Who is with my mother’s sister?
Comes to us sometimes?
Looking at me with a smile
Hello! - tells me ...

* * *

Moms older sister -
She’s not old at all,
With a smile he will ask: How do you live?
Who came to visit us?

* * *

He and bald, he and gray
Summer hot in felt boots
Snoozing on the rubble
Sweet old

* * *

Ties warm gloves
He will play the game.
There are gray locks in my hair
That's mine …

* * *

Who flies into the house like a cannon?
Scattering toys around.
Who are these Fidgets?
Our joys and troubles.
Who will answer this to me?
Well of course it is

* * *

I am glad to him and he is glad to me
We go to kindergarten alone
Our parents are alone
One favorite circle of relatives
Some toys, a scooter.
All because he is mine ...

* * *

Not her aunt, not his wife or daughter,
But always there and ready to help.
With a beautiful, huge soul, this lady,
In cares about us, our dear ...

* * *

I gave birth to you, gave strength and health,
Raised, clothed, taught with love.
Who didn’t spare a single gram of all their strength?
You know her, well, of course ...

* * *

Who doesn’t sleep at night by the child’s bed,
He’ll take it on the handle like a blind kitten,
And read a fairy tale, and put on pajamas?
You look with a warm smile on ...
(To mom)

* * *

Who is the strongest in the world?
Who do the children keep their eyes on?
He is an electrician and an installer,
Locksmith, carpenter and driver.
Specialties for a hundred.
He can do anything in the world!
He is at home! Here is a jacket, a hat!
Well of course it is

* * *

Who erases, strokes, sews.
Lullabies sings!
Who treats us for the common cold?
Who is the boss of all the dishes?
Cups, spoons and pots,
Brushes, rags and pills.
Who wakes us up early in the morning?
Well of course it is

Of course, riddles about parents occupy a separate place, because a child always listens to their every word, and of course immediately guesses his closest friends - mom and dad. As well as the riddle of friendship with a sibling should not cause difficulties for the baby.
Article updated: 08/01/2019
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