Ways to use tar soap for lice and nits, reviews on the effectiveness

Insects are not always nice, especially if they crawl and jump over a person. Pharmacies offer a lot of drugs for pediculosis, but their price is high. How to save before the advent of expensive drugs? Our ancestors quite successfully used tar soap for lice. Is the remedy relevant now?
Tar soap

Tar soap is a champion in the fight against unwanted tenants in hair. Due to its natural composition, it is perfect for children. Following simple instructions for use, you can get rid of parasites quickly and without damage to health.

Why tar is useful

Tar is obtained from birch bark. In its pure form, it can hardly be found, but as a component of medical and cosmetic products is common. And what are the properties:

  • antiparasitic;
  • antiseptic;
  • restorative;
  • antimicrobial;
  • antifungal.
Apply tar inside and out. Indispensable for skin diseases.

Composition and features

Pharmaceutical products for lice contain synthetic substances. They strongly dry the scalp and hair, which after treatment have to be restored for a long time. For children's delicate scalp, this is a serious damage. The smell of the funds is so unpleasant that it is difficult to withstand it on yourself for the right time.

Previously, tar was mixed with soap shavings. Balls were rolled from this mass, dried and used as intended. Now to buy a ready-made bar is not a problem. Due to the specific smell, tar tar is not popular. They do not purchase it for daily use, but to get rid of specific cosmetic problems.

The soap contains tar, alkali and auxiliary components. Sodium salts and various acids (e.g. benzoic and citric) may be added depending on the manufacturer. Allowed the presence of tannins, water and various additives. Trying to "clog" the smell, they often use different flavors or essential oils. But the main ones are tar and soap base.

Be sure to read the composition indicated on the package. Sometimes manufacturers cunning and use tar extract, and this is not what is needed to deal with lice. It is important how much tar is contained in the soap, it should be 10% or more.


It is not recommended to use soap for girls and women at the planning stage, pregnancy and the lactation period. Who else is contraindicated in the use of tar soap?

  • Allergic people. If you are not sure about the lack of reaction, then either conduct a small test for allergies, or refuse to use in order to avoid problems.
  • Sensitive skin. Holders of thin and delicate skin should take into account a possible side effect: after using tar soap, the skin will peel off and itching may appear.
  • Early childhood. For newborns, such a remedy is not suitable because of the likely appearance of dryness of delicate baby skin.
It is not recommended to use soap on an ongoing basis. Even oily skin from frequent use of tar soap can become dry. Alternate it with other means.

Tar soap against lice: how to use it

Our wise ancestors came up with the use of dust soap from lice and nits even when they did not use synthetics as part of the products. The strong smell of tar scares away intruders. There are different ways to use tar soap for lice and nits, but the rules for processing are the same.

  • Protect mucous membranes and stomach. Do not allow soap to get into your eyes.Foam can cause very severe irritation and burning. Do not let children taste the soap. If it enters the stomach, it can cause severe pain and heartburn.
  • Take into account the characteristics of the skin. If your skin is dry or sensitive, add burdock or castor oil to the soap. After washing, use a moisturizing mask or balm.
  • Take a test. Lather the skin and watch for redness, itching, or burning in this area. Or simply apply foam on your wrist (or elbow bend) for 15 minutes, then rinse off. If the skin begins to redden, then rinse off immediately.
To remove lice with tar soap at a time is almost impossible. This is real only if the parasites have just settled in the head. But, unfortunately, they are discovered much later, when they occupied the territory and are not going to give up without a fight.

Tar soap bar

As an independent tool

Features Due to the naturalness of the means of quick effect, you should not wait, but do not rush to abandon it either. There is only one way to find out if tar soap from lice helps - try. Repeat this procedure every day for at least one week.


  1. It is necessary to clean the hair and scalp from dust and grease. To do this, moisten the head with warm water and lather with a bar or liquid tar soap. Foam well, then rinse.
  2. Not wiping, but only squeezing, again lather hair. Achieve foam distribution throughout the skin. Do not spare money: the more foam - the better.
  3. Once the hair and skin are in foam, wrap your head. Wear a disposable hat or use the package. Wrap with a towel and a scarf on top to keep your head warm.
  4. Keep at least half an hour, preferably 40-60 minutes.
  5. Remove the towel and bag and rinse your head with warm water.
  6. Wipe the hair with a towel and comb out the hair with a comb (or comb) with frequent teeth.

In combination with an anti-pedicule drug

Features This option is suitable for those who need a very quick positive result. Or those who do not believe that it is possible to get rid of lice with tar soap. In this case, tar is not the first violin, but enhances the effect of the main tool and softens its chemical effect on the skin. In addition, this is a guarantee of successful "persecution": one of the tools will help necessarily.


  1. Apply any budgetary anti-pediculant according to the instructions (usually on dry hair) and stand for as long as necessary.
  2. Rinse off with warm water.
  3. Lather head with tar soap, whisking foam well.
  4. Leave the foam for half an hour, wrapping your head in a bag and towel.
  5. Wash your hair with warm water.
  6. Comb the strands with a comb.
It is likely that this procedure will have to be repeated the next day. It is possible to use only soap in the following days for prevention.

Effect Enhancing Components

Tar soap is also available in liquid form. Such a tool for washing your hair is more convenient to use, especially in combination with "helpers". You can use tar soap for lice with the following additives.

  • With essential oils. To enhance the repellent effect and give a pleasant smell to the bottle with soap, add two to three drops of essential oils of cloves, ylang-ylang, lavender or peppermint.
  • With vegetable oil. Unrefined vegetable oil, add to liquid soap. This will facilitate combing and create an additional film that blocks the breathing of lice. The option is suitable for people with dry scalp.
  • With hellebore water. When you wash off the soap from the hair, you can apply helical water to them. Alcohol extract of hellebore roots is sold in a pharmacy. Blot hair over the entire length with a cotton pad, put on a hat and wait half an hour. Then wash your hair with ordinary shampoo and comb out with a comb.

The girl washes her head

3 more tips

Conclusion: tar soap can get rid of lice. And strengthen its action in three more ways.

  1. Hold the product on your head longer. Of course, do not rush to extremes and leave foam for the night, extend the procedure to an hour and a half.
  2. Be patient. Combing hair with a comb requires concentration and time. So you can get rid of more parasites.
  3. Dissolve the glue. Nits are attached to the hair with their own glue. It can be dissolved with acid. After washing off the foam, rinse your hair with something acidic, for example, a solution of vinegar with water. So when combing, you will get rid of nits.

In order to get rid of unpleasant insects settled in the hair at home, it is not necessary to use advertised expensive means. Tar soap has shown itself well in the treatment of head lice. And reviews of tar soap from lice confirm this.

Helps or not: reviews

Tar soap removed lice in my childhood. I have not changed this tool now. When the son, after a summer vacation with his grandmother in the village, arrived with a “gift”, she immediately remembered the dark bars with a characteristic smell. I bought in a pharmacy for a nominal sum and bought a special scallop. Enough once "soaping" and combing. But for the full effect of washing the hair 3 more times. My son even liked the smell. He did not experience any discomfort. So once again I was convinced - the proven tool is the best.

Veronica, https://apest.ru/vshi-i-gnidy/sredstva-ot-vshej-i-gnid/degtyarnoe-mylo-ot-vshej/#i-5

I can definitely say yes! Tar soap will help get rid of lice or nits! Wet the hair well, lather the soap in your hands and rub it thoroughly into the scalp, then leave it on your head for 10-15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Liza, http://hairhomecare.ru/zabolevaniya/infekcionnye/pedikulez/lechenie-vshi/sredstva-ot-ped/narodnie-ped/mylo/degtyarnoe.html

Tar soap helped me a lot. I got lice out in three days, and even dandruff disappeared, my hair stopped quickly oily. The smell does not scare me at all, so I will periodically wash my hair with it for preventive purposes.

Alina, https://apest.ru/vshi-i-gnidy/sredstva-ot-vshej-i-gnid/degtyarnoe-mylo-ot-vshej/#i-4

She washed her daughter’s head with soap, foamed, waited 15 minutes, washed off, rinsed with water and vinegar. Immediately combed out 3 dead lice and one live. But the nits do not want to comb out. Tomorrow we will poison with chemistry, but after soap the child really began to itch less, and no living adult lice were found.

VIKA, http://klop911.ru/vshi/kak-izbavitsya-ot-vshej/degtyarnoe-mylo-ot-vshej.html

Article updated: 06/27/2019

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