How to do morning exercises: exercises for the whole family

A contrast shower or strong coffee is the wrong start to the day. This is something like doping for the nervous system and brain, which for a while gives a feeling of vigor, but does not awaken the body completely. As a result, after a couple of hours, fatigue, drowsiness and apathy sets in. A real surge of energy will give you only a charge. Light physical activity makes all systems of the body work, gives you strength for activity during an eventful day. In addition, the habit of performing a set of exercises for morning exercises will positively affect the state of health.
Family morning exercise

Unfortunately, 90% of people neglect exercise, preferring to soak in bed for a few extra minutes. They do not even suspect that they are depriving their body. The benefits of morning exercises, especially for girls, can be described by five pluses.

  1. Energy. A little physical activity speeds up blood circulation. Thus, every cell in the body is saturated with oxygen. After a few minutes, a person feels a surge of vigor and strength.
  2. Mood. Charging involves a slight load that does not tire or exhaust. Moreover, it promotes the production of endorphins, which are known to be hormones of happiness.
  3. Slenderness. Morning exercises trigger metabolism. Thus, what you eat for breakfast will be quickly processed by the digestive system without damaging the figure. For pregnant women, moderate exercise is also important in terms of maintaining normal weight. And given the benefits to the spine, you can count on improved posture.
  4. Endurance. Getting up early and exercising is a little, but still a test for your willpower. So you learn to go over laziness. This will help you in all your endeavors.
  5. Immunity. Morning exercises will make the body stronger and more resistant to external negative factors. If you do exercises daily, then over time, note that colds have become less of a concern to you.

A set of exercises for morning exercises

What should I do in the morning? If you have realized the importance of charging for the back, for the joints and for health in general, this is already half the success. It remains only to choose the optimal set of exercises that meets your age and level of physical fitness. Every person should have a daily charge.

Universal "ten minute"

To execute the morning exercise program, set an alarm 10 minutes earlier. This will be enough to reproduce a simple set of exercises in which all parts of the body are involved. Such a short and simple morning exercise is suitable for children. Also, the complex is suitable for those who are looking for morning exercises for the elderly. The table shows the training scheme.

Table - Ten Minute Morning Exercise

What worksExerciseEquipmentRepetitions
NeckHead spin- Slowly and smoothly, without throwing back your head, perform rotations5 left and right
ArmsPropeller- Hands spread apart;
- clench your fists;
- rotate your forearms, leaving your shoulders motionless
20 in and out
Hand rotation- Hands down and tense at the elbows;
- synchronously and sweepingly, with maximum amplitude, describe with your fingers circles in the air
10 forward and backward
Infinity- At chest level, connect the hands to the lock;
- trying to use only brushes, “draw” a horizontal figure eight (infinity sign)
BodyMill- Put your feet wide;
- straight arms spread apart;
- keeping the spine straight, bend down;
- with your hands alternately get to the toe of the opposite leg
Hips- Put your feet at a short distance;
- having fixed hands on hips, describe a circle with a basin
10 in each direction
LegsBent leg rotation- Bend your leg at the knee and pull it to the body as much as possible;
- rotate the shin so that the toe of the foot describes a small circle in the air
10 for each leg
Heel rotation- Straighten the body, connect the feet;
- Take one leg to the side on the toe;
- without taking your sock off the floor, draw a circle in the air with your heel
20 for each leg
When starting to charge, be sure to do a little workout. It is enough to march on the spot for three to five minutes to bring the body to “combat readiness”.

For women

Women, as a rule, have a lot of complaints about their bodies. Morning is the time to work on the minuses of the figure. The table contains the optimal exercises that are useful for losing weight and creating a beautiful silhouette.

Table - Proper morning exercises for women

What worksExerciseEquipmentRepetitions
NeckHead tilts- Alternately tilt your head in different directions20
ArmsTriceps Stretch- Put your feet wide;
- the straightened right hand is well wound left in front of you;
- push the worker even further so that you feel strong muscle tension
A minute for each hand
Vertical scissors- Put your feet at a short distance;
- pull one arm along the body, and lift the other up;
- rhythmically change the position of the hands to the opposite
BodyLeaning forward- Connect the feet, and lower your hands down;
- gently stretch your fingers to the floor, trying to keep your back straight
Cat- Get on all fours;
- leaning on your hands, press your chest against the floor;
- bending your back, like a cat, slowly rise on outstretched arms
LegsKicks- Put your hands on your waist or grab the back of your chair if you have balance problems;
- with a straight leg, alternately do swings in different directions
12 for each leg
Squats- Spread your feet wide and stretch your arms across from your chest;
- squat without bending your back
Heel lift- Connect the feet;
- bend and lift one leg;
- Raise the heel of the second leg as high as possible, “spring” on the toe
The number of repetitions can be changed. Feeling tired, you can adjust the number in the direction of decrease. Good physical shape allows you to increase the duration of charging.

For men

Men need more intense morning exercises than women. It should be aimed at all muscle groups, give the body energy and develop stamina. The table shows the optimal set of exercises

Table - Classic morning exercises for men

What worksExerciseEquipmentRepetitions
NeckHead turns- Gently turn your head left and right10
ArmsPush ups from the wall- Stand facing the wall and step back a step from it;
- Put your hands on the surface at chest level;
- bend your elbows and start push-ups
Boxing- The starting position should resemble a boxing stance;
- alternately straighten your hands, simulating punches with fists
BodyStrap- Lie on the floor face down;
- press against the surface with the toes of the feet;
- Place your palms under your chest and rise on straight arms;
- align your back, pull the stomach and buttocks;
- linger in that position
30 seconds
Hammer- Stand evenly on legs wide apart;
- straight arms close in the lock in front of the chest;
- carry out body turns, setting the direction with your hands
Press- Lie on your back with your hands under your head and bending your legs;
- Lift your head and shoulders off the floor
LegsDumbbell Squats- Put your legs wide;
- pull your hands down, after taking weighting materials in them;
- Squat, keeping your back straight
Side kicks- Spread your feet wide and sit down slightly;
- For balance, stretch your arms in front of you;
- bend one leg at the knee and lift it to the side;
- sharply straighten your leg, simulating a blow
10 for each leg

Mom with children does exercises

For teens

Pupils and students spend most of the day sitting. And they have a habit of hunching, stooping, in a word - sitting as they like, but not directly. Therefore, in morning exercises for adolescents, emphasis should be placed on the back. A simple and effective complex is presented in the table.

Table - Charging for teens

What worksExerciseEquipmentRepetitions
NeckHead spin- Slowly rotate your head5 in each direction
ArmsBoxer- Bend your arms at the elbows, clench your hands into fists at chest level;
- “Box” with sharp and strong movements, simulating blows
2 minutes
BodyBody rotation- Put your hands on your belt, and lock your hips in a fixed position;
- rotate the housing with large amplitude
5 in each direction
Slopes- Standing straight, bring your hands back and clutch;
- lean forward without bending
Deflections- Get on all fours and arch your lower back as hard as you can;
- bend as much as possible
LegsWalking on the spot- March in place, raising your knees high2 minutes
Squats- Take a stable position, straightening your back;
- try to sit as low as possible without lifting your heels

"Bed" workout for the lazy

If you cannot find the strength in yourself to do a full charge, hesitate without getting out of bed. Five easy tricks will bring the body and mind on alert in anticipation of a busy day.

  1. Sipping. Legs are level and arms are up. Reach for the fingers of the hands and feet.
  2. Twisting. Hands back. Keeping the shoulder girdle in a fixed position, turn the pelvis to the right and left. Only ten twists.
  3. Kneeling Lift up a little, leaning on your elbows. Pull your knees to your chest five to seven times.
  4. Boxing. Lying on your back, beat sharply and hard in the air. Boxing needs a couple of minutes.
  5. Bicycle. Lying on your back, simulate riding a bicycle for two minutes, rotating your legs forward. Rotate your feet two more minutes in the opposite direction.
Rest a bit after charging. Before getting out of bed for three to five minutes, lie on your back, trying to breathe as deep as possible.

Woman goes in for sports

7 rules of effectiveness

Do not take lightly on morning exercises. There are a lot of conditions, ignoring which can lead to the opposite effect. Seven rules deserve close attention.

  1. Do not overdo it. An organism pampered with sleep should not be burdened with prolonged intensive training after awakening. Charging should give vigor, and not exhaust.
  2. Start charging while in bed. Before rising, stretch well to stretch your body after sleep.
  3. Awaken the brain. Before gymnastics, wash, brush your teeth, or make your bed. This will finally bring you to your senses before morning exercise.
  4. Turn on the music. The clockwork rhythm will make the body move more actively, and the brain will work harder. You might like the idea of ​​dance exercises or a Zumba-style workout.
  5. Breathe deeply and evenly. Every cell in the body must be saturated with oxygen. If possible, exercise with an open window or pre-ventilate the room before doing exercises in the morning.
  6. Do not starve yourself. Ideally, exercise is done before meals. But if, when you wake up, you feel severe hunger, do not torment yourself. Eat a banana, a couple of oatmeal cookies, or a handful of nuts for energy. After eating, wait a quarter of an hour before starting to charge.
  7. Consider the state of health. If you have contraindications to physical activity, it is better to consult a doctor about the morning exercise program. In osteochondrosis, scoliosis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system, physiotherapy exercises can play the role of morning exercises.
In the warmer months, it is good to do exercises in the fresh air. If you are not lucky enough to live in a private house, do your morning workout in the nearest park.

How to boost yourself to action

Morning exercise at home is a trifle. Just a few minutes of light exercise. But why then the vast majority of people ignore this useful activity? The problem is the lack of willpower. Five methods of motivation are recommended for the lazy.

  1. Set your alarm away from the bed. Usually people turn off the annoying call without lifting their heads from the pillow. Try placing an alarm at the other end of the room. Then you definitely have to get out of bed to turn off the signal. This will allow you to cheer up before the gym.
  2. Get support. Engage all family members in your morning workouts. Together it is much easier to overcome laziness.
  3. Fix the action plan. Make a daily routine, not mentally, but in writing. Place it somewhere in a conspicuous place.
  4. Get ready to charge in advance. In the evening, place in a convenient place all the equipment you need to charge (gymnastic rug, dumbbells, chair, etc.). Then you will have fewer excuses for not training.
  5. Thank yourself. Come up with a reward system. If you have been doing exercises for a week, treat yourself to chocolate. For a month of regular classes, you can treat yourself to a small new thing. But for skipping a charge, you can punish yourself with a lack of entertainment.
Boast a good habit in front of friends. To keep the brand, you have to work daily. You might want to share your successes and future self-improvement plans on your personal blog, inspiring others.

Based on numerous surveys, scientists at the University of Florida concluded that regular physical activity makes a person more self-confident and improves self-esteem. British researchers argue that the habit of doing gymnastics in the morning reduces the risk of diabetes. Even if you are skeptical of such statements, there is no doubt that exercises for morning exercises in the morning for beginners or experienced athletes are a great way to recharge your batteries for productive work.

Reviews: "This is absolutely brilliant thing!"

From my own experience I know how effective morning workouts for weight loss. After all, after nightly starvation, the blood has the least glucose, which means that during the morning exercise, fat reserves will be burned. I can also say that if I plan an intensive workout in the morning, I will definitely have a banana snack, and after 40 minutes I’ll do it. If light charging, then you can not snack. But after class I eat somewhere in about 40 minutes.


Morning exercise is a genius thing. At least 5 minutes in the morning - and you can do it that day! And then. Today I, today, as always, terribly broken got up. Because I sleep badly. I didn’t even know how I would do things. How to get out of the house. But she forced herself to do exercises for at least a minute on the principle of a Japanese-kill-me-not. In the end, I did it for half an hour. Well, then yoga also sat down)). Then I had breakfast with oatmeal, took a contrast shower (which I hate) and jumped energetic on business! Here's how?))


I am a sloth. How many Mondays I already had, from which now I will definitely begin, not to count. But each time there was some important and, most importantly, objective reason preventing me from making exercise as an unconditional part of my morning, like washing or brushing my teeth. Everything changed, oddly enough, my daughter.She wakes up early, and one day, in order to occupy myself and her, I turned on the music, and together we performed several simple exercises. Now I have no choice - every morning a clear voice wakes me up: `Mom, charge! `) And to reach an agreement with her is not at all as simple as with her own inner voice)))

A guest,

Article updated: 06/13/2019

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