Methods to eliminate sagging cheeks: masks, massage and exercises for the face from brylya

Signs of age-related changes are primarily manifested on the female face. Bursts, or sagging cheeks, cause a woman a lot of discomfort: they spoil the appearance and visually add several years. But there are a number of effective techniques that can restore a woman's youth.
Girl puts cream on her face

Flesh on the face? Today, getting rid of brylya quickly is not a problem. This can be done both with the help of aesthetic cosmetology and surgery, and independently at home. And if the first option does not always seem affordable, then you can eliminate the defect by making masks or performing exercises for the face against bryly.

When the skin of the lower part of the face loses its elasticity and sags, the effect of the “bulldog” cheeks is created. A woman immediately begins to think about the reason for the appearance of brylya. It lies in weakening the tone of the face and chewing muscle. After 35 years, the collagen content in the skin decreases, it weakens and loses elasticity. Adipose tissue of the face moves down, stretching the skin and forming bryl.

Cosmetological and surgical methods

How to tighten brylya on the face? Fast but costly methods of getting rid of brillas are offered by plastic surgery and aesthetic cosmetology.

Face skin lifting

  • Lifting. Non-surgical facelift procedure. This method is suitable for those who are afraid of operations and do not have time for a long rehabilitation period. Lifting is the tension of the skin simultaneously with the use of special cosmetic preparations. According to cosmetologists, this is a quick and painless way to get rid of brylya.
  • Facelift. Getting rid of sagging cheeks through surgery. During the operation, excess subcutaneous fat is removed. After such an operation, a long rehabilitation course is necessary.
  • Bio-reinforcement. A biostimulant, usually hyaluronic acid, is introduced under the skin to tighten the upper layer of the dermis. An effective and safe, but expensive way.
  • Lymphatic drainage massage. During the procedure, the lymph flow increases, toxins are eliminated, and oxygen circulation improves. The skin is noticeably tightened, the bryl are eliminated. But at least 10 procedures are required.
  • Laser nanoperforation. Skin renewal procedure. After 5 sessions, a positive result will appear. The method is considered safe.
  • Mesothreads. Under the skin, special threads are introduced that support the skin. The effect will last 2 years. The problem is that this method is only part of everyday life, therefore it is used only in some clinics.

The effectiveness of cosmetic procedures depends on the right clinic and specialist. Before entrusting your face to a surgeon or a cosmetologist, read other people's reviews about his work.

Gymnastics for the face

Home Effective Methods


With the help of exercises you can get rid of the “bulldog” cheeks and increase the tone of the skin of the face without resorting to aesthetic cosmetology. We learn how to remove bryly on the face at home using facial gymnastics.

  • Inflating cheeks. Puff out your cheeks and roll air from side to side for 30 seconds.
    »Blowing out candles. Fold your lips as if you were going to blow out the candles on the cake. Blow air 50-60 times.
  • Smile through resistance. Press on the cheeks with the pads of your index fingers. Try to smile broadly, overcoming resistance. Perform this exercise at least 20 times.
  • "Shaving" bryly. Take a closed razor and run it on the cheeks from the bottom up, as men do when they shave. Continue to pull the cheek skin up for 2-3 minutes. The regular implementation of such actions during shaving prevents the appearance of brylls on the face in men.
  • Pulling the chin forward. Imagine that a leaflet was attached to your chin, and you need to throw it off without using your hands. Do the exercise 50 times.
  • Maggio Technique. Fan your fingers: and stretch them from the earlobe to the buccal apple. Smile as wide as possible and let go with your fingers for 20-30 seconds.
  • Benz technique. Hands press on the cheeks and smile at the same time - muscle resistance should arise. Stay in this position for at least a minute.
Take facial gymnastics for 15 minutes every day. Soon, you will return elasticity to the skin of the face, forgetting about what drilled.

Facial Muscle Exercises

Face massage

There are many ways to remove bryll on the face. For example, a facial massage that you can do yourself.

  • Patting your fingers. Pads on the cheeks and chin, directing movements from the bottom up.
  • Patting with a towel. Take a small towel and wet it. Just as in the first case, pat a towel over the lower part of the face for two to three minutes.
  • Sliding movements. Press your index fingers on the chin and slide them to the earlobes. To make the movements easy, apply a couple drops of oil on the fingertips.

Facial massage gives the same effect as facial exercises from brylya. Give massage 10-15 minutes every day and spend it regularly.

Face mask

Effective bryl mask on the face

You can restore skin elasticity and remove bryl using masks. They are made from foods that can be found in the refrigerator. The following mask recipes will help get rid of brylya on the face at home.

Egg curd

An egg is a source of collagen, which is necessary to maintain the elasticity of facial skin. It nourishes the skin with vitamin A and promotes the penetration of beneficial trace elements into the lower layers of the epidermis. Cottage cheese nourishes and softens the skin. Olive oil rich in vitamins A, B, D, E., useful for the skin. Prevents premature skin aging. A mask of fat-free cottage cheese is suitable for oily skin, medium fat is preferred for dry skin. Such masks are contraindicated in people who do not tolerate lactose.

Beat the egg until foamy.

  1. Add cottage cheese in the amount of one tablespoon and the same amount of olive oil.
  2. Mix all the ingredients to get a homogeneous mass.
  3. Keep the egg mask on your face for no more than half an hour, then rinse with warm water and moisturize your face with cream.

Sour cream face mask

Protein lifting mask

Egg white has a lifting effect due to the high content of vitamin B. Bactericidal properties help get rid of acne. Egg white is more suitable for oily and combination skin. Refrain from masks if you have dry skin or add a moisturizing yolk to the main component.

  1. Take 2 eggs and separate the whites from the yolks.
  2. Mix well.
  3. Cleanse your face and apply a mask. When it dries and turns into a film, the mask can be removed.

Anti-aging with milk and sour cream

A special property of milk is its ability to lighten age spots. Fresh skin is needed for dry skin, a little sour for oily skin. Sour cream is a natural antioxidant and helps to improve cellular metabolism. Compared to milk, it has a more pronounced anti-aging property. Moisturizes and nourishes the skin. For oily skin, use sour cream with a low fat content. Masks with this product are not recommended for people with lactose intolerance.

  1. Mix three tablespoons of sour cream and a spoonful of milk.
  2. Apply the mask on the face for 20-30 minutes, and then rinse off.

Honey and lemons

Honey with lemon zest and juice

Honey has a tightening property.The regular use of masks with it is able to restore elasticity and velvety to aging skin. Lemon juice refreshes the skin and nourishes it with oxygen. Flavonoids contribute to skin rejuvenation. But high levels of vitamin C can cause irritation. Face masks with lemon are not recommended for dry and sensitive skin.

  1. Grind lemon zest (2 tablespoons are required).
  2. Add a tablespoon of lemon juice and as much liquid honey.
  3. Move, apply.
  4. Keep the mask on your face for no more than 15 minutes, and then rinse and apply a light cream on your face.

Use masks at least twice a week: you can choose one of the recipes described above or alternate all four. If you do not want to perform exercises to remove bryly on the face, then masks will help you eliminate this deficiency within 1-2 months.

So that the effect of the mask does not become an unpleasant surprise for you, conduct a test for an allergic reaction. Put a little cooked on your wrist and rinse off after 15 minutes. If irritation and redness do not appear on the test area over the next 24 hours, the mask can be applied to the face.

Bryl is a defect in the face that you can and should get rid of. And there are so many ways that you can choose the one that you like. Do not throw exercises or masks after getting rid of the problem. Reduce the frequency of their execution, and this will be a good prevention of the occurrence of bryl.

Article updated: 06/27/2019

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