How to use sesame oil for face with dry, problematic and aging skin

It seems that the problem of excessive dryness of the skin can be solved elementarily. In theory: they picked up a good moisturizer - and voila! In fact, everything is different. Girls who struggle with peeling on the face know that finding an effective remedy in this case is not so simple. The face is literally pulled together, which sometimes delivers even painful sensations. The skin becomes rough and itchy, the pores expand, the epidermis particles constantly exfoliate. As a "panacea" in this case, sesame oil for the face is often recommended now. About the properties and effectiveness of the product - in our material.
Sesame oil and seeds

Sesame oil is a plant product. On sale it can also be found under another name - sesame. It is obtained by processing sesame seeds or otherwise - sesame. This plant is widespread in African countries.
You are one hundred percent familiar with small sesame seeds, as they are actively used as a culinary supplement. For example, when baking bakery products.

Oil plant for a healthy diet and beautiful skin

Sesame oil today is not as popular in everyday life as sunflower seeds. But it is of particular value. And the very name “sesame” in translation means “oil plant” - one sesame seed consists almost 60% of the oil fluid.

At the same time, several centuries ago, everything was completely different. The plant was looked after primarily because of the liquid, the healing properties of which are described even in the treatises of the famous doctor and philosopher Avicenna.

Now sesame oil is eaten mainly by people who strictly adhere to the rules of a healthy diet and are not limited in their means. This is not a mass consumption product, but it is becoming more and more in demand for medical and cosmetic purposes.

In a store near your home, you are unlikely to buy sesame oil, but it is easy to order for joint purchases over the Internet or you can ask at the pharmacy. Sesame oil for the face from wrinkles and peeling is better to take unrefined from white seeds. The average cost is about 300 rubles. per 100 ml. But the final price tag directly depends on the supplier, packaging and technological features.

Sesame seeds in a bowl

How sesame affects the body

Sesame oil is taken both internally and externally. It contains a real palette of vitamins, macro- and microelements, amino acids and other useful components. For example, in just one teaspoon of the product contains the daily rate of calcium needed by a healthy person.

The use of this remedy for inflammation and worms has been proven, for wound healing, anesthesia. Also revealed bactericidal and immunomodulating properties. Indications for the appointment are gastritis, ulcers and constipation, liver disease. Sesame oil contains substances that strengthen the cardiovascular system.

It is believed that daily use of sesame is a good prevention of hypertension, heart attack, stroke and even malignant neoplasms. In addition, due to the high content of magnesium, the product normalizes the activity of the nervous system, relieves stress and depression, improves memory and brain function. Useful for obesity, bone disease, vision and breathing.

For girls, the product is not prohibited even during pregnancy and lactation. It also improves the condition of the female body on a physical and emotional level during ICP andmenopause. But men, using sesame seeds, can solve the problems of sexual function.

Sesame seeds with a spoon

The palette of useful components for beauty

Sesame oil has long been used at home and in cosmetology. The beneficial properties of sesame oil for the face can be listed for a long time. And for understanding the safety of the product, it is important to know the following: it is prescribed even in the treatment of skin problems in children, as well as with dermatitis, eczema andpsoriasis in adults. It is sesame recommended for the care of the delicate area near the eyes and for eyelashes.

Masks with sesame oil for the face are primarily good for peeling and overdrying. But the versatility of its content allows us to solve other problems. Particularly used against blackheads, anti-aging and sun protection. And in combination with some ingredients it is also useful for oily skin. What will happen to your face as a result of contact with sesame oil?

  • Deep hydration and nutrition. Sesame oil is rich in "beauty vitamins." For example, B vitamins, which are generous in moisture and oxygen. And due to the texture, the oil retains this “cocktail” in the cells longer. In addition, a good moisturizing effect is achieved thanks to a component such as squalene. It is a natural carbohydrate that intensifies oxygen metabolism and blood circulation.
  • Natural lift. Silicon, ascorbic acid, and proteins contribute to the production of collagen and elastin. These substances "work" so that the skin is supple and toned.
  • Treatment acne. Antioxidants and zinc in the composition of sesame oil make it an effective remedy for acne, normalize the sebaceous glands. These substances relieve inflammation and destroy harmful organisms. And phytosterols and phospholipids align the hormonal background.
  • Cleansing. Sesame oil, even in consistency, reminds cream for make-up remover. It removes dirt well, penetrates deeply and is well absorbed. So some girls warm up a little and use the product for daily evening procedures in a pure form.
  • Slowing down the aging process. Vitamin E and ascorbic acid even cope with deep grooves and “stop” the appearance of new wrinkles. According to reviews, using sesame oil for the face from wrinkles is very simple: you can simply apply the product as a cream at night.
  • Protection from the "bad" sun. The active substance sesamol, which is in sesame oil, is used to create sunscreen cosmetics.
Sesame oil is used for cosmetic purposes without restrictions. It can cause harm only with individual intolerance to the product. Girls use it as the main component in home masks, creams, tonics. Oil can be taken for massage and hair care, applied after manicure and as a balm on the lips. There are contraindications only in the menu: it should not be eaten with varicose veins, problems with blood coagulation and the risk of blood clots.

Oil is pouring on the face

Tips for using sesame masks

There are no special secrets in how to use sesame oil for the face. You can simply wipe them with problem areas or mix with ready-made purchased care products. The product is well absorbed, therefore it is recommended to apply peeling several times a day from peeling.

When there is a desire, supplement it with other interesting ingredients and prepare multicomponent cosmetic mixtures. By the way, if you have a favorite mask composition, which includes vegetable sunflower oil or olive, you can safely replace them with sesame seeds. And below are simple and popular recipes for masks based on sesame seed oil.

With grapes and aloe from acne and inflammation

  1. Using a gauze cut, squeeze the juice from the pulp of fresh white grapes. The required amount is a tablespoon.
  2. Using a gauze cut, squeeze the juice from aloe. The required amount is a tablespoon.
  3. Combine the resulting fluids.
  4. Add one and a half tablespoons of sesame oil.
  5. Soak for 15-20 minutes.
  6. Wash with boiled water, milk or herbal decoction.
  7. Apply daily cream.

Sesame and Cocoa: Anti-aging Duo

  1. Melt cocoa butter in a water bath or microwave. The required amount is a tablespoon.
  2. Combine with one tablespoon of sesame oil.
  3. Soak for 15-20 minutes.
  4. Wash with boiled water, milk or herbal decoction.
  5. Apply daily cream.

Sesame oil and grains

Enhanced Banana Sesame Nutrition

  1. Crush the flesh of half a banana.
  2. Combine with one tablespoon of sesame oil.
  3. Soak for 15-20 minutes.
  4. Wash with boiled water, milk or herbal decoction.
  5. Apply daily cream.

To clean the scales and moisturize

  1. Combine a teaspoon of sesame oil and a teaspoon of homemade sour cream.
  2. To sustain 20-30 minutes.
  3. Wash with warm boiled water, milk or herbal decoction.
  4. Apply daily cream.

Sesame seeds

Composition against puffiness

  1. Combine a tablespoon of sesame oil with tangerine, pine and juniper essential oils. The amount of enriching components is a drop of each type of ether.
  2. Can be left overnight.

With squirrels against gloss

  1. Beat two protein raw chicken eggs.
  2. Combine with a tablespoon of sesame oil.
  3. To sustain 20-30 minutes.
  4. Wash with warm boiled water, milk or herbal decoction.
  5. Apply daily cream.

Adding Oil to Water

With yolks against dryness

  1. Beat two yolks of raw chicken eggs.
  2. Combine with a tablespoon of sesame oil.
  3. To sustain 20-30 minutes.
  4. Wash with warm boiled water, milk or herbal decoction.
  5. Apply daily cream.

With vitamins to get rid of crow's feet

  1. Using nail scissors, cut four capsules of vitamin E. Pour the contents into the bowl.
  2. Using nail scissors, cut four capsules of vitamin A. Pour the contents into the bowl.
  3. Combine with a tablespoon of sesame oil.
  4. Apply to the skin around the eyes.
  5. Leave overnight.

Sesame seeds

For freshness and silkiness

  1. Grind the pulp of fresh cucumber with a grater. The required amount is three tablespoons.
  2. Combine with three tablespoons of sesame oil.
  3. Combine with a tablespoon of glycerin.
  4. Enrich with lemon, mint and grapefruit essential oils. Quantity - one drop each.
  5. Soak for 15-20 minutes.
  6. Wash with warm boiled water, milk or herbal decoction.
  7. Apply daily cream.
Sesame oil usually has a long shelf life of about two years. After you open the bottle, it is better to keep it in the refrigerator. The container must be tightly closed. Ready-made masks with sesame oil, which do not include fresh vegetables and fruits, can also be in the refrigerator. Term - no more than a week.

The use of sesame oil for the face, according to reviews, gives a visible effect after a month of regular procedures. If you do not begin to use the product for daily care, it is better to repeat the mask at least several times a week.

Article updated: 03/29/2019

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