Homemade masks for dry hair: recipes with fruits, oils and what else is it useful to smear strands

Dry, brittle, dull strands are often the result of negative environmental effects, the use of styling devices, and a lack of nutrients. Therefore, care requires special products. Both cosmetics manufacturers and beauty salons offer solutions that can fix the problem. But prices for professional services and branded products often bite. What to do when there is no free money? A properly prepared mask for dry hair at home can provide a well-groomed appearance, restore health and silkiness.
Girl with brown hair

It is impossible to radically change the data that we got from nature. Yes, and from devices and tools that allow you to change the color of your hair, do luxurious hairstyles, it's hard to refuse. One thing remains - to constantly pamper your hair with effective makeup. Even such Hollywood beauties as Jennifer Lopez, Eva Longoria, Mila Jovovich, use masks. The main components are various oils, glycerin, fruits and vegetables. This is a must-have and allows them to dazzle others with the beauty and brilliance of chic curls on the red carpet.

Dryness is a serious problem that leads to brittleness and hair loss, split ends. The hair itself will not be restored, so you can not leave the issue unresolved. Curls need to be constantly nourished and moisturized.

Masks for dry hair: how to apply

Often, mixtures prepared independently do not produce the desired result. It's not that the ingredients are poorly selected. The main problem is the correctness of their preparation. Here are six basic tricks to make a mask for dry and damaged hair so that it is as useful as possible.

  1. Dishes. To mix the ingredients, it is better to take dishes made of glass or porcelain.
  2. Amount. When preparing a home repair mask for dry colored and unpainted hair, it should be remembered that a portion should be designed for one time. Most mixtures contain natural products, so storing them for a long time is not recommended.
  3. Temperature. The mask must be at least 36 ° C when used. So the useful components that it contains, much faster and deeper penetrate the hair.
  4. Warming. You can achieve maximum results if the hair is under a hat, polyethylene.
  5. Flushing. Rinse off a home-made cosmetic with water at room temperature so as not to injure thin hair again.
  6. Drying. Washed hair should not be rubbed, but pat with a towel. It is better if it dries naturally.

Correctly making a mask for dry and brittle hair is only one of the steps in the fight against the problem. In order for hair to recover better and more intensively, mixtures should be used once or twice a week.

A selection of recipes for food ...

Regular replenishment is extremely necessary for damaged curls. Folk remedies cope with this task 100%. Useful substances from natural products are an effective tool in the fight against brittleness, loss, delamination.

With yolk and honey

Features Egg, honey - products that can cause an allergic reaction, even when applied to the hair.Therefore, you should make sure in advance that they are not harmful to the body. For example, apply components to a small area of ​​the skin and wait for irritation to appear.


  • one yolk (raw egg);
  • two tablespoons of melted honey;
  • two tablespoons of burdock oil.

How to apply

  1. We mix everything.
  2. We apply the composition from root to tip.
  3. We wait an hour and thoroughly rinse your hair in warm water.

With kiwi

Features The usefulness of the emerald fruit is recognized not only by nutritionists. The recipe for a mask for dry hair with kiwi is as simple as possible, since you do not need to add other ingredients at all. The product contains phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, iron, vitamins E, C and group B. These substances eliminate brittleness, prevent cross-section, loss of curls, and activate their growth. The strands do not tangled, become silky.


  • kiwi fruit.

How to apply

  1. Knead one or more fruits until gruel is formed.
  2. Distribute from root to tip.
  3. For three to five minutes, massage the scalp and gently rub the mixture into strands.
  4. We stand the remedy for 10-15 minutes under a hat, polyethylene.
  5. We wash the curls in body temperature water.

Egg yolk in a plate

With mustard

Features Making a nourishing mask for dry hair at home with mustard requires some caution. The product is able to activate metabolic processes, increase blood circulation. It is not recommended to use it if there are wounds or neoplasms on the scalp.


  • 1 liter of water;
  • three tablespoons of mustard powder.

How to apply

  1. Mix mustard powder with warm water.
  2. Apply the mixture from the roots to the ends of the strands.
  3. Massage for three to five minutes.
  4. We are waiting for 30-40 minutes.
  5. Rinse the curls in warm water.

With yeast

Features A homemade mask for dry hair made from yeast is a solution that allows you to strengthen the strands, restore health to the damaged structure. It stimulates growth, returns shine. The effect is enhanced by egg white, honey.


  • a tablespoon of dry yeast;
  • three tablespoons of cream (can be replaced with milk);
  • a teaspoon of sugar;
  • a tablespoon of castor oil (can be replaced with burdock).

How to apply

  1. Pour the yeast with a dairy product at room temperature, add sugar.
  2. The mixture is kept in a warm place for 15-30 minutes.
  3. Add castor or burdock oil to the components.
  4. Stir until a homogeneous mass is formed.
  5. We apply and evenly distribute from the roots to the ends of the strands.
  6. We are waiting in a hat, polyethylene for 40 minutes.
  7. Rinse the strands in heated water.

With gelatin

Features Gelatin can not only eliminate dryness, but also give volume and density to hair. The main thing is to use it correctly to get a homogeneous mixture. If he takes up lumps, it makes no sense to make a mask. In addition, such a mixture will be difficult to rinse.


  • two tablespoons of gelatin;
  • four tablespoons of water.

How to apply

  1. Soak gelatin in heated water until it swells.
  2. Heat the mixture until the granules are completely dissolved.
  3. The product should cool.
  4. We apply from the roots to the ends of the curls.
  5. You can leave the mask for the night or go with it for several hours.
  6. Rinse in warm water.
It is recommended to apply a home mask for dry hair at least once or twice a week. A one-time procedure will be ineffective. Only regular care can restore the hair, providing it with a well-groomed, beautiful appearance.

Kefir hair mask

... and moisturizing

The masks have a double task: not only to nourish, but also to moisturize the curls, restore their structure, restore health and softness. Sour-milk products and essential oils cope with this.

With kefir

Features The fermented milk product is able to wash out the pigment, therefore it is recommended to apply masks from it for dyed and bleached hair as little as possible. Otherwise, you will often have to update the shade.


  • 100 ml of kefir (you can increase or decrease the portion).

How to apply

  1. Apply sour milk from the roots to the ends, massaging the strands.
  2. We stand under a hat, polyethylene for 30 minutes.
  3. Rinse with warm water. If there is a specific smell, you can use a shampoo suitable for the type of hair.

With cottage cheese and cucumber

Features An unusual combination can fill the strands with natural moisture. A mixture with natural vitamins will help restore softness and suppleness to hair. She will provide her elasticity and luxurious radiance.


  • two tablespoons of cottage cheese;
  • half fresh vegetable.

How to apply

  • Peel the cucumber, grind it on a grater or in a blender.
  • Mix the components to get a homogeneous mass.
  • Distribute from root to tip.
  • We stand under a hat for 20-25 minutes.
  • We wash hair in warm water.

With butter

Features Judging by the reviews, oils are able to cope with almost any hair problem. They are saturated with vitamins, phospholipids, fatty acids. Even in the shortest possible time, funds can restore the health of the strands, so they are very often used in emergency cases.


  • two tablespoons of burdock oil or any other similar means (you can increase or decrease the serving).

How to apply

  1. We heat the oil in a water bath to 36 ° C.
  2. Apply from root to tip.
  3. You can walk with a mask for up to three hours.
  4. Rinse thoroughly with shampoo in warm water.
Olive oil, coconut oil is useful not only for hair, but also for the skin of the face, body. Means perfectly moisturize. They are especially relevant for the winter period, when the skin needs additional support. Almond oil can even heal small wounds and cracks.

Aloe juice

With aloe

Features Aloe - One of the most affordable and budget components. Juice can be obtained from a plant that grows on the windowsill of a house, or purchased in pharmacies.


  • two tablespoons of aloe juice;
  • one apple.

How to apply

  1. Finely rub the fruit and mix with juice.
  2. Distribute a homogeneous mass from the roots to the ends of the curls.
  3. We cover ourselves with a hat or polyethylene.
  4. We are waiting for 30 minutes.
  5. Rinse thoroughly in warm water.

What to do if the roots are oily

The combined type can often be found among owners of long strands. Dry hair and oily roots suggest the use of a two-part mask, each of which is designed for a specific area. You can use blue clay. It mixes with water. The mixture is applied only to the roots.

It should be remembered that sensitive scalp and brittle strands require careful care. Therefore, masks made of onions and alcohol-containing drinks are not recommended. Nuclear ingredients can even cause burns.

Vitamins from dryness: we get with food, buy in a pharmacy

You can restore health and beauty to your hair not only in the external way, using home-made masks. An important stage is replenishment from the inside. It is possible to normalize metabolic processes in the body by eating certain foods. It is also recommended to take vitamins in tablets, but in this case it is better to consult a therapist. What exactly is useful to use is described in the following table.

Table - Vitamins useful for dry hair: in products and preparations

VitaminsProductsPharmacy name
A- Butter;
- eggs;
- liver;
- cottage cheese;
- cheese;
- carrot;
- an Apple;
- apricot;
- rose hips;
- sea buckthorn
Retinol (beta-carotene)
E- Tomatoes;
- spinach;
- parsley;
- salad;
- peas;
- nuts
B9- Brewer's yeast;
- cereals;
- millet;
- lentils;
- nuts;
- a fish;
- cottage cheese;
- cheese
Folic acid
B8- Sesame seeds;
- beef heart;
- whole grains;
- soybeans;
- beans;
- grapefruit;
- turnip
H- milk;
- cheese;
- an egg;
- lamb;
- beef;
- beets;
- tomatoes;
- carrot;
- potatoes;
- peas;
- beans;
- peanuts
To get reliable information about the state of the body, it is better to take tests, undergo examination by a trichologist. This will show which vitamins are in short supply and which, on the contrary, are in excess. The doctor will advise vitamin preparations specifically designed to solve the problem of dryness of strands. Their reception in parallel with regular masks will contribute to the full recovery of curls.

A mask for dry hair and tips with your own hands is easy to make, and the necessary ingredients can be found in a cosmetic bag or in the refrigerator. However, you should not rely only on her. It is necessary to organize proper care for damaged hair. Using curling irons, hair dryers, irons, you should get professional thermal protective cosmetics. Balanced nutrition, hats in the cold season, gentle washing - a set of measures will only strengthen and prolong the effect of home-made products for a long time.

Article updated: 12/18/2018

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