Face masks with sea buckthorn oil at home for wrinkles

Using sea buckthorn oil for the face is a real trend in home cosmetology. The tool is considered highly effective in combating age-related skin changes. How true is this? What properties does it have? What benefits and can do harm? Features of the use of sea buckthorn oil in face care.
Sea buckthorn oil and berries

A valuable oil product is also obtained from the fruits of the plant, buckthorn. Fruit collection is carried out in limited areas, in places of organized tree planting. During the ripening period, all fruits are harvested indiscriminately, although the most valuable from a medical point of view are small berries of bright orange color. Harvesting sites are protected, arbitrary collection at such sites is considered poaching.

Composition and properties of sea buckthorn oil

The composition of the sea buckthorn oil is of great value. The instructions can be seen on the packaging itself. The plant belongs to a small group of medicinal crops rich in fat- and water-soluble vitamin compounds. This suggests that all the vitamins contained in the fruits, and therefore in the oil, are presented in a form that is easily accessible to the human body.

Sea buckthorn on a branch

Oil is obtained by extracting fruits, combining medicinal raw materials with sunflower oil. The fruits are crushed by mixing pulp and seed pulp, resulting in the formation of a combined oil product with a high content of palmitic, linoleic and linoleic acids.

Of greatest interest is the vitamin composition of the fruit. According to some researchers, it is sea buckthorn that contains the maximum amount of vitamins and other significant components compared to other medicinal crops growing within Russia. So a specialist of the Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants S.A. Vichkanova notes that the highest concentration of carotenes, carotenoids, tocopherols, chlorophyll and organic acids is contained in sea buckthorn fruit oil.

  • Vitamin E. Among vitamins, tocopherol leads. Its volume in a pure oil extract reaches two hundred and forty-seven milligrams per hundred grams of raw material.
  • Vitamin K. By the amount of vitamin K, the fruits are ahead of blackcurrant and rose hip.
  • Vitamin C. It is many times more in the product than in any other plant. The raw materials collected in Central Asia and the Kaliningrad region contain up to one thousand three hundred milligrams of vitamin C per hundred grams of product.

Also in the composition of the product are phenolic compounds, in particular flavanoids, necessary to preserve the tone of blood vessels and skin. There are vitamins B and serotonin - an alkaloid with high radioprotective activity that inhibits the growth of pathological tissues.

The use of sea buckthorn oil in traditional medicine provides for internal and external use. Inside it is used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Externally, indications for use are burns, cuts and other skin injuries. The product has high regenerative activity, restores the epidermis, effectively heals wounds and fights inflammation.

Contraindications for external use of the composition does not exist. The healing properties have been repeatedly tested during tests, including on the basis of the burn center of the Institute of Surgery named after A. Vishnevsky. The composition was used to accelerate the restoration of the skin after burns, demonstrating high efficiency and healing of burn surfaces to twenty percent of the skin of the body for fourteen days.

Sea buckthorn berries and oil

Antioxidant activity

The fashionable word "antioxidants" appeared in our everyday life only recently. It combines substances, including food and cosmetic products that can fight free radicals. The latter are not “terrible animals” at all, but the result of the natural process of oxidation that occurs in our body every day.

But the intensity of this process is different. With a sufficiently high level of work of our own antioxidant system, the main organ of which is the skin, the amount of free radicals turns out to be small, and does not cause any consequences. But when aggressive factors act on the skin, for example, ultraviolet in the summer on the beach, our antioxidant barrier ceases to cope with the load. There are many free radicals, they violate the normal conditions for the functioning of cells, cause aging of tissues and provoke pathological processes.

According to scientists, antioxidants should definitely be used to reduce the damage from free radicals. This will extend the youthfulness of the skin, maintain the strength of the body and reduce the risk of cancer. Science has proposed several synthetic substances with antioxidant activity, but many of them turned out to be unstable, and when entering into reactions with other substances in the body, they lost their properties.

Antioxidant action is one of the beneficial properties of sea buckthorn oil. But its main value is that the components in the body are stored in a stable form. This happens because initially the main antioxidant elements are stabilized in the product: bioflavonoids and carotenoids, vitamins C and E.

A stable natural complex does not allow elements to collapse during the metabolism in cells. Therefore, face masks with sea buckthorn oil at home are a powerful means of antioxidant skin protection.

Sea buckthorn mask

Application in cosmetology. Useful or not

Can I smear my face with oil? The composition of fatty acids, vitamins and antioxidant substances, which are rich in sea buckthorn oil, makes it a valuable tool for cosmetic use. It is included in caring, anti-aging masks, everyday skin care products of various types.

  • Prevention of aging. Recommended for aging skin, as a source of vitamins in an easily accessible form, an active ingredient to soften the epidermis. According to reviews, sea buckthorn oil for wrinkles from the face effectively smoothes small, superficial folds of the skin, eliminates dehydration of the epidermis, improves its tone.
  • Fight against acne, acne inflammation. The tool is included in combination formulations for problem skin. Its anti-inflammatory effect, local antiseptic effect is proved. Due to the suppression of pathogenic skin microflora, inflammation is faster, there are no scars and scars on the skin.
  • Healing of affected skin. Use oil should be for tissue regeneration after burns, injuries. It accelerates the formation of new tissues, heals not only from the edges of the wound, but also by the formation of young skin in the middle parts of the injured areas. The type of action of the extract from the fruits of sea buckthorn is similar to the drug "Dimexidum". When the wound closes, you can continue to lubricate it with oil to soften the tissues and prevent the formation of a scar, scar. The softening effect of sea buckthorn oil is higher than synthetic glycerin.
  • Nutrition, skin hydration. Sea buckthorn oil in facial cosmetology is traditionally used for dry skin. It becomes the basis of nutritional and moisturizing products for winter care.

The tool is used in pure form on the affected skin. For the treatment of injuries, burns, it is applied warm as applications. Caring mask recipes always offer additional ingredients. Due to the high fat content of the product, its penetration into the skin is limited.

Sea buckthorn oil

Dry skin nutrition

Sea-buckthorn oil in cosmetics has an important role.An effective and simple mask for dry skin that supports it in the winter. You can use it in the summer to reduce the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.


  1. Warm a teaspoon of oil.
  2. Add two teaspoons of sour cream, mix.

For this recipe, it is better to use fat sour cream, so the effect of the mask will be higher. It should be applied twice a week for twenty minutes.

Young woman and oil in a bottle

Toning and moisturizing

Including sea buckthorn oil in tonic products, you fill the skin with valuable elements. They will support her beauty, elasticity, improve complexion.


  1. Warm a teaspoon of oil.
  2. Add yolk if the skin is dry, or protein if the skin is oily.

Both compositions have a lifting effect, so after applying them, it is recommended to lie down for twenty minutes. They should be used twice a week.

Beautiful young girl

Wrinkle Prevention

Sea buckthorn oil for wrinkles can be used to prevent or combat existing wrinkles. It cannot fight the deep, but the superficial ones, caused by insufficient moisture, will smooth out.


  1. Warm a teaspoon of oil.
  2. Melt two teaspoons of honey.
  3. Mix.

Apply the product in a warm form. Honey is an active antiseptic, therefore, the composition is suitable for nutrition and protection against inflammation of oily and problem skin.

A jar of sea buckthorn oil in a home medicine cabinet will help to quickly eliminate light cosmetic defects. Lubricate their chapped lips at night in order to forget about peeling and discomfort in the morning. Rubbing into the scalp and distributing through the hair, you will improve the structure of the hairs, protect them from external influences and moisture loss.

Traditional medicine suggests using sea buckthorn oil for acne as an effective anti-inflammatory agent. In scientific cosmetology, it is used as an ingredient in oily, problem, and youthful skin care formulations. But the most valuable are the regenerative and antioxidant qualities of the product, its emollient ability, and the effectiveness in the fight against small wrinkles and traces of aging. Sea buckthorn oil extract is safe and has no contraindications for external use.

Article updated: 04/08/2019

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