70 most interesting photos the famous Juliette Lewis

Hollywood actress Juliette Lewis, known for the films From Dusk Till Dawn, Born Killers, Cape of Fear, What Gilbert Grape Eats, Romeo Bleeds. Juliet (photos of the girl are presented in this article) - winner of the Venice Film Festival prize and 1992 nominee for the Academy Award and Golden Globe Award.

Lewis Juliet dreamed of being an actress from an early age. When she was 12 years old, Juliette Lewis and Brad Pitt starred in the movie "Die Young." Juliet played a naive provincial, and Brad Pitt - a crook who pulled the girl into the world of vice. But in life, Brad Pitt and Juliette Lewis became friends. It was with the help of Brad Pete that Julia was able to get rid of drug addiction.

Juliette Lewis (Cape of Fear 1991) starred in company with Robert De Niro. So at the age of 18 for the film “Cape of Fear”, actress Juliette Lewis was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actress in a Supporting Role.

Juliette Lewis (From Dusk Till Dawn 1996) played a minor role in Quentin Tarantino's film. Juliet starred along with actors such as Salma Hayek and George Clooney.

In 1999, actress Juliette Lewis married athlete Steve Behr. The couple lived together for 4 years, but in 2003, Steve and Juliet broke up without giving birth to children.

70 celebrity photos

Juliette Lewis in her youth loved to excite the audience with tricks on the verge of a foul. Juliette Lewis and Terry Richardson (Scandalous photographer) filmed a daring photo shoot. The photo of Juliet caused a heated discussion in show business.

A little later, journalists photographed a girl in a bikini, short shorts and bright sneakers walking a dog. It was Juliette Lewis, (Zimbie's dog) walking on a leash in a red T-shirt.

Also, not only in her youth, Juliette Lewis nude appeared several times in the films "Kelly and Kel", "Murder in a Foreign City" and "Strange Days".

To date, the actress is 47 years old, but Juliette Lewis (photos are now available for viewing) looks great and continues to be in demand.

NEW YORK, NY - MARCH 02: Juliette Lewis visits "Extra" at their New York studios at H&M in Times Square on March 2, 2015 in New York City. (Photo by D Dipasupil / Getty Images for Extra)

Article updated: 08.17.2019

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