Terms of use

According to the Regulation on trade secrets, approved by IP Smagina M.K. from 10/02/2018

1. Subject of the Agreement

1.1. This user agreement (hereinafter - the Agreement) governs the relationship between the site administration (IP Smagina M.K., hereinafter referred to as the Organization) and individuals (Users, Visitors) on ladystyle.decorexpro.com/en/, its services, its subdomains * .ladystyle.decorexpro.com/en/ ( hereinafter referred to as the Site).

1.2. The use of individual Site Services may be governed by separate rules, which are also an integral part of the Agreement.

The Agreement is binding on all Users and visitors of the site from the moment of registration on the site in the manner established by the Agreement or from the moment of actual use of the site, including by viewing pages and materials, adding information, etc.

1.3. Changes to the Agreement enter into force and become binding on Users, Visitors from the moment the Agreement is updated in the new version on the Site and does not require any prior notification (approval, consent) of Users, Visitors. The new edition of the Agreement is valid for new Users, Visitors, as well as for Users, Visitors who have accepted the terms of the Agreement before making changes.

1.4. The current version of the Agreement is located on the Internet at: https://ladystyle.decorexpro.com/en/polzovatelskoe-soglashenie.

1.5. Users, Visitors should not use the Site in any form, if they do not agree with any terms of the Agreement and assume all possible risks of such use. In case of using the Site in any form, the consent of Users, Visitors with the terms of the Agreement is presumed.

2. Terms and definitions

Authorization is the process of analysis of the authentication data entered by the User by the software part of the Site, the results of which determine whether the User has the right to access the User’s Personal Page and the services of the Site.

Authentication data - a unique identifier of the User used to access the User’s Personal page.

Content - the results of intellectual activity and equivalent means of individualization (including: musical works, literary works, computer programs, mobile phones, audiovisual works, phonograms, images, texts, trademarks and service marks, commercial designations and trade names, logos, etc.), hypertext links, their fragments, information, widgets and other objects posted on the Site.

Personal page - a page created using the software features of the Site as a result of obtaining by the User an Account containing the User’s Personal Data.

Moderation - control over the information posted by Users on the Site, carried out in the manner and to the extent provided for by the Agreement.

Personal (personal data) - reliable, complete and up-to-date information that allows, among other things, the authorization of the User, voluntarily and free of charge posted by the User when registering on the site. Personal (personal) data includes authentication data, the name and surname of the User, which the User has the right to indicate on the Personal page, as well as other information about himself, which the User indicates during registration. Personal (personal) data is stored on the servers of the Site and is used exclusively for the purposes stipulated by the Agreement and the Policy for the processing of personal data of Users.

User - an individual who has received an account on the site in the manner prescribed by the Agreement.

User content - the content of the site (including user comments), posted by the user independently, voluntarily and free of charge.

Visitor - an individual using the information located on the Site.

Registration - the actions of the Visitor to create an Account on the Site in the manner established by the Agreement. During the Registration process, the User indicates the Authentication data, on the basis of which the User is granted access to the Site and its functional services.

Account - Authentication and Personal (personal) data of the User stored on the servers of the Site.

3. User Registration

3.1. In order to provide the Visitor with full access to the Site Services and obtain the User status, the Visitor must go through the Registration procedure and create his Account.

3.2. The user is personally responsible for the safety and security of his password. The Organization is not responsible and does not guarantee the security of the User Account and User’s Personal Page in the following cases:

3.2.1. transfer to third parties (intentionally or through negligence) of the password;

3.2.2. access of third parties to the Account and the User’s Personal Page using software tools that allow the selection and / or decoding of the password;

3.2.3. non-fulfillment by the User of the recommendations specified in the Agreement.

3.3. By accepting this Agreement, the User agrees to receive information and advertising materials of the Site by e-mail specified by the User on the Site during registration. If the User does not want to receive the information specified in this clause, he must apply for the cancellation of the information by sending an electronic message to the address: chinateampro2015@gmail.com.

3.4. User agrees:

3.4.1. immediately notify the Organization of any unauthorized use by the User of his password, Account, Personal Page or any other breach of security;

3.4.2. immediately change your password to access the Site if the password has been lost by the User or has become known to other persons, besides the will of the User.

3.5. The organization is not responsible for any loss or damage to data that may occur due to non-compliance with the recommendations set forth in the Agreement.

3.6. The User Password can be restored only if reliable, complete and up-to-date information provided during registration of the Account is provided. If the User has neglected the indication of reliable, complete and up-to-date registration information, the Organization will not be able to recover the password upon contact.

3.7. When registering, the User does not have the right:

3.7.1. impersonate another User using his username and password;

3.7.2. use as your login a word or phrase that is obscene (abusive), offensive, discriminatory, inappropriate from the point of view of generally accepted morality;

3.7.3. Borrow the logins of other Users and reformat them in such a way that they become insulting to them;

3.7.4. create more than one Account for one User.

3.8. By registering on the Site, the User confirms that he has the necessary legal capacity and capacity to accept the terms of the Agreement, is able to execute the Agreement and be responsible for its violation.

3.9. The User agrees and confirms that all actions performed on his behalf (using the User Account) are regarded as the actions of this User and may entail liability for the User.

3.10. The user, agreeing to this User Agreement, provides his informed and voluntary consent to participate in promotional, advertising and other events aimed at promoting the site.The organization has the right to send to the User in any way information about the functioning of the site, including the email address provided by the User when registering on the Site, as well as send informational, advertising or other messages, or post the appropriate one, including advertising information on the Site itself.

3.11. The Site Support Service reserves the right to refuse to Register or to terminate the process of Registration of a new User at its discretion.

3.12. The Site Support Service has the right at any time to delete any data and Accounts for any reason or without reason. The support service reserves the right to track the activities of Users on the Site.

4. General rules for posting User Content

4.1. The User is fully responsible for the content and placement of User Content (information, data, texts, photos, graphics, videos and other materials) publicly published using the Site Services. This means that the User is fully responsible for all materials that the User downloads, sends, receives, transmits or in any other way makes available using the Site Services. The User, the Visitor understands that, using some Services of the Site, he can see materials that may be considered by him as offensive, inaccurate or controversial and the User, the Visitor understands that the user who posted them is responsible for the placement of such materials.

4.2. User agrees not to use the Site for illegal purposes.

4.3. The User agrees that by posting User Content, the User provides access to it for other Users, Visitors by default.

4.4. Users are prohibited from using the Site Services for:

4.4.1. uploading, sending, transmitting or any other way of publishing User Content, including by pointing to its location, including by placing a link that is illegal, harmful, threatening, insulting, contrary to generally accepted morality, slanderous, violating copyright and other intellectual property rights that demonstrate (propagandize) hatred, violence, cruelty and / or discrimination of people on racial, ethnic, sexual, social, religious, property signs containing elements or propaganda of pornography, child erotica, representing advertising or propaganda of sexual services (including under the guise of other services), explaining the procedure for the manufacture, use or other use of narcotic substances or their analogues, explosives or other weapons, as well as violating generally accepted standards and ethics of communication on the Internet, or hampering the use by other Users, Visitors of the Site Services;

4.4.2. violation of the rights of third parties, including the rights of minors and / or any harm caused to them;

4.4.3. infringement of the rights of various minorities;

4.4.4. impersonating another person or representative of an organization and / or community, as well as misleading;

4.4.5. uploading, sending, transmitting or any other way of publishing User Content that the User does not have the right to use or make available in accordance with applicable law or in accordance with any agreements with third parties;

4.4.6. uploading, sending, transmitting or any other way of publishing User Content that violates any of the rights of third parties, including the right to trademarks (service marks), trade secret, and / or to violate any other intellectual property rights of third parties, is a commercial advertisement;

4.4.7.downloading, sending, transmitting or any other way of publishing User-generated content containing viruses or other computer codes, files or programs designed to violate, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer or telecommunication equipment or programs, to allow unauthorized access to computer systems, equipment or third party data, as well as serial numbers for commercial software products and programs for their generation, logins, passwords other means to gain unauthorized access to sites on the Internet, as well as linking to the above content;

4.4.8. violation of any norms of the current Russian and / or international legislation, as well as the legislation of foreign states;

4.4.9. collection, storage and processing of personal data of third parties without their consent in the manner prescribed by law;

4.4.10. uploading, sending, transmitting or any other way of publishing User Content containing rude, obscene, offensive, obscene, abusive words and expressions;

4.4.11. placing links to Internet resources, the content of which contradicts the current legislation of the Russian Federation;

4.4.12. use of automated scripts (programs) to collect information and (or) interact with the site;

4.4.13. providing the history of actions on the site to relevant programs whose purpose is to rewrite existing action histories or data that go beyond the topic under discussion;

4.4.14. transmitting, sending or facilitating such transfer or sending of any message or request designed or intended to receive Personal (personal) data of any other Website User;

4.4.15. creation or transmission of unsolicited e-mail (“spam”) to Internet users;

4.4.16. the use of robots and automated tools designed to access the site;

4.4.17. taking actions that, in the opinion of the Technical Service, facilitate registration on the site of non-existent Users that impede the operation of the site and constitute interference in the normal process of the site;

4.4.18. sending or receiving money by the User of the site or other remuneration in exchange for fictitious game processes that artificially change the voting results and place in the rating;

4.4.19. placing announcements or requests addressed to an unlimited circle of persons about the purchase or sale of any goods or services;

4.4.20. selling or otherwise transferring by the User of his Account to another User or to a third party;

4.4.21. uploading, sending, transmitting or any other way of publishing User Content, if it is known that its placement will cause losses, moral damage, damage to the business reputation of third parties;

4.4.22. achievement of other goals that contradict the current legislation of the Russian Federation and (or) the Agreement.

5. Rights and obligations of the Organization

5.1. The organization does not deal with the consideration and resolution of disputes and conflict situations arising between Users, Site Visitors, however, reserves the right to block the User’s page and (or) delete User Content if motivated complaints are received from other Users, Visitors about the incorrect behavior of this User.

5.2. The organization has the right to remove any User Content without notifying the User and explaining the reasons.

5.3. In cases established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the Organization transfers Personal (personal) data, User Content, IP addresses, any other information to authorized bodies based on relevant requests.

5.4. The organization has the right to use information about the actions of Users, Visitors on the site in order to improve its work.

5.5.The Organization has the right to introduce any restrictions on the use of the Site as a whole, and for individual Users without explanation of reasons and prior notifications to Users.

5.6. The organization has the right to close, suspend operation, change the site or its part without explaining the reasons and prior notifications to the Users.

5.7. The organization has the right to suspend the User’s access to the site for the necessary scheduled preventive and repair work on technical resources.

5.8. To achieve the goals of the proper functioning of the site and the technical support of its services, the Organization has the right to attract third parties on the terms of relevant agreements.

6. Copyright and rights to other results of intellectual activity

6.1. The content of the Site is subject to the exclusive rights of the Organization.

6.2. Any use (including reproduction, copying, modification, sale, bringing to the public, distribution in whole or in part), including for commercial purposes, of the Site Content without the prior consent of the Organization is prohibited, except as otherwise provided in the Agreement.

6.3. By posting User Content, the User warrants that he has all the rights and authority necessary to post such content and grant rights to it in accordance with the terms of the Agreement, and is responsible for the consequences of violation (inaccuracy) of such a guarantee in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

6.4. By posting User Content, the User grants the Organization an exclusive license for its use, including reproduction, distribution, public display, processing, publicizing without limiting the territory and term, without paying an additional fee to the User. The posted User Content may be used by the Organization in any Site Service.

6.5. The specified exclusive license for the use of User Content is granted to the Organization simultaneously with the addition of such content to the Site for the entire duration of the exclusive rights to the objects of copyright and (or) related rights that form such content.

6.6. The user agrees that:

6.6.1. posting User Content does this voluntarily and free of charge;

6.6.2. in case of placement of User Content, exclusive rights to such content are retained by the Organization.

6.6.3. The organization has the right to keep archival copies of remote content posted by the User;

6.6.4. the terms of the Agreement relating to the transfer by the User of the rights specified in clause 6.4 of the Agreement remain valid after the User or technical support service deletes the User’s record;

6.6.5. by posting User Content, the User provides free access to it for any Visitors, Users of the site for review and personal use for non-commercial purposes;

6.6.6. The organization has all the rights on the site as a single entity, including all its components.

6.7. The organization does not control the observance by the Users of copyrights and other related rights of third parties to the results of intellectual activity and is not responsible for the violation of their Users.

7. Responsibility

7.1. The organization does not control and is not obliged to take any actions related to control:

7.1.1. the way in which Users visit the Site or through which they use the Site Services;

7.1.2. what effect the Users posted on the site may have on the Users and Visitors, how users and visitors can interpret the information posted on the site;

7.1.3. for actions taken by Users, Visitors after reviewing the Content posted on the site.

7.2.The Site may contain or direct the User, the Visitor to links to other sites containing information, while the Organization is not responsible for the content of such sites accessed through the Site Services, for observing the exclusive rights of third parties, for the legality of the materials posted on such sites .

7.3. In the event of damage (loss, harm) to third parties, other Users or the site, the User agrees to indemnify the damage (loss, harm) in full in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

7.4. The user is responsible for all expenses (including compensation for losses, harm, fines, legal and other expenses and expenses) of the Organization in the event that third parties make any claims, including but not limited to claims related to the protection of the intellectual rights of third parties, and for any obligations incurred by the Organization in connection with the requirements of third parties related to or arising from a violation by the User of the terms of the Agreement. The User undertakes to take all necessary and possible measures aimed at exclusion of the Organization from the list of respondents for such requirements.

7.5. The organization is not liable to the User and does not reimburse the User for any losses that have occurred or may occur to the User due to delays, interruptions in the site, the inability to fully use the site, as well as for the safety of User content.

8. Final provisions

8.1. Invalidation of one of the conditions of the Agreement is not a basis for invalidation of any other conditions of the Agreement.

8.2. The agreement is governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation. Issues not regulated by the Agreement shall be resolved in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

8.3. The User, the Visitor agrees that in the event of a dispute, they must be resolved in court in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation at the authorized judicial authority at the location of the Organization.

8.4. The User, the Visitor agrees that the Content may be accompanied by advertising without any additional notice to the User, the Visitor and without any compensation whatsoever. In this case, the User, the Visitor agrees not to interfere with the placement of advertising. User, Visitor acknowledges that the Organization is responsible for advertising posted on the site, within the limits established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

8.5. Site Administration Details:

IP Smagina M.K.

Legal address: 129301, Russia, Moscow, Prospect Mira, 184-2-189

Location address: 129301, Russia, Moscow, Prospect Mira, 184-2-189

OGRNIP 318774600348957, TIN 771771208302

Email address for communication on issues related to the use of the site: chinateampro2015@gmail.com


