How to cook bulgur in a slow cooker recipes for cooking in a pan on a side dish

What is the secret of cooking bulgur porridge? Is it difficult to cook? Not at all, if you know all the subtleties and follow the basic rules. Learn simple recipes and master the technique of cooking delicious and healthy dishes from bulgur.

30 min
4 servings
Easy to cook
How to cook bulgur in a slow cooker  recipes for cooking in a pan on a side dish

Product Description

Bulgur (burgul) - cereal with a long history. It has been consumed for more than four millennia. It is believed that it was brought to Europe from the Middle East by the merchants of the Maghreb. Krupa is traditionally used in dishes of Mediterranean, Oriental, Indian, Armenian, Azerbaijani and Chinese cuisines. By the way, the ancient Chinese considered Bulgur a sacred culture.

Bulgur is a cereal obtained from durum wheat. It is heat-treated with water and dried. Then the grains are peeled (ground) to remove the coarse-fiber outer shell (bran) and to obtain an amber color. After that, the crushing process begins. Then the cereals are sorted by degree of grinding:

  • fine fraction (kofelik). Used as an additive in baking various breads, pies, muffins and cookies. Such a “highlight” gives the bakery products a delicate nutty flavor and mouth-watering crunch;
  • middle fraction ideal for preparing side dishes, cereals, thick soups, as well as snacks and desserts;
  • coarse fraction (pylavlik) - used for cooking pilaf. The taste is not inferior to traditional rice. Successfully replaces barley and couscous in recipes, while not boiling to a mushy state.

The calorie content of cereals is high - 342 kcal per 100 g.


Unfortunately, little is known about bulgur in Russia. Just a few years ago, dishes from this cereal were included in the restaurant menu. The beneficial properties of porridge, many simply underestimate. Rich in iron, potassium, vitamins, folic acid and fiber, it has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, helps burn fat and reduce blood sugar. Complex carbohydrates contained in cereals are absorbed slowly without damaging the body.


In some cases, bulgur can harm the body. Contraindications to the use of cereals are:

  • gluten intolerance;
  • flatulence and frequent diarrhea;
  • inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and esophagus;
  • increased acidity;
  • tendency to overeat.

If atypical symptoms appear after using the product, consult a specialist. Perhaps this is a signal of a hidden problem in the body. In this case, the dish will not bring benefits.

Wooden measurement in bulk cereals

The subtleties of cooking

Bulgur is used for making soups, main dishes and desserts. It goes well with meat, fish, seafood and vegetables. In oriental cuisine, cereal is often replaced with traditional rice when cooking pilaf. In Cyprus, bulgur is used for a traditional wedding pilaf, and in Turkey, “brides soup” with the addition of lentils is prepared from it. Cooking bulgur has its own characteristics.

  • Do not wash cereals, do not wash and do not soak. There are no exceptions to this rule.
  • Before cooking, the grain is fried in butter or olive oil. This gives it a pleasant aroma and a subtle nutty flavor.
  • For cooking use dishes with a thick bottom. A great option for cauldrons or woks. On low heat, the croup in them will languish, but not boil.
  • When cooking cereals increases three times. Before cooking, be sure to calculate the number of servings needed.
  • The proportions of water and cereals are 1: 2. This ratio is ideal for viscous porridge.
  • Incompatible components. Croup is not combined with paprika, tomato paste, tarragon and dried fruits. Do not use it with potatoes, cabbage and beets.And the recipes with the egg simply do not exist.
  • In a slow cooker porridge from bulgur is cooked in the "Buckwheat" mode. In the process of preparation, the grain goes through several stages of processing, so that the finished dish becomes crumbly.
Gourmets are advised to cook bulgur in a slow cooker in several modes. First, the grain is fried in melted butter in the "Baking" mode. Pour water and cook using the "Extinguishing" mode. They are brought to readiness in the “Heating” mode.

Simple recipe

Boiled bulgur will be a nutritious breakfast and a great side dish for meat or fish (as in the photo). The most delicious dish will be on the first day. Do not store cooked porridge for several days. Better cook fresh.

Just porridge from bulgur in a white bowlYou will need:

  • Bulgur coarse fraction - 1 cup;
  • cold water - 2 glasses;
  • butter - 2 tablespoons;
  • salt to taste.


  1. Melt the butter in a cauldron.
  2. Pour the cereal, mix, fry for 3 minutes.
  3. Pour in water, salt.
  4. Increase the heat, wait for it to boil.
  5. Cover, reduce heat, cook for 15-20 minutes.
  6. Let it brew for 5 minutes.

The finished dish has a pleasant nutty flavor. Serve it with butter.

Original recipes. How to cook bulgars correctly in a pan

We offer to cook delicious sweet porridge in milk and a dish with mushrooms. The first is for breakfast, and the second is a good choice for dinner. How much is wheat porridge cooked?

With pumpkin and apples

A hearty and incredibly mouth-watering dish is good to start the day. It will energize and give a feeling of satiety for several hours.

Sun porridge with pumpkin in a red bowlYou will need:

  • Bulgur - 1/2 cup;
  • milk - 1 cup;
  • pumpkin - 100 grams;
  • apple - 1 piece;
  • ground cinnamon - 1 gram;
  • sugar - 3 teaspoons;
  • water - 1 cup;
  • butter - 3 tablespoons;
  • dried apricots - 50 grams;
  • mint - 2-3 leaves;
  • salt to taste.


  1. Sauté bulgur in oil.
  2. Pour in water, milk.
  3. Peel and dice the pumpkin.
  4. Chop the dried apricots finely.
  5. Add pumpkin, dried apricots, sugar, mix, bring to a boil.
  6. Reduce heat, cook for 20 minutes.
  7. Salt, remove from heat.
  8. Peel apples, cut into cubes.
  9. Sauté apples in butter with added sugar for 1 minute.
  10. Put the porridge on a plate, add apples, pour the remaining syrup from the frying.
  11. Garnish with cinnamon and mint leaves.

Bulgur on milk turns out friable, grains do not stick together. Pieces of pumpkin, dried apricots and caramelized apples increase the usefulness of the dish, saturating it with vitamins and minerals. Spicy notes of cinnamon and mint complete the taste.

With mushrooms. Easy way step by step

Groats go well with mushrooms. Even traditional champignons, which many consider tasteless, will not leave you indifferent. Try a simple recipe for porridge bulgur with mushrooms at home.

Bulgur with mushrooms and herbs in a wooden bowl and tomato slicesYou will need:

  • bulgur - 1 glass;
  • champignons - 500 grams;
  • onion - 2 pieces;
  • olive oil - 4 tablespoons;
  • water - 2 glasses;
  • parsley - 6-7 branches;
  • salt to taste.


  1. Sauté the diced onions in butter.
  2. Add the sliced ​​mushrooms, sauté until juiced.
  3. Pour bulgur, fry for 5 minutes.
  4. Pour water, salt, simmer for 15 minutes.
  5. Add chopped greens.

Bulgur with mushrooms can be served with meat or used as an independent dish. If you are on a diet or fasting, porridge diversifies your diet.

We got acquainted with the main subtleties of cooking porridge from bulgur.
Now you can choose the most suitable option, which will give you a charge of vivacity and good mood!

Other porridge recipes

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Article updated: 29.07.2019


