How to cook dumplings in the microwave - simple and original recipes

Dumplings is a favorite dish of many for breakfast, lunch or hearty dinner. But often the housewives do not undertake to sculpt the dumplings on their own, because they do not know which side to approach the test. Even dough for dumplings on water seems at first an impossible task. But if you know the basic proportions and some tricks, the result will please you so much that you can’t buy dumplings anymore. After all, in the freezer there will always be a party of home. The secrets of the classic water test and original recipes with the addition of buckwheat flour, vegetable oil and eggs.

15 minutes
1 serving
Very easy to cook
How to cook dumplings in the microwave - simple and original recipes

Even if cooking is not your hobby, you won’t be hungry yourself, and dumplings and a microwave will help you to nourish your family hearty and tasty. In it you can boil them, and bake them deliciously and even fry them, and even more so reheat already fried or boiled ones, it does not matter whether they are with meat or with potatoes.

The main convenience is that cooking dumplings in the microwave does not take much time and can even be done at work. But after all, it will definitely turn out to be a more appetizing dinner than the warmed up yesterday's dish. How to cook dumplings in the microwave - see our recipes with photos, and a video at the end of the article.

3 secrets of the microwave

There are several rules for making dumplings in the microwave.

  1. Cook them in portions of 10-15 pieces.
  2. If you are using homemade products, freeze them first.
  3. Do not use dishes with gold inlays; it is better to take special forms for microwave ovens.

Surprisingly, dumplings prepared in this way have a very natural taste, the inherent water content disappears, the dough acquires tenderness, the meat remains juicy.


Simple recipe

If you do not know how to cook dumplings in the microwave, then start with the most ordinary way, without frills. If after cooking a little broth remains, do not pour it out, this is a great addition to the dish. In the same way, you can cook ravioli and dumplings, a microwave oven can easily cope with the task.

Dumplings in the microwaveYou will need:

  • frozen dumplings - 15 pieces;
  • water - 250 ml;
  • salt is a whisper;
  • oil, bay leaf and chopped greens - to taste.


  1. Put the dumplings in a deep microwave dish.
  2. Pour the contents of the dishes with salted water.
  3. Put a bay leaf on top.
  4. Cover the dish with a lid or plate.
  5. At 800 watts, cook for 10 minutes.

Mix the finished dish with oil, sprinkle with herbs and serve with sour cream. Do not worry, such an amount of water is quite enough, even if it does not cover the dumplings, because they will also boil due to steam. Do not forget to stir the dumplings during cooking every 3 minutes.

You can argue for a long time about how many minutes it takes for the dinner to be ready completely, but here only experience will save. If the dish was not successful on the first try, just add water and put it in the oven for a few more minutes. You can also try pouring boiling water into the mold so that the cooking process takes less time.

Unusual recipes for dumplings in the microwave

Without water

If you just moved, your home is being renovated, the gas has been turned off, or you have encountered other problems in the operation of the stove, then dumplings recipes in the microwave will be very helpful. A rich and not at all troublesome dish can be prepared in several ways.

Dumplings without waterYou will need:

  • frozen dumplings - 15 pieces;
  • sour cream - 400 ml;
  • salt is a whisper;
  • chopped greens - to taste.


  1. Put dumplings in a deep bowl.
  2. Pour them with sour cream so that each product is covered.
  3. Salt, pepper, mix.
  4. Cover, cook at maximum power for 7 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Sprinkle the finished dish with herbs.Oddly enough, it is dumplings without water that are very juicy, their shell does not boil, remains elastic, soaked in sauce. Try to squeeze the garlic into sour cream before cooking, the aroma will be amazing.

Fried with cheese crust

Dumplings under a cheese crustAny of the options for cooking dumplings in the microwave can be improved. Some gourmets like fried dumplings or cheese crust on a finished dish. Is it possible to cook dumplings in a microwave to please them? Of course!

After the dish is cooked in a microwave oven, it can be sprinkled with grated cheese and sent back for two minutes without a lid. To fry flour products with meat, after cooking, it is necessary to drain the broth and allow the dish to cool. Dice the butter, melt in the microwave, mix with the prepared dumplings and fry at maximum power for 8 minutes. If possible, use the Grill function. Do not forget to stir.

In a watermelon

If you puzzle over how to make dumplings in the microwave even more original dish, then pay attention to the watermelon method.

Dumplings in a watermelonYou will need:

  • frozen dumplings - 30 pieces;
  • watermelon - one fruit.


  1. Cut off the top of the watermelon.
  2. Remove all the flesh and mash it by squeezing all the juice.
  3. Put the dumplings in a "pan" of watermelon.
  4. Pour the juice so that it covers all the dumplings.
  5. Cover with cut top.
  6. Cook at maximum power for 10 minutes.
The flavor will be very interesting, but unsharp, and the color of the dish will surprise guests. They have not seen such glamorous dumplings. This is a great meal for a student party - bright, original, tasty and cheap.

It will be easier only to cook dumplings directly in the package, this method also exists. You can cut the bag, pour salt water into it, fix the bag in a plate and cook for 10 minutes at 800 watts.

In a pot

In a matter of minutes, you can also prepare a dish for the arrival of guests. A recipe for dumplings in a pot in a microwave is even for a child.

Dumplings in a potYou will need:

  • frozen dumplings - 500 g;
  • sour cream - 100 g;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • ketchup - 100 g;
  • mayonnaise - 50 g;
  • frozen mushrooms - 200 g;
  • cheese - 150 g;
  • bay leaf, salt, pepper.


  1. Defrost the ingredients of the filling.
  2. Pour everything into a pot.
  3. Boil water, pour dumplings, add spices.
  4. Mix mayonnaise, ketchup and sour cream, add to the pot, mix.
  5. Put the pot on a plate.
  6. At 700 watts, cook for 10 minutes.
  7. Sprinkle with grated cheese and cook another 2 minutes.

This type of dish contains all the necessary ingredients for the first, second courses and side dishes. He does not need sauce, and a wonderful combination of mushrooms and meat makes dumplings more like restaurant food than homemade.

Simple and healthy recipes for dumplings in the microwave will force microwave owners to reconsider their attitude to this miracle of technology. Do not be afraid - vitamins, beneficial enzymes, minerals and natural taste will not disappear anywhere, and a mouth-watering aroma will quickly envelop your home.

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Article updated: 27.05.2019


