Chamomile broth: what is useful and how to apply from gray hair, to strengthen and brighten hair

Hair is an important component of appearance. Dull and groomed strands can spoil even a beautiful woman by nature. In pursuit of the perfect hairstyle, girls spend fortunes on expensive means. And those only "fill" the strands with silicones and cause dandruff. There is an alternative - try an ordinary hair daisy. Her broth was also used by our great-grandmothers. Now you can find recipes for tinctures, masks, shampoo and even balm. Did you know that you can also dye your hair with a camomile?
Woman near camomiles

We know this modest gentle flower since childhood. Chamomile broth is widely used in gynecology, with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, various inflammations, even the first bathing and rinsing the baby - parents make a solution with chamomile. And all because she is a natural antiseptic, besides hypoallergenic. It is widely used in cosmetology: at a low cost, the batch effectively solves skin and hair problems.

The benefits or harms of chamomile hair

Chamomile has a rich composition: minerals, vitamins, carotene, proteins, flavonoids, organic acids. And essential oil is the leader in the content of azulene. The table below provides detailed information on why camomile is so useful for hair.

Table - Effect of chamomile components on hair condition

Farnesen- Promotes tissue renewal
Hamazulen- Relieves inflammation;
- accelerates growth;
- reduces allergy
Minerals (potassium, chromium, copper, calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, sodium)- Strengthen the hair structure;
- normalize the acidity of the skin;
- stop inflammatory reactions;
- nourish the roots
Bisabolol- Reduces dandruff;
- eliminates an itch;
- promotes tissue renewal
Flavonoids- neutralize free radicals;
- strengthen local immunity;
- restore skin turgor
Acids (ascorbic, capric, nicotinic, salicylic)- Participate in metabolic processes;
- increase blood circulation;
- contribute to tissue renewal;
- remove dead cells;
- nourish the roots
Carotene- neutralizes the effect of free radicals;
- restores skin turgor;
- strengthens local immunity;
- accelerates the metabolism in cells
Due to its beneficial properties, chamomile is a very popular hair product. It helps to improve the scalp and gives the strands lightness, shine, elasticity.

Chamomile conditioner

Rinsing hair with chamomile is a simple but effective procedure: curls shine, fall out less, itching goes away, dandruff decreases. You can also give light strands a noble golden hue, and dark, on the contrary, lighten.

How to cook

A decoction is the simplest remedy for chamomile. But in fact, the range of possibilities is much wider: on the basis of the product they make shampoo, balm and, of course, masks.

There are three ways to brew a hair daisy.

  1. Boiling. Flowers boil for five minutes. Cool down. Filter.
  2. Water bath. Then the flowers are brought to a boil in a steam bath. We need two metal containers of different sizes. In this case, the smaller is placed in the larger. Chamomile with water is poured into a small container, and simply water into a large container. They put the whole structure on fire and wait until the broth boils. Cool and filter.
  3. Infusion. Dry inflorescences are poured with boiling water and wrap. After half an hour, the infusion is filtered.

Recipe Table

It is believed that it is better to make an infusion, because when boiling, some vitamins break down. To enhance the effect, other herbs are added to the chamomile. The table below describes the recommended proportions.

Table - Recipes with chamomile for rinsing hair

AppointmentComponentsThe frequency of the procedure
(times a week)
To care for all types of hair- 10 g of chamomile pharmacy;
- 1 liter of water
For growth- 10 g of chamomile;
- 10 g sage;
- 10 g of nettle;
- 1 liter of water
From fat- 10 g of chamomile;
- 10 g of calendula;
- 10 g of lavender;
- 1 liter of water
For dandruff- 5 g of chamomile;
- 5 g of nettle;
- 5 g of lavender;
- 1 liter of water
After rinsing, the formulations do not need to be washed off. Blow dry too. Just pat the strands with a towel and dry naturally.

Other uses

If the curls are very dry or “burned” with aggressive paints, it is better to choose a mask or balm, but not rinse. Decoction without additives has drying properties.


Features According to reviews, this remedy revitalizes and moisturizes dry curls, and is also useful for hair roots: strengthens the bulbs, fights against hair loss.

What is needed:

  • 10 g of chamomile;
  • 0.2 l of water;
  • 80 g of lanolin;
  • 15 ml of vodka.

Your actions

  1. Prepare a decoction in a convenient way.
  2. Cool to a comfortable temperature and strain.
  3. Stir lanolin, and heat the mixture in a steam bath.
  4. Do not bring to a boil.
  5. Cool and pour vodka.
  6. Wash your hair.
  7. Apply mass from root to tip.
  8. Cover your head with cellophane and wrap.
  9. Soak for an hour and rinse.
Keep the composition in the refrigerator in a closed container. Before the next use, heat in a steam bath, the temperature is about 40 ℃ - just right.

Jar with chamomile broth


Features. If you get itching from purchased products, even the mildest ones, try to make a healing shampoo yourself. It gently cleanses and does not irritate the scalp, and is also suitable for giving shine and softness to dry hair. But there is a minus: the composition is stored no more than a week.

What is needed:

  • 10 g of chamomile;
  • 1 glass of water;
  • neutral soap without additives (for children);
  • 20 ml of glycerin.

Your actions

  1. Cook the infusion.
  2. Cool and strain.
  3. Grate the soap and dissolve four tablespoons in the infusion.
  4. Add glycerin.
  5. Mix.
Or you can just add a strong decoction (10 g of inflorescences per 50 ml of boiling water) to your shampoo and wash your hair as usual. This will protect the hair from the aggressive effects of "chemistry" and reduce itching.


Features From excessive fat will help vodka and the same infusion of chamomile hair. This composition is not used over its entire length; it must be carefully massaged into the roots.

What is needed:

  • 15 g of inflorescences;
  • 0.1 l of water;
  • 0.1 liters of vodka.

Your actions

  1. Make a camomile.
  2. Cool, strain.
  3. Pour vodka into the broth.
  4. Insist two weeks.
  5. Rub with massage movements after washing your hair.
Apply tincture twice a week. And if, in addition to fat, dandruff also torments, you can strengthen the composition of 10 g of bay leaf (chopped).

Dry chamomile flowers

Cleanser (with lemon)

Features It is necessary to make a reservation right away that daisy will not give a pronounced result, as a purchased remedy. Yes, and this is not a quick thing. But to achieve clarification of hair in several tones is quite possible.

What is needed:

  • 20 g of chamomile;
  • 1 glass of water;
  • 0.3 cups of lemon juice.

Your actions

  1. Prepare a decoction in a convenient way.
  2. Cool.
  3. Pour in the lemon juice.
  4. Rinse your hair.
  5. Dry naturally.

Means for clarification (with peroxide)

Features Here is another effective recipe for lightening. Here you will need peroxide and vodka. Alcohol reveals the scales of the hair and allows the peroxide to penetrate deeper. Accordingly, the effect of such procedures comes faster.

What is needed:

  • 150 g of chamomile;
  • 1 bottle of vodka;
  • 60 ml of hydrogen peroxide;
  • water.

Your actions

  1. Pour inflorescences with vodka.
  2. Insist two weeks.
  3. Strain and pour in peroxide.
  4. Dilute 10 ml of tincture per liter of water.
  5. Rinse twice a week.
This recipe is for dark hair. Keep in mind that in addition to lightening, the strands will acquire a slightly reddish tint. If you do not need such an effect, it is better to use purchased means.

Natural paint

Features Chamomile can give a sunny shade to light and blond hair. Here linden will help us. This composition will provide easy staining and make the strands soft and pliable styling.

What is needed:

  • 20 g of chamomile;
  • 20 g of linden;
  • 2 glasses of water.

Your actions

  1. Prepare a decoction of herbs in any way.
  2. Rinse clean hair.
  3. Wet and dry the strands without using a hair dryer.
You can change the proportions. The more concentrated the broth will be, the darker the shade will be in the end.

Mask recipes

When compared with rinsing, the use of a hair mask with chamomile will give a more pronounced healing effect due to additional components. Less: you have to spend more time, because after application the mixture must be kept under the film. And many of them have oils and crushed herbs in their composition - they are difficult to wash off. The table shows the recipes for hair masks, including those with chamomile essential oil, aimed at general healing and hydration of the strands.

Table - Formulation of caring hair masks with chamomile

RecipeWhat is neededHolding time (minutes)Frequency (once a week)
With yolk- 1 yolk;
- 10 ml of oil (any vegetable);
- 5 drops of chamomile essential oil
With castor- 20 g of chamomile;
- 100 ml of castor oil
(Insist a week)
With lavender and aloe- 3 drops of chamomile essential oil;
- 10 drops of lavender oil;
- 50 ml of olive oil;
- 50 ml aloe juice
With honey- 10 g of chamomile;
- 100 ml of boiling water;
- 5 g of honey
With cognac- 20 g of chamomile (chopped);
- 1 cup boiling water;
- 10 ml of cognac;
- 10 g of honey;
- 5 ml of lemon juice
With burdock oil- 40 g of chamomile;
- 10 g burdock root;
- 0.5 l of boiling water;
- 30 ml of burdock oil;
- 0.5 lemon (juice)

To mask gray hair

Features A mask of concentrated infusion is good for gray hair. It is applied after each shampooing, ideally - every other day.

What is needed:

  • 20 g of inflorescences;
  • 0.5 cups of water.

Your actions

  1. Boil the raw materials for five minutes.
  2. Wrap up for four hours.
  3. Strain.
  4. After washing, rinse the strands.
  5. Wrap with cellophane and a towel on top.
  6. Soak for an hour and rinse.
And you can leave this mask for the night. So you get the best effect of hiding gray hair, and the strands are better “acquainted” with the healing properties of chamomile.

Mom with daughter in chamomile wreaths

For growth

Features To be effective, a mask for hair growth must provide blood flow to the follicles, while nourishing them. Here is just such a recipe.

What is needed:

  • eight drops of alcoholic camomile tincture (from a pharmacy);
  • eight drops of pepper tincture;
  • 30 ml castor oil.

Your actions

  1. Mix all the ingredients.
  2. Rub into skin.
  3. Cover with cellophane and wrap.
  4. To withstand an hour.
  5. Wash off with shampoo.

From falling out

Features To strengthen hair, there is also an effective recipe. There is already a collection of several herbs, their components actively nourish the bulbs, make the roots stronger.

What is needed:

  • 5 g of chamomile;
  • 5 g of nettle;
  • 5 g sage;
  • 5 g of plantain;
  • 1 glass of water;
  • 50 g of bread (better than rye).

Your actions

  1. Make a decoction of herbs in a convenient way.
  2. Wrap up for half an hour.
  3. Strain.
  4. Soak the bread in the broth.
  5. After swelling, knead.
  6. Apply the composition from the roots to the tips.
  7. Cover with cellophane and wrap.
  8. Keep on your hair for about two hours
  9. Wash off with shampoo.
To achieve a sustainable effect of hair loss, you need to apply such a mask three times a week.

Attention! Whatever hair mask with chamomile you decide to use, check if you are allergic to its components: the uncontrolled use at home of mixtures with herbs, honey and alcohol in the composition can lead to serious consequences. Apply a little mask to the elbow. If after half an hour the skin does not turn red - you can use the recipe.

Chamomile broth for hair is very useful, but regularity is important here. After a couple of weeks, the effect of its use will become apparent. And if you constantly practice herbal treatments, you will achieve a stable result.

Reviews: “Chamomile - an alternative to expensive balms”

I always rinse my hair with a simple broth of chamomile. My grandmother taught me so.I don’t know any troubles with hair, I always have healthy, shiny ones and of course the color is also special.

a guest,

When I bleached my hair, I always rinsed them after washing with a decoction of chamomile with the addition of hydrogen peroxide - the hair became shiny, almost like a doll, and remained soft, lively and obedient.


I am naturally blonde, but over time my hair began to darken, I rinse with chamomile, the effect is very good, my hair does not split, it does not fall out, it has become strong. Chamomile is a great alternative to expensive balms.


I tried to rinse my hair with a decoction of chamomile after washing. My hair color is blond. After the procedures, I did not see any brightening effect, the hair became dry and brittle. But there is a plus - the hair shines more.


I do not rinse with herbs after washing, but I rub the broth into the scalp with essential oils. and the hair is less confused, and the benefits, it seems to me, are greater.

a guest,

Article updated: 06/05/2019

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