How to protect a child from mosquitoes on the street and at home: traditional methods and "Naturon zoogleya"

Children's skin immediately reacts to contact with mosquitoes: blisters, bumps, allergic reactions appear. As a result, the child does not sleep, is naughty, refuses food. Remedies are few, since the use of "chemistry" is unacceptable. The solution is offered by the Russian company Sashera Med, a manufacturer of recreational products from plant materials of the Altai Mountains. Her catalog presents a new product - cream-spray for children and adults, Naturonik Zoogleya. It repels insects, eliminates the effects of bites. It also protects the skin from sunburn. How effective is this mosquito repellent for children, and what other medicinal properties does it have?
Mom and baby walk among flowering trees

A temperature of 10 ° C is a magic mark for mosquitoes: they wake up after hibernation and from May to October they annoy people. An annoying squeak, painful bites and itching can turn into a nightmare outdoor recreation or an evening family walk. And babies whose skin is delicate and thin are defenseless against a sharp mosquito proboscis. Therefore, a mosquito-free summer is the dream of parents.

Children's "mosquito" first-aid kit

In tropical and subtropical climates, mosquitoes can carry viruses, bacteria, and even protozoa. Insects can infect humans with malaria, encephalitis, and fevers of various nature. In our area, such cases are exceptional, but beware of bites is still worth it. Especially when it comes to babies. Their skin instantly gives a reaction: inflammation, swelling, red bumps, itching, pinpoint hemorrhages. There are more serious consequences: a strong swelling or suppuration at the site of a bite, fever, enlarged lymph nodes, drowsiness. This is an occasion for urgent medical attention. And anyway - you never know who the mosquito has bitten before you.

To protect the child from mosquitoes, parents use repellent drugs. There are two main types of remedies that save you from annoying buzzing.

  1. Repellents. Available in the form of creams, lotions, ointments, lotions, aerosols, plasters, bracelets, pencils. Their task is to drive mosquitoes to a safe distance for humans. These funds are used mainly on the street.
  2. Fumigators. These are devices that are filled with special anti-mosquito compounds or operate with ultrasound. There are spirals, lanterns, lamp-traps with different radius of action. They destroy not only mosquitoes, but also other midges. Used both outdoors and at home.
The most environmentally friendly way to save the baby from mosquito bites is to hang a baby stroller or bed with a mosquito net. However, this does not give 100% guarantees: particularly quick individuals can penetrate the smallest gaps. Also, for repelling insects, mothers use essential oils - orange or vanilla. Reception efficiency: 50 to 50.

Safe Choice Rules

Children older than a year are easier to choose a remedy for annoying insects. But how to protect a child from mosquitoes if he was born recently? In this case, the choice is complicated. The use of "chemistry" is excluded: it will harm the child more than a mosquito. In this case, consider the following recommendations:

  • do not buy repellents for a child up to two months;
  • drugs should be appropriate for the age of the child;
  • "Adult" series can be used no earlier than 12 years of age;
  • choose baby products for protection against mosquitoes on plant components;
  • use fumigators and aerosols when the newborn is not in the room;
  • turn on the devices a few hours before bedtime and at a distance of 1 m from the bed;
  • spray clothes and mosquito nets on windows with aerosols;
  • place for applying repellents - open areas of the body and clothing;
  • do not use more cream than indicated in the instructions;
  • do not smear wounds and scratches with repellents;
  • After use, be sure to wash the repellent off the skin, wash clothes -
  • do not use an expired drug.
If the mosquito did bite the baby, lotions are made from vinegar or soda solutions, the inflamed area is lubricated with tea tree oil, tea bags are applied, and the antihistamine Fenistil is used. Ice is used as a “local anesthetic”.

Why modern repellents do not work

Judging by the reviews on parent forums, it is difficult to find a safe and at the same time effective remedy for mosquitoes and midges for children. The basis of many preparations of various manufacturers is, as a rule, similar active ingredients. They may not be suitable for two reasons.

  1. Child allergy. Breasts are keen on the composition of many drugs. Before use, any drug is advised to test. It is necessary to smear a little funds on the elbow or knee bend. If irritation, itching or lacrimation appears - this remedy must be discarded.
  2. Insect immunity. Over the years, insects have developed "immunity", tolerance to modern repellents.

Remedy for mosquitoes for children "Naturon zoogleya": what are the features

The solution to their situation was proposed by the Russian company Sashera Med, releasing a natural mosquito repellent for children (including babies up to a year) and adults. It is allowed to be used even by pregnant women. It is no coincidence that the drug is logged with the image of a dragonfly. This insect is the main enemy of mosquitoes. And it is dragonfly larvae that are one of the main active components of the Naturonik Zoogleya cream-spray.

A smear of cream on the palm

Useful natural composition

Protection for children and adults from mosquitoes "Naturonik Zooglea" provides due to its unique composition. The creators of the drug have combined over 30 natural ingredients to create a safe and effective formula. The main are two substances.

  1. Zoogleya. This is a mucous mass formed by the accumulation of cells of beneficial bacteria and microorganisms. The famous Kombucha is a type of zoogley. The substance has a powerful antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and tonic effect.
  2. Dragonfly larvae. They appear from eggs that dragonflies place on aquatic plants. Interestingly, the dragonfly in the larval stage does not stop hunting and destroys hordes of blood-sucking insects. In the composition of the “Naturonik Zoogleya” cream spray, this particular component provides a mosquito repelling effect.

In addition to these substances, the composition of the product includes extracts and oils of basil, mint, horsetail, sea buckthorn, geranium, clover, mulberry, propolis, beaver musk and other natural ingredients. How useful is this? Judge for yourself: only one geranium It is used in the treatment of burns, purulent wounds, runny nose, head and muscle pain, depression, to increase mood and general tone. And volatile plants disinfect the air and are also a repeller of mosquitoes and midges.

"Naturon zoogley" is harmless to humans. It does not contain toxic, chemical, genetically modified, hormonal substances. The product does not accumulate in tissues, does not affect brain function.

Efficiency mark

"Zoogleya Naturonik" scares away mosquitoes, affecting their nerve endings. The effect lasts for two hours after applying the product, even if during this period you bathed in a pond. Cream recommend that:

  • scare away insects - besides mosquitoes, these are midges, ticks, fleas, bugs;
  • relieve inflammation - as well as swelling, itching, an allergic reaction at the site of the bite;
  • prevent infection - the product neutralizes viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites that mosquitoes can carry.

Additional healing and cosmetic properties

The unique organic composition of the anti-mosquito remedy Naturonik Zoogleya causes an additional therapeutic effect of the product. Means:

  • heals wounds, cuts, burns;
  • eliminates bleeding;
  • weakens the toxic effects of poisonous plants;
  • neutralizes the effects of poisons with snake bites;
  • eliminates a variety of edema, including biting stinging insects;
  • used for the prevention and healing of seizures;
  • It is used to treat rashes with herpes;
  • normalizes the psychological and emotional state.
Cream spray has a cosmetic effect. Therefore, mothers use it also for beauty. The product moisturizes and nourishes the skin, prevents pigmentation, rosacea and acne. With UV protection properties, the cream spray will protect you and your baby from sunburn. Do not rush to hide "Naturonic Zooglyu" with the advent of winter - the drug saves the skin from frostbite, dryness and cracks.

Dragonfly green bottle

How to apply and where to buy

Zooglea Naturonik is sold in convenient 60 ml bottles with a spray. Price - 260 rubles (as of July 2017). Cream spray is used sparingly, leaves no sticky residue. Storage conditions - two years in a dry, dark place at a temperature of no higher than 25 ° C. The product is easy to use. To protect yourself and your child from mosquitoes and the scorching sun, you need to perform only three actions.

  1. Apply. Cream spray smeared open and closed parts of the body. If you go for a walk, then the procedure must be carried out ten minutes before going outside.
  2. Distribute. The product is applied in a thin and even layer to potentially vulnerable areas. Including forever, lips, hair and scalp.
  3. Repeat. With a long stay in the air and for prevention, the procedure must be repeated after two hours.
In frosty weather, a cream spray is applied to exposed areas of the body before going outside. After returning home, they recommend using the drug again - this will prevent the skin from drying out and the appearance of cracks.
Article updated: 06/27/2019

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