Homemade moisturizing mask for different types of hair: we revive weakened strands and get rid of split ends

Hair is a business card of a woman. But this is true only for healthy shiny curls without split ends or a “dandelion” effect. In order to walk without hesitation with loose hair, it is important to provide it with deep hydration and nutrition. Natural products and homemade masks from them will help.
Girl with beautiful hair

The vast majority of girls devotes catastrophically little attention to curls. In 70% of cases, care comes down to washing with shampoo, applying balm and periodically using store masks. Of course, the modern rhythm of life does not always allow you to find time to prepare homemade cosmetics, but it is hair that is needed. Moisturizing masks perform the following functions:

  • normalization of water balance;
  • elimination of peeling and itching;
  • giving the hair shaft elasticity;
  • recovery after staining or heat treatment;
  • protection from ultraviolet or cold.

Recipe Selection

If store products do not save curls from brittleness and dryness, try changing the care product. Switch to natural moisturizing and nourishing cosmetics from the available components that are found in almost every kitchen.

For dry

Dry strands are most vulnerable to environmental factors. Both the scorching sun, and the crackling frost, and the wind lead to a loss of volume, brittleness, dullness, and cross-section. Homemade moisturizing mask is an essential element of regular care. Thanks to the nutritional components, the strands will again be strong and elastic. A suitable recipe can be found in the following table.

Table - Recipes of moisturizing masks for dry hair

- 45 ml of burdock oil;
- 45 ml peach oil;
- 45 ml of almond oil
For the nightWarm up before application
- 120 ml unsweetened yogurt;
- 15 ml of aloe juice;
- 15 ml of olive oil;
- egg yolk
2 hoursIf the mass is too liquid, add flour or starch
- 50 g of fatty cottage cheese;
- 45 ml of linseed oil;
- egg yolk
45 minutesRub the cottage cheese through a sieve
- 30 ml of fresh aloe juice;
- 30 ml of sour cream;
- 10 g of liquid or melted honey;
- 5 ml of burdock oil
1 hourAloe juice can be replaced with a drug in ampoules
Such moisturizers are great for curly hair. The saturated composition will slightly smooth out the naughty curls and facilitate styling.

Hair moisturizing oil

For fat

It is believed that fatty strands do not need moisture. This is fundamentally wrong, because increased greasiness is a violation of the glands. And the curls themselves remain defenseless against numerous external factors. In the following table, you can find the best recipe for a moisturizing mask for oily hair.

Table - Recipes of moisturizing masks for oily hair

- Half a cup of kefir;
- a third cup of yogurt
1 hour- Warm up before application;
- rub into skin
- 60 g of honey;
- 15 ml of almond oil;
- an egg;
- 5 drops of lavender ether
40 minutesBeat the egg white into the foam before adding to the mask
- clove of garlic (pass through a garlic squeezer);
- 15 ml of lemon juice;
- 30 g of honey;
- egg yolk
30 minutesRinse hair with hard-boiled mint to neutralize the smell of garlic
For the preparation of natural products, do not use metal containers and appliances. This can cause oxidation of products with subsequent loss of beneficial properties.

From split ends

Visited ends are one of the main problems of hair. They lead to tangles of curls and conceal the density. To give your hair a neat look, you have to constantly cut precious centimeters of length. To solve the problem differently, you need an effective moisturizing mask. The ingredients for one of the recipes presented in the table are likely to be found in the kitchen.

Table - Recipes of moisturizing masks for split ends

- 25 g of gelatin;
- 30 g of honey;
- 15 ml of chamomile decoction;
- 15 ml of nettle broth
40 minutesTowel-wrapped head with a hairdryer
- 45 ml of olive oil;
- 6-7 g of glycerin;
- 5 ml of apple cider vinegar;
- egg yolk
1 hourRinse with cool water and sulfate-free shampoo
- Half a glass of linseed oil;
- 10 g of crushed burdock root
1 hourBefore use, insist the mixture in a warm place for a day
- 45 ml of castor oil;
- 15 ml of fish oil;
- 15 ml of coconut oil
30 minutesApply only to split ends
To improve the tips, use the express method. Little olive, heat almond or sesame oil in the palms of your hands and treat wet strands.

For the weakened

Weakened and thin hair cannot look beautiful. They are devoid of elasticity and radiance. If you are tired of hiding the dull curls in a bundle, prepare a moisturizing mask, which further contributes to the shine of the strands. In the table, you can choose recipes from the available ingredients.

Table - Recipes of moisturizing masks for weakened hair

- 20 g of colorless henna;
- egg yolk;
- 15 ml of olive oil;
- 5 ml of cognac
40 minutesPre-steamed henna with boiling water in equal proportions
- 30 ml of burdock oil;
- 15 ml of "Dimexidum";
- 15 ml of sea buckthorn juice;
- 2 capsules "AEvita"
60 minutes"Dimexidum" should be added only to the part of the mask that will be applied to the roots
- Egg yolk;
- 30 ml of currant juice;
- 20-25 g of glycerin
30 minutesInstead of currant juice, you can use ascorbic acid for injection
Never heat masks that contain eggs. From high temperature the product will curl. Such products should be at room temperature.

Hair Mask

For stained

Hair coloring is the easiest way to change the image and the shortest way to dryness and cross-section. Staining takes place with minimal loss, if you regularly pamper the curls with home care. In the following table you can select the appropriate composition.

Table - Recipes of moisturizing masks for colored hair

- A slice of yesterday's rye bread;
- half a glass of plantain infusion
120 minutesRinse off without shampoo
- Mashed potatoes of one avocado;
- 2 egg yolks;
- 12 g of liquid honey
30 minutesRinse curls with water, acidified with vinegar
- Mashed large peach;
- 45 ml of carrot juice;
- 25 g sour cream
40 minutesCannot be used on fair hair; carrots may change color
To care for dyed hair, it is not recommended to use masks with a high concentration of vegetable fats. Oils can flush artificial pigment.

Application Technique

To achieve the best results, it is important to properly prepare and apply homemade cosmetics. Remember the five key steps.

  1. Moisturize. Lightly sprinkle curls from the spray gun. On wet hair it will be easier to distribute the composition.
  2. Distribute the mask. Through partings every 5 cm. Lightly massage to distribute the composition over the entire area.
  3. Use a comb with rare teeth. It is convenient for them to distribute the mask along the entire length.
  4. Insulate. Twist the curls into a tourniquet and wrap at the base. From above put on a cellophane hat and in addition warm with a towel.
  5. Withstand the set time. Rinse off with a sulfate-free agent.

Brunette with beautiful hair

6 tips to increase mask effectiveness

Using home masks, do not count on a quick result. They slowly but surely bring curls to feelings.To make this process faster and more efficient, be guided by six tips.

  1. Adjust the proportions. The mask recipes indicate the optimal ratio of components. But depending on the quality of the products, masks are often obtained excessively liquid or thick. You can correct the situation by adjusting the amount of ingredients, as well as adding water or flour.
  2. Mix the ingredients thoroughly. The components of the mask should act on the curls comprehensively. With a heterogeneous composition, the effect will be completely different.
  3. Apply courses. As a rule, 15 procedures are enough for a pronounced effect. Depending on the degree of damage to the hair, the procedure can be performed up to three times a week. Subsequently, use masks a couple of times a month for prevention.
  4. Use the mixture immediately. Homemade mixtures do not procure for future use. A few minutes after cooking, the product will begin to lose its beneficial properties.
  5. Alternate different recipes. After three or four procedures with the same composition, it may seem that the effect has disappeared. It's all about getting used to the hair of a monotonous combination of products.
  6. Get ready for the procedure. You need to comb your hair well. A five-minute head massage is also recommended to enhance blood flow.
During the preparation of the mask, all components must be at the same temperature. Therefore, if you take some products out of the refrigerator, let them lie on the table for 15-20 minutes.

The quality of the hair structure largely depends on how well you eat, how much fluid you use. To keep your hair shiny and not suffering from dryness, review your diet and make up for the lack of fluid in the body.


Masks from amla moisturize the hair very well, I restored my dry hair with the help of such masks, though blondes need to be careful, there is a possibility that the shade of the hair will change.

Anna Ivanova, https://www.ladywow.ru/maski-dlya-volos/uvlazhnyayushhie-maski-dlya-volos/

I, like most of the fair sex - a very busy person. But she made it a rule twice a week to make moisturizing masks with bifidocum. Hair is my pride. I am sure that a mask with a sour-milk product has the most positive effect on the hair. On clean hair, I apply bifidok over the entire length of the hair and wash it off after 40 minutes. Everything is simple!

Valentine http://www.arabio.ru/hair/uvlazhnyayuschie_maski_dlya_volos.htm

My hair is also very dry, thick, thick. There is no worse way to eat. Just yesterday, I tried a type of mask from an ordinary shampoo with the addition of vitamins from a pharmacy. Shine, fit without styling. Take a portion of shampoo twice, add A, C, E there, AT 12, PP in ampoules, mix and apply to the hair as usual massaging, rinse. And leave the second portion as a balm for 5 minutes and rinse thoroughly, since the vitamins are oily, the hair will also be oily. You can use a conditioner at the end to completely flush the oily vitamins. Do not blow dry. Walk in a towel. And then in a natural way. I don’t know how it will be, because the hair and the body are different.

Leah http://www.woman.ru/beauty/hair/thread/4042127/

Article updated: 12/18/2018

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