Vitamin E capsules: features of the release form and rules of administration

Vitamin E is a natural antioxidant that positively affects the processes of cellular metabolism. It is indicated for a number of pathological conditions, is available in various dosage forms. Because of the ease of use, capsules are especially in demand. Contrary to popular belief, the drug should not be taken without a doctor’s prescription.
Vitamin E Pack

Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) is a mixed drug. On the one hand, it enhances oxidative processes, preventing oxygen starvation at the cellular level, and on the other, it accelerates some reactions that are not always favorable for human health. In order for the drug to benefit, it should be taken only as directed by the doctor.

Description of the drug

Eight tocopherol vitamers are found in nature. Pharmaceuticals mainly use alpha-tocopherol, which can be completely reconstituted with a synthetic method. It is this substance that is active in most vitamin E drugs.

Other types of tocopherol are part of preparations containing natural vitamin E. It is obtained by extraction from natural sources of plant and animal origin. It is characteristic that all vitamers of tocopherol have the same characteristics and strengths on the human body. For this reason, synthetic alpha-tocopherol is calmly prescribed by doctors for symptoms of E-deficiency or vitamin deficiency.

Benefits of the encapsulated form of tocopherol:

  • fast assimilation;
  • oil content for full assimilation;
  • convenience of reception;
  • dosing accuracy.

The pharmaceutical industry produces encapsulated tocopherol in three dosages:

  • 100 mg each;
  • 200 mg each;
  • 400 mg each.

Since the most studied vitamer is alpha-tocopherol, the dosage is considered in IU, equating exactly to its activity.

Effects on the human body

The ability of tocopherol to dissolve in fats determines the ability of this substance to be cumulated by body tissues. All membrane structures of cells contain triglycerides, which are fat-containing compounds. It is they who accumulate tocopherol. The highest concentrations are noted in pituitary cells, hepatocytes, testis, muscle tissue, as well as in red blood cells.

The benefits of tocopherol are based on its antioxidant properties:

  • inactivates free radicals;
  • supports the structure of connective tissue;
  • slows down the aging process of all body tissues;
  • involved in the destruction of cancer cells;
  • protects other vitamins from the effects of radicals;
  • promotes the absorption of retinol (vitamin A).

Vitamin E in the composition of cell membranes activates the process of penetration of oxygen into cells. This ensures the improvement of tissue trophism at the cellular level, since without oxygen it is impossible to generate energy by cells, as well as remove metabolic products from them. For the same reason, tocopherol is able to rejuvenate and slow down the aging of the body - it is called the vitamin of youth and beauty.

In the medical world, tocopherol is actively used to treat sexual disorders. Participating in hormonal synthesis, he is able to:

  • normalize progesterone levels;
  • stimulate the full formation of the placenta;
  • normalize the menstrual cycle;
  • relieve symptoms ICP and menopausal syndrome;
  • improve spermatogenesis;
  • bring sperm counts to normal;
  • stabilize female and male libido;
  • overcome infertility.

Also, tocopherol has the following useful properties.

  • Angioprotective. It improves the state of vascular epithelium, normalizing the permeability of the vascular walls, and also prevents vascular damage to atherosclerosis. It has vasodilating properties.
  • Hematoprotective. Improving the rheological properties of blood, tocopherol normalizes central and peripheral blood supply, as well as blood circulation in the joints. The ability of the substance to prevent thrombosis was noted.
  • Regenerating. Tocopherol accelerates the healing of wounds, burns, frostbite and other damage to the skin. Normalizes skin condition in autoimmune and allergic diseases. Promotes healing of injuries without severe scarring.
  • Immunostimulatory. Nutrient stimulates T-cell and humoral immunity, increases the phagocytic activity of protective cells.
  • Antianemic. The substance prevents hemolysis, increases the resistance of red blood cells, preventing anemia.
  • Myoprotective. Improves tone, endurance and ability to regenerate muscles.


Mostly capsules are prescribed for tocopherol hypovitaminosis or vitamin deficiency. Also, tocopherol preparations are used as part of complex therapy for:

  • threatened miscarriage;
  • prevention of pathologies of gestation;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • manifestations menopause;
  • pregnancy planning;
  • mastopathy;
  • decreased libido hormonal origin;
  • violations of the quantitative and qualitative composition of sperm;
  • infertility
  • failure of sex hormones.

Reproductive system

Capsules are recommended for women in complex treatment endometriosischronic delays of menstruation, ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids. But taking the drug is possible only as directed and under the strict supervision of a doctor. The same applies to the use of vitamin E during pregnancy and lactation.

For men, a nutrient is prescribed for the treatment of impotence, as well as along with other drugs for prostatitis.

Muscles, joints, skin

Capsules help cope with muscle atrophy in rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus, as well as secondary muscle weakness in arthrosis and arthritis. They supplement the therapy of joint diseases accompanied by dystrophic and degenerative processes in the connective and cartilage tissue. Dermatologists prescribe capsules for the treatment of eczema, psoriasisdermatitis of atopic and allergic nature.

Vitamin E helps eliminate stretch marks, wrinkles and acne. Internal and external use is appropriate for hair loss, as well as to improve their structure and appearance.

GIT, immunity, lungs

In addition, the tool is used in therapy:

  • hearing impairment;
  • eye diseases;
  • some forms of periodontopathy;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • intestinal malabsorption;
  • pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
  • sarcoidosis of the lungs;
  • vegetovascular disorders;
  • oncological diseases (in some cases).

The combination of vitamin E with retinol is used to treat immunodeficiency conditions as well as obstructive pulmonary diseases. The drug helps to slow the growth and spread of atypical cells, reduces the negative effects of the effects of chemo and radio wave therapy.

Vitamin E is an antagonist of vitamins A, K, D. Therefore, it can be used to reduce the concentration of these nutrients in the tissues of the body.

Vitamins in capsules

Admission Rules

The fat-soluble vitamin E in drugs is placed in an oily environment. As a rule, the solvent is sunflower oil. For ease of administration, the substance is enclosed in easily soluble gelatin capsules. This approach allows you not to combine the capsule intake with the use of vegetable oil, in contrast to the unencapsulated forms of tocopherol.

The selection of a dose is done by a specialist.It depends on the type and course of the disease, the patient’s health status, the presence or absence of contraindications to taking the drug. It is believed that 100 mg is the average dose that does not carry a risk of overdose.

Recommended for the treatment and prevention of doses of vitamin E are as follows.

  • 400 mg per day. This dose is used in the treatment of menstrual irregularities and spermatogenesis, endocrine insufficiency, anemia and hepatitis.
  • 200 mg per day. For the treatment and prevention of fetal malformations, in the complex treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, with periodontal injuries, skin diseases.
  • 100 mg per day. The preventive dose allowed for admission from 12 years. It is also used for threats of miscarriage, muscle diseases, neurasthenic disorders, eye diseases.
Vitamin E is taken after a meal. The capsule is swallowed without chewing. The drug is washed down with a sufficient amount of water.

Overdose manifestations

Negative reactions of the body, indicating an overdose of vitamin E, appear only with prolonged use of large doses of the drug (about 1000 mg per day). The following symptoms are possible:

  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • dyspeptic disorders;
  • disturbances of the visual apparatus;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • fatigue.

If you ignore the symptoms, an overdose leads to:

  • vitamin K deficiency and the development of bleeding;
  • metabolic disorders in the cells of the thyroid gland;
  • blood clots;
  • lipid metabolism disorders;
  • a sharp excess of the nom level of sex hormones.

If an overdose is detected, doctors cancel the drug and prescribe medications to eliminate hypervitaminosis E.


Long-term intake of vitamin E in doses exceeding 400 mg may be accompanied by side effects:

  • dizziness
  • nausea
  • digestive disorders;
  • bleeding from the stomach;
  • upset stool;
  • weakness
  • fatigue.

With individual sensitivity, allergic reactions are possible, manifested by urticaria. Then they try to choose an analogue of the drug, since sometimes allergies are caused not by tocopherol, but by excipients in the composition of medicines.

In case of manifestation of undesirable effects, a doctor’s consultation is required regarding a reduction in the dose of the drug, its replacement or complete withdrawal.

Vitamin E Capsules


Contraindications that completely exclude the possibility of taking encapsulated vitamin E include:

  • age up to 12 years;
  • a heart attack, a history of stroke;
  • cardiosclerosis;
  • hypervitaminosis E;
  • increased thyroid function.

The use of the drug for therapeutic, prophylactic or cosmetic purposes requires prior consultation with a therapist.

Other medications

Article updated: 04/27/2019

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