Fast eyelash restoration after extension: the most useful remedies at home

After removing the cilia, their eyes became simply invisible. Their number has changed, "bald" areas have appeared, fragility has arisen ... How to restore eyelashes after extension? What tools can I use at home? We will talk about this later.
Eye Makeup

The reasons for the reduction in the quantity and quality of native eyelashes are various factors. Often, their loss and fragility provokes the lack of professionalism of the artist or the use of cheap adhesives. In this case, the damage from eyelash extensions is visible to the naked eye. In this situation, it is important not to panic and not rush into the salon again to hide the problem. Think about why you decided to abandon the extension of cilia, and engage in the rehabilitation of your own. Moreover, this can be done at home, without expensive drugs.

Features recovery. How long eyelashes are restored

Do eyelashes grow after extension and how do they grow? Yes, grow back. This process occurs continuously, since the life cycle of each hair is limited. It is 200 days, after which it falls. And from the hair sac, the next one begins to grow.

This process proceeds without failures, but its intensity is different. If low-quality adhesives were used during the build-up, the supply of hair follicles may be disturbed. In this case, the hairs will grow more slowly, and, growing back, will look thin and lifeless. After applying artificial eyelashes to fragile relatives, the latter break, but remain in the hair follicles. Therefore, it may seem that there is no cilia, although its fragment is still in the eyelid and does not allow the next to grow.

To interrupt the chain of these negative factors allows the restoration of eyelashes after extension. Its most important points are:

  • Eyelash Care. Our hairs are made of keratin. Their weakness is caused by the separation of the structure, when the keratin flakes diverge in different directions. It is necessary to “glue” them so that the hairs become more durable, elastic.
  • Eyelid Care. It is with him that the treatment of eyelashes begins after extension at home. After all, it is in the skin that the hair follicles are located, it is in it that the blood vessels pass, it is it that nourishes the hair sacs with useful substances, creating conditions for the growth of eyelashes.
  • Vitamin intake. Another step in solving the problem is how to quickly restore eyelashes after building. Vitamins A and E are required for the beauty of our eyes. They can be taken in the form of capsules or complex preparations. But the doctor should prescribe the latter.

Eyelash Care Procedures

Eyelashes fell out and grow for a long time? Do not worry - they will grow! We will tell you how to quickly grow and treat eyelashes after building with the help of folk remedies. Their charm lies in ultimate accessibility. Moreover, most expensive professional products are created on the basis of the same natural ingredients that can be purchased at a pharmacy for ridiculous amounts.

  • Vegetable oils. The champion in the healing effects on eyelashes is castor oil. It is better than other means to solve the problem of how to strengthen eyelashes after building. Apply it daily for a month, preferably when heated. It is convenient to do this with a mascara brush, and to store the product, adjust the bottle from the old brasmatik (well washed). Remove makeup first, lubricate the cilia and remove the makeup after an hour. After this procedure, the eyelashes grow very quickly.
  • Oil mixes. If castor oil takes care of restoring the structure of hairs, then almond and peach stimulate their growth, burdock improves blood supply to the skin of the eyelids, and olive perfectly moisturizes the skin. Prepare a comprehensive eyelash care product after extensions. Mix the ingredients and use daily.
  • Vitamins A and E. They can be added to each of the oils or to a complex agent. To do this, take vitamins in capsules (they are sold in a pharmacy), open, drip 3 drops on a teaspoon of the main product.
It is important to apply the product regularly, best of all - daily. The effect will not be instantaneous, but after 2 weeks you will see that your tactics on how to restore eyelashes after building folk remedies gives a result. And in a month your look will again become irresistible.

Happy girl treats cilia

Masks and compresses

In addition to basic care, masks and compresses can be used, which must be done a couple of times a week. They will enhance the effectiveness of therapy.

  • Aloe mask. Mix castor and burdock oil, add the same amount of aloe leaf juice. Add 3 drops of vitamin E to the mixture. Apply the product on the cilia for 30 minutes, remove with a napkin.
  • Mask with aloe and parsley. Use any oil for eyelash care, add aloe juice, finely chopped parsley to it. Place the mixture on peeled eyelids, hold for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
  • Lash Loss Compress. With intensive loss of cilia and concomitant inflammation of the eyelids, use decoctions of the flowers of cornflower, chamomile, calendula, thyme, sage. They are brewed with boiling water, insisted for an hour, dipped in cotton infusion disks, which are applied to the eyelids warm for 15 minutes.

Now you know how to restore eyelashes after building. Reviews confirm the effectiveness of these techniques at home!

Article updated: 06/27/2019

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