Acne on the face of women: for what organs are responsible, and how are the bumps on the forehead connected with fast food

Acne is not only an aesthetic problem, but also a medical one. The skin, as the largest organ, talks about the health of the human body as a whole. The relationship of the state of internal organs and skin in certain areas of the face is scientifically proven. That is why, when the treatment of rashes comes to a standstill, cosmetologists and dermatologists turn to a special "map". It specifies which organs are responsible for acne on the face, allows you to establish the causes of their appearance.
Beautiful blonde

The fight against acne is traditionally and most actively conducted by ladies. Most men seek help from doctors only in advanced cases. Plus a testosterone background protects guys from serious skin problems. The cause of extensive inflammatory rashes in men often lies in the penetration of infection under the skin, while for women there are many provocative factors.

Does acne mean that their owners have something serious? This question is of concern not only to adolescents, but also to adults themselves, and unfortunately, sometimes, not without reason. Designating this problem for yourself is already a step on the way to solving it. Of course, we are not psychics, we don’t take diagnoses from photos, and we need to recognize that sometimes a complete picture will develop only after a visit to a specialist, but ... Pimples on different parts of the face can have different meanings for diagnosis, and which one - let's try to figure it out first. by yourself.

Rash formation pattern: 5 steps

For most cosmetologists, the causes of acne are very specific. These include factors that cause pore contamination:

  • enhanced separation of keratinized skin particles;
  • hygiene mistakes;
  • hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands.

Among the acne provocateurs are infections. Sometimes they affect the skin of perfectly healthy people, observing all the rules of self-care. But more often pathogenic microorganisms populate the skin of intensely sweating, working in a dusty environment and rarely washing people.

The mechanism of skin inflammation consists of five stages.

  1. Pollution. Secrets of the skin are mixed with keratinized particles of the epithelium, dust, dirt.
  2. Blockage. The mixture covers the openings of the pores.
  3. Rash formation. Inside, sebum begins to accumulate, stretching and overloading the sebaceous gland. Blackheads or dots appear.
  4. Inflammation. If the time could not open on its own (for example, during a hot shower or using a scrub), pathological processes in it increase. An infection gets inside the duct, activating the body's defenses and provoking an inflammatory process (directly an acne).
  5. The formation of pus. Under the influence of inflammation, the contents of the pore are attacked by immune cells - pus is formed.

With a favorable development of events, the pimple is opened, pus is pushed out, the inflammation passes and everything heals itself. In case of adverse - pus accumulates in the skin, surrounding tissues are involved in the inflammatory process, inflammation builds up, a boil (boil) or an internal abscess appears.

The described processes are relevant for the skin of almost all parts of the body. But on the face, back and chest, the largest number of sebaceous glands is concentrated, so inflammatory rashes appear more often.

And then the disease

Acne map compiled by representatives of oriental medicine - dermatologists, cosmetologists and Ayurveda.It is in Ayurvedic teaching that the internal organs are "projected onto the face." Only scientists can penetrate thoroughly into this mechanism. And for the average layman it is important to know the following.

  • Impulses. Each diseased internal organ sends specific signals to the brain, to a separate area of ​​the cortex.
  • CNS Processing. The cerebral cortex is responsible for the functioning of autonomic regulation.
  • Signal. It is the autonomic system that ensures the constancy of the skin condition. Signals from the autonomic system lead to increased production of sebum.
  • Result. There are optimal conditions for a rash.

What specific pathologies are indicated by acne on the face can be found only after examination of potentially affected organs. Occasionally, an examination of the whole organism is required.

But does a rash on a face always indicate a disease? If acne is present in all areas, does this mean that there is no “healthy place” inside the human body? Beauticians and doctors give a negative answer. In addition to diseases of internal organs, a huge number of factors can provoke acne. We will talk about the illness of a separate organ if inflammatory rashes appear on a specific area of ​​the face regularly, for a long time. However, the remaining zones may not be exposed to a rash at all.

Before you independently connect acne on the face with problems of internal organs, you should visit a specialist - a cosmetologist or dermatologist. The doctor will determine whether you care for your skin and evaluate the likelihood of internal diseases.

Which organs are responsible for acne on the face: a detailed map

The connection of acne on the face with internal organs was the first to be noted by the healers of Ancient China. It was they who were assigned the ability to identify diseases by only one look at the patient. This Ayurvedic map of acne on the face identifies more than 30 different zones, linking each of them with the systems or functions of individual organs. In modern cosmetology, a simplified "acne reading" is practiced.

Acne on the forehead of a girl


Cosmetology statistics indicate that the forehead for acne is a favorite place. Here they can be anything - small, large, inflamed and not. They usually speak of slagging of the body, the accumulation of toxic products of endogenous and exogenous origin in it. This situation may arise due to:

  • junk food abuse;
  • violations of the excretory function of the kidneys and intestines;
  • failures in the digestion of food;
  • intestinal microflora disorders;
  • malfunctions of the gallbladder.

More specific:

  • hairline rash - indicates kidney dysfunction;
  • acne in the center of the forehead - talk about intestinal diseases;
  • rashes in the upper part of the central zone - failures relate to the large intestine (if in the lower - small);
  • lesion of the superciliary - malfunctions of the circulatory system, may indicate a weakness of the heart;
  • temporal lesions - A signal about diseases of the gallbladder.

As a rule, to eliminate a rash on the forehead, it is enough to reconsider the diet and lifestyle:

  • switch to fractional diet;
  • refuse fast food;
  • limit the use of fatty, fried, sweet;
  • drink a course of probiotics;
  • saturate the diet with fiber;
  • unload the pancreas.
Also provoke acne on the forehead can be a dysbiosis that has arisen while taking medication. It is possible the use of drugs that have a toxic effect on the body. To cleanse the body, it is very important to drink enough fluid. In the fight against acne will help not only clean water, but also green tea.


The area around the eyes in medicine is usually called the periorbital region. If the eyes look bad, sin on the condition of the kidneys. The acne situation is no exception. A rash on the eyelids indicates a malfunction in the urinary system.This assumption is confirmed if acne around the eyes is accompanied by dark circles or swelling of the tissues.

Women note the appearance of small inflamed pimples during exacerbation of cystitis and pyelonephritis. A rash can appear when abusing harmful liquids - strong teas and coffee, beer, other types of alcohol, sweet soda. Such drinks create additional difficulties for the cleansing function of the kidneys. The level of toxins in the body rises, and the skin on the face suffers.

To confirm suspicions, an ultrasound of the kidneys should be done, a urinalysis should be taken. It is important to consume enough clean water and avoid the use of substances that irritate the renal tubules - sweet and spicy foods.


Acne on the nose of the ladies, contrary to popular belief, is not at all a signal about the presence of an admirer. This is an indication of a malfunction in the liver or pancreas. The first lesion is evidenced by a small rash between the eyebrows and on the upper rib of the nose. The sprinkled wings of the nose and its tip indicate pancreatic disorders.

Not only pathologies of the organs under discussion can lead to acne, but also a banal increased load on them. It is created by:

  • eating fatty foods;
  • alcohol abuse
  • frequent medication;
  • gastritis;
  • binge eating;
  • the use of food additives.

With a rash on the nose, you should eat properly, do not overeat, saturate the diet with vegetable oils and other lipotropic substances that favor the renewal of hepatocytes.

Sometimes the rash signals more significant disorders - the onset of exacerbation of pancreatitis, viral or infectious damage to the liver, its fatty degeneration. Then you need to consult a doctor and prescribe specific medications.

Girl pushes a pimple on her chin


If instead of a healthy blush acne and acne flaunt on your cheeks, this may indicate problems with the bronchopulmonary system, as well as a possible gastritis. In smokers, asthmatics, victims of chronic bronchitis, acne on the lower part of the "apples" of the cheeks is a common thing. Rashes can be single or numerous, however, they adorn the patient's face almost always. Not only bad habits and illnesses, but also work in dusty conditions can cause a rash on the cheeks.

Acne forms in the upper part when there are stomach problems. Gastritis, peptic ulcer and impaired gastric motility - all this can cause a rash and acne on the cheekbones.

To eliminate such a rash, a consultation with a pulmonologist and a gastroenterologist will be required. Getting rid of bad habits and timely treatment will make your cheeks clean and rosy.

In some cases, red rashes on the cheeks can be a manifestation of systemic diseases - allergies and hypertension. A visit to relevant specialists and treatment with specific drugs will be required.


Acne on the face indicates hormonal disorders if they are located on the chin, immediately below it or on the front of the neck. A rash may appear in young women due to natural changes in hormone levels. For example, during pregnancy, after childbirth, in a certain phase of the menstrual cycle.

Almost always, rashes and acne on the chin and neck accompany the puberty of boys and in 85% of cases - girls. These are natural processes that take place on their own. Acne elimination accelerates proper skin care.

The periodic appearance of rashes may indicate hormone fluctuations, while specific treatment is not always required. Things are more complicated if the chin is constantly covered with a rash, and it is represented by red knotted acne extending to the neck. The prolonged presence of such rashes can indicate functional disorders in the functioning of the genitals and endocrine glands.

Treatment of hormonal disorders should be prescribed only by a specialist. In some cases, birth control pills may be required. Their independent selection is unacceptable.

Perioral zone

Acne in the area of ​​the lips and diseases of the digestive tract are closely related. We are talking about various pathologies of the mucous membranes that slow down the absorption of nutrients and upset the ratio in the body of nutrients. In addition, violations of microflora provoke a decrease in protective functions. The rash on the lips can take the form of acne, acne, sores, herpetic eruptions.

Experts associate acne damage to the lips with various dental problems and nervous disorders. In Ayurvedic theory, a rash on the lips means regret for the words spoken.

Woman wipes her face with a cotton pad

The key to healthy skin

It should be understood that acne zones on the face and the condition of internal organs are only relatively related. It happens that the essence of the problem lies not deep inside the body, but on its very surface. To get rid of acne in this case, you should:

  • normalize diet;
  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • provide proper care;
  • timely cleanse the skin;
  • regularly and fully remove makeup;
  • less touch the face with your hands;
  • change towels often;
  • ensure the freshness of pillowcases.
This set of manipulations is enough to forget about acne. But if the problem lies in the work of internal organs, these actions will not be effective.

If the rash does not go away for a long time even with proper care and regular skin cleansing, it is better to undergo a full examination and find its underlying cause. What are the acne on the face of women, competently can only be evaluated by a dermatologist. The specialist will give the exact direction in search of a real provocateur. Sometimes the localization of rashes helps to timely identify and eliminate serious pathologies.

Article updated: 05/27/2019

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